Som jeg fortalte dig, frygter jeg, at det også er dit ansvar at tjekke reglerne eller spørge supporten, hvis du ikke er sikker.
Mit tidligere svar:
"Jeg er enig i, at det er mærkeligt ikke at nævne en så vigtig regel, hvis der er en særlig landingsside for bonusvilkårene for hver bonus. Det er ikke en god brugeroplevelse. For mig ville det højst sandsynligt være et signal til at bede om støtten eller genlæse vilkårene og betingelserne. Især af jer siger, at denne regel er ret almindelig for bonusser, der tilbydes i dette casino at dele sådanne oplevelser er stadig tilbage!"
As I told you, I fear it is also your responsibility to check out the rules or ask the support if you are not sure.
My previous response:
"I agree that it is weird not to mention such an important rule if there is a special landing page for the bonus terms of each bonus. It is not a good user experience. For me, that would be most likely a signal to ask for the support or reread the terms and conditions. Especialy of you say this rule is pretty common for bonuses offered in this casino. On the other hand, we are all quite quick thinkers after the damage has been done to someone else. Thus, the importance of sharing such experiences still remains!"