HjemForumCasinoerHold'N'Spin Casino – generel debat

Hold'N'Spin Casino – generel debat (side 2)

 af Clemens8192
25.854 visninger 122 svar |
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Hey Yoyeli, Player protection is one of our Important Points in our Company Policy.

I have research your Case to Check, whats was the Problem and if our Team Fail to block your Account.

The Facts:

You have write Multiply Times to our Live Chat, what have no Option to close your Account. (Extern Support Team)

They send you the Info that you should Contact: support@holdnspinsupport.com

We have reviewed the Live Chats and seen that the Live Chat give you the correct Informations to your Problem.

In the Last Chat with them i see a screenshot with the Following Mail: support@holdnspin.com (Date 29.07.2023)

They had request, to send them a screenshot. And notified you that you have wrote multiple Times to the wrong Email. (And they have give you in all Chats the correct Mail)

This Mail not exist, what the Result are we not become these Mails.

You send us on 29.07.2023 9:08 AM the Mail to the correct Email.

On Jun 29, 2023, 9:17 AM also 9 Minutes later, our Team had Block your Account and Confirmed that your Account is permanently Closed.

Can you tell me more about it ?

I may be missing something here, but these are the facts I have.

In the event of non-blocking by correctly submitting this request within 12 hours, we will of course refund all deposits to you.

But I would not recognize here that an error has taken place in any form.


Best Regards




Hello Jaro, thank you for wanting to help the player. I have replied to the player with the facts to read through and if I missed anything I would like him to comment.

If the lock really failed somewhere, we will of course resolve this situation as noted.

The facts currently speak against it and I think that there will be no more here either. But I'm open and awaiting the player's response.

Best regards



Hold'N'Spin Casino

On behalf of Jaro - Allow me to thank you. 🙂 

We aim to provide a neutral place for solving issues, so hopefully, the player will take advantage of your reply, and sort out the approach accordingly.

We all make mistakes, and it's strongly beneficial to the whole community to learn from those.

Have a good one!

Jeg forsøger at foretage en udbetaling, og den vises ikke på min konto, og ingen giver mig nogen tilfredsstillelse. løs venligst

Automatisk oversættelse:
Hold'N'Spin Casino

løse mit problem

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg forsøger at foretage en udbetaling, og den vises ikke på min konto, og ingen giver mig nogen tilfredsstillelse. løs venligst

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello there, this is quite an unfortunate situation, and you did the best thing you could by visiting Casino Guru and submitting the complaint!

I can't personally say what is happening, and I'm sorry to see your account seems to be blocked while the casino still fails to communicate with you. I suggest we wait for the complaint to proceed further!

I wish we'll see a resolution soon.

Det er allerede blevet løst, de tog længere tid betalte mig i går, mange tak til jer alle.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Nice to hear that!!! ✨👍

Have you found out what the issue was by any chance? I mean such information may prove its worth later on.

One way or another, I'm glad it worked out.

det er følgende, jeg lavede et indskud på 15 euro, jeg tjente 51 euro, så jeg spurgte ledsageren, hvorfor udbetalingen tog så lang tid, han informerede mig om, at jeg havde en dubletkonto, jeg spurgte hvilken e-mailadresse og navn på denne duplikerede konto, så han fortalte mig det ikke, jeg sagde bare, at det er den samme e-mail, der bruges på forskellige enheder, hvilket ikke giver nogen mening, da det aldrig har været en regelbrud på noget websted, at logge ind på en anden enhed med en ENKEL konto. beder om at fortsætte med min tilbagetrækning, så jeg printede hele samtalen ud, og jeg har tænkt mig at afsløre det her, for jeg vil ikke miste mine penge, uden grund, uden at bryde nogen regler eller uden at have gjort noget forkert! casinoguru hjælp mig med at løse dette! filefilefilefilefile

Automatisk oversættelse:

resten af samtalen er her! de er simpelthen dårlige undskyldninger for ikke at betale mig! filefilefile

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hey. I understand your upset. 

I would like to ask if anyone in your area uses the same IP address and has an account at this casino? Any friends, family, etc. 

Anyway, is this your first withdrawal at the casino ? How long has this withdrawal situation been going on ? Has your account been verified before ? 

If you are not aware that you have multiple accounts in this case, I recommend that you file a complaint with us and our team will try to look into your situation. 

However, it would be good in this case that your complaint does not end up like the last 3, where you eventually stopped answering. AlSo it is good that you have evidence and I hope it will be useful for our team. 

If anything new comes up, don't hesitate to update us. 


Jeg åbner en klage, og vi vil se, og jeg har ikke andre konti på samme IP! og jeg har allerede lavet 2 indbetalinger, og ja det ville være min første udbetaling uden at vælge bonusser!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Of course, if you don't think you've done anything wrong then it's the right thing to do. I was wondering if your account has been fully verified yet ? 

Anyway, If something new comes up and you have additional information, let us know.

For now we can only wait and see how your case develops. 


ja mit ID og min adresse er bekræftet. De informerede mig om, at en e-mail ville blive sendt til mig inden for 48 timer, men jeg modtog ikke den e-mail!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello again!

According to the complaint submitted, I dare to ask you to address the complaint, it needs a few answers to proceed further:

"We will contact the casino and ask for supporting evidence, but, before we do so, could you please advise if, to the best of your knowledge, there’s a possibility that someone else from your family members or neighbors has opened an account from the same IP address or device as yours or using your email address? Were your winnings accumulated with or without an active bonus? Was your account verified previously?"

Kindly use this link to respond:


Thank you!


Jeg vil besvare din klage

Automatisk oversættelse:

The complaint is actually yours 🙂, am only here to assist you if case you would need it.

In the past, the site processed withdrawals quickly on the same day. Now I had a withdrawal four days ago and the process was not completed even though it was via encrypted currencies. I talk to them and they say write to us via e-mail and send it to them, but the e-mail is not answered.

I have a verified account with them with maximum verification and I am a distinguished customer on the site and I have withdrawn in the past, but now I am procrastinating to cancel the withdrawal and losing money.


Jeg venter på svargodkendelse... Men jeg vil besvare dette spørgsmål der

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