HjemForumCasinoerKingamo Casino – generel debat

Kingamo Casino – generel debat (side 2)

 af hudaklaci
3.218 visninger 22 svar |
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Thnak you!

This is precisely what I was talking about. The casino, for the stated reason, is concerned about the authenticity.

You may buy false documents online in the pdf format - ready to be used.

So, in order to verify it is truly you and that you have access to the presented documents, they ask you to capture a video. The other option would be a live call, most likely.

I imagine you find it strange, especially if you never had to pass such verification before, yet it does not mean it is a wise move to reject the cooperation.

Consider it from the casio's perspective: Why would you refuse to capture the video if you have nothing to hide regarding your identity?

If I may advise you, I would do as they ask. It is still the easiest way to get the money. Perhaps you would need more detailed instructions or support to meet all the requirements; if you do, ask the casino support. Such an approach will certainly demonstrate your willingness to cooperate.

Fordi mit engelsk er ret dårligt, og hvis jeg begynder at tale finsk i videoen, vil kasinoet næsten ikke forstå det, og videoen vil blive "afvist". Det her handler ikke længere om sikkerhed, men casinoet forsøger at få mig til at miste mine penge tilbage, ja, selv en blind zebra kan se, hvad casinoet laver her. Og det er derfor, for det andet, jeg har min familie derhjemme, ingen andre mennesker måtte optræde i videoen, hvorfor? Skal jeg smide min familie ud af deres hjem? Dette er rent bullshit fra casinoets side, og intet mere. Tror casinoet, at nogen tvinger mig her på knivspidsen til at spille på deres side og hæve pengene? Der er allerede indgivet en klage til Askgamblerss over denne sag, så i fremtiden vil jeg diskutere sagen igennem det. Derfor, hvorfor lægger casinoet ikke straks alle de nødvendige ting, hvad de kræver af kunden, men en efter en beder de om mere "bevis"? Og hvert "bevis" tager altid en dag eller to for at blive accepteret. Ja du ved også hvad det handler om i sidste ende, du kan bare ikke indrømme det når du får penge fra casinoerne.

Automatisk oversættelse:


I understand your concern. Did you tell this to the support?

I believe you are only supposed to say a few things, so I would practice saying these using Google Translator. I apologize, but I feel like you are exaggerating a little bit about the other. Saying that your family is at home and you are unable to record a quick video could drastically reduce your chances of success. I truly try to explain everything to you, so in order to pass the verification, you must appear in the video by yourself. This is because it must be clear that no one else is tutoring you. You have to demonstrate that it is just you. That is the main idea. Therefore, no, you are in no way required to evict your family. Simply enter the room, shut the door, and record the video.

In my opinion, there are doubts regarding the legitimacy of your account; therefore, you must successfully complete this step in order to be compensated. No matter how you feel about this step, if you want to avoid having your account permanently closed and your balance voided, I would advise you to proceed.

Ask away if you have any more questions. My intention is to assist you in preparing as best you can for the video.

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