HjemForumCasinoerMarsbet Casino – generel debat

Marsbet Casino – generel debat

1 år siden af Rafaeliton
13.742 visninger 74 svar |
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1 år siden
Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Marsbet Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.
1 år siden

Hello there, and thanks for sharing.

The support should always try to be patient and helpful, that's for sure. On the other hand hand, I do not exactly understand the situation described. I guess you are not happy with both the minimum deposit limits and also with the withdrawal limits. Well, you should always check the terms - containing the limits - BEFORE you make the deposit. It's your choice, after all. Would you agree?

Can you see those limits written clearly in the rules?

1 år siden

So technically, you planned to deposit your cryptocurrency into the casino and then withdraw the money without playing to avoid fees. Well, casinos are not banks and are not happy to substitute for paid banking services, so the casinos apply minimum withdrawal and deposit limits as well. Furthermore, they also utilize the anti-money laundering policy - which means you must play your deposited funds several times to prevent laundering the money. If you truly intended to deposit and withdraw the funds immediately, it could be seen as a money laundering attempt, since you admitted you aimed to avoid fees.

Though I understand your intentions, you can hardly blame the casino for its limits or wagering contribution. If you don't like it don't deposit there. Instead, make the research first, read the terms, and check bonus conditions.

"The essence of the game of chance is that you choose how much you want to play "That's correct, untill you accept bonus with a specific limitations and rules - don't take it if you don't like it.

It's quite simple.

Anyway, have you ever heard about "house edge"? The mathematical advantage is always on the casino's side.

1 år siden

I played with my money after deposit.

My question is: why this limits to withdraw?

Let's imagine a situation: someone deposit 5x less than minimum to withdraw. What do you think will happen?

It's a hidden rollover, it's not clean. Casinos must review it.

You can tell me the problem is mine and I'll continue defending my idea. Rollover must be applied only when it's described on promotions and bonus.

"You must be attent". Ok, I give you some reason but it's always great to remember that the general terms and rules don't tell us that and it's a "hidden rollover".

Casinos must review it.

1 år siden

I wouldn't call a withdrawal limit a hidden rollover. There is no relation.

Since it doesn't exist, it can hardly be mentioned in the rules 🙂.

The casino allows players to deposit as much or less as they can afford or prefer to deposit. It's unreasonable to put let's say unlimited deposit option together with the withdrawal limit.

Keep in mind you always have to wager your deposit at least a few times, so what's the matter?

At first, you should consider all money deposited in the casino as lost - because, in the long term, the casino always wins. If you prefer to lose 5x less than the minimum withdrawable amount - it makes perfect sense to me. 🙂

I said that again - always check the casino's terms and rules to ensure you actually like to play there.

The casino is not responsible for your bad pick.

If you don't like it, don't play there.

1 år siden

Med hensyn til at satse indbetalingsbeløbet mindst én gang, mener jeg, det er rimeligt, trods alt skal hvidvaskning af penge undgås, selvom der er kasinoer, der ikke kræver 1x rollover på indbetalingen, og jeg anser det bedste, der findes, fordi de bevarer essensen af spillet uheld.

Hvad angår resten, fortsætter jeg med min mening, selv det mindste udbetalingsbeløb bør oplyses før indbetalingen, så spilleren er klar over, hvor meget han skal satse, eller hvor meget han kan tabe før indbetaling. Hvis rige kasinoer var ærlige, ville de gøre det, men det er de ikke, fordi de skjuler denne skjulte rollover for indskud under minimumsudbetalingen.

Som jeg fortalte dig, har jeg min mening, og du har din, tror jeg, at denne diskussion er lukket.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Du tror måske endda, at dette ikke er en skjult rollover, men det er fordi rollover ikke er et fast antal indsatser, men en værdi, som spilleren skal nå for at kunne hæve.

Her i dette tilfælde er der ingen forudbestemt værdi, fordi det afhænger af odds og indsatser, men i sidste ende er det det samme.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Med hensyn til at satse indbetalingsbeløbet mindst én gang, mener jeg, det er rimeligt, trods alt skal hvidvaskning af penge undgås, selvom der er kasinoer, der ikke kræver 1x rollover på indbetalingen, og jeg anser det bedste, der findes, fordi de bevarer essensen af spillet uheld.

Hvad angår resten, fortsætter jeg med min mening, selv det mindste udbetalingsbeløb bør oplyses før indbetalingen, så spilleren er klar over, hvor meget han skal satse, eller hvor meget han kan tabe før indbetaling. Hvis rige kasinoer var ærlige, ville de gøre det, men det er de ikke, fordi de skjuler denne skjulte rollover for indskud under minimumsudbetalingen.

Som jeg fortalte dig, har jeg min mening, og du har din, tror jeg, at denne diskussion er lukket.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Hello there.

I believe the player should read all terms before the deposit is made. No one will ever "inform" you in any other way.

By creating an account you confirm you made yourself familiar with all rules. Once the limits are stated in the rules, you were informed before making the deposit.

It's not about having a different opinion, I believe. It's more about possession of common sense and thinking first. So you won't feel cheated.

Keep playing in casinos with no AML policy for lower deposits, that's cool. 🙂

1 år siden

Du tror måske endda, at dette ikke er en skjult rollover, men det er fordi rollover ikke er et fast antal indsatser, men en værdi, som spilleren skal nå for at kunne hæve.

Her i dette tilfælde er der ingen forudbestemt værdi, fordi det afhænger af odds og indsatser, men i sidste ende er det det samme.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

I'm afraid not. The rollover is actually a multiplier applied to a certain amount. It has nothing to do with odds, it's simply a number 3x, 5x, 10x... I'd say.

Take this example: You decide to deposit 5 in whatever currency you like, and you know the minimum withdrawal limit is set to 25, it's you who determined what you called a "hidden rollover" is now 5 times the deposit. While 2x AML wagering is applied, it would be better to deposit at least 10.

I hope it helps to clear away any doubts. 🙂

1 år siden

OKAY. Jeg er ved at lære at håndtere disse smarte fyre.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

If I may say, that's the spirit! 👍🙌

Allow me to say that you can always think what you like, but the most important part - at least for me - is to understand the rules and their fairness simply to never be "unsmart" by the casino.

Playing should be fun, but sadly each fun has its terms nowadays, so we have to be smart.

If you ever find another interesting topic, come and share. Who knows, you may uncover a nasty term!

1 år siden

Hej, jeg vil gerne sige, at Marsbet har sænket deres minimumsudbetalingsgrænse. Tillykke til huset for holdningen, dette viser din egnethed og ærlighed. Jeg vil helt sikkert satse på dette hus igen, jeg havde aldrig haft problemer med det, og jeg kunne altid lide dets tjenester.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Awesome, I was hoping for positive feedback to appear here on the forum today 🙂.

So, from now on, how much is the minimum, please?

1 år siden

Nu har Marsbet fastsat R$50,00 for udbetalinger via pix.

Mit liv som gambler har lært mig at være mindre stolt, det vil jeg gerne sige her omkring, fordi vi altid vil vinde, men vi skal lære at håndtere tab og forstå, at vi ikke altid vinder her i livet.

Tillykke til Marsbet og selvom minimum var 100BRL synes jeg også det er rimeligt, jeg er ikke nervøs for det længere - husene skal også vinde.

Hvis du kunne kommunikere mit svar til Marsbet, ville jeg blive glad, fordi mit forhold til dem er lidt dårligt.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden


That's very honorable, if I may say so!

I believe I could find some way to pass your response to the casino somehow, but I would like to suggest you contact them via their social media accounts instead.

It's more direct and visible.

Care to try Instagram, perhaps?

This profile seems like a good start:


Let me know what you think 🙂

Don't forged you can also write honest user review on Masbet, here on the website directly. 😉


1 år siden

Udgivet anmeldelse.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Saw it 🙂

Good work, if I may say!

1 år siden

Hello there!

I'm so sorry to hear about such issues. We, in Casino Guru take responsible gaming topics and approach very seriously, thus allow me to ask you one question now.

Did you inform the casino about having the gambling problem, please? Every decent casino is supposed to close your account as soon as possible the moment you state "I want to close my account due to gambling problem/addiction.

I just want to be sure about the way ask, simply because if you chose not to mention it, you should do that now.

As being said, once the gambling problem is mentioned the account must be closed, if you feel the casino keeps falling at this, I urge you to submit a complaint.

To do so just now, please click/tap this link.

I would also like to recommend to you this whole section called "Responsible Gambling and Help for Problem Gamblers"

As you may see, there are direct contacts to local centers, so this link should really help you out:


Update me regarding the question soon.🙏

1 år siden

GURU Jeg har brug for hjælp dette casino Jeg har allerede bedt om selvudelukkelse flere gange, og jeg har allerede informeret casinoet om, at jeg har problemer med spillet, jeg er afhængig, og de åbner altid min konto igen, når jeg spørger, og de fortæller mig altid, at de lægge ansvarligt spil helt i hænderne på spilleren Jeg får ikke kontrol Jeg genåbner altid kontoen og genindbetaler kasinoet ved, at jeg har problemer med spillet

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden


Based on the given information, I'm so sorry the exclusion doesn't work as it should.

In such case, submit a complaint immediately - it's free, don't worry.

Use this link to start over.

In the meantime, do everything you can to limit your chances of getting into the casino. For instance, ask someone you fully trust to change your password. To ensure you won't be able to use the "forgotten password" feature, would also be good to limit access to the registration email.

What do you think about it?

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