HjemForumCasinoerMostBet Casino – generel debat

MostBet Casino – generel debat

 af surekhasuresh200
62.373 visninger 326 svar |
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Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til MostBet Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

I have a withdrawal issue... I have withdrawal the amount of 10000 rs but amount is not getting credited till know



allow me to ask you a few questions regarding your issue, please:

Has your account been fully verified?

In what status your withdrawal currently is? When did you submit the withdrawal request?

Have you successfully withdrawn before? If so, did you use the same payment option?

Are you in contact with the casino, please? What is the casino's explanation?

Kindly provide more details if possible.

Yes I have withdrawal the amount before yes my account is fully verified know amount was credited in to the account


Alright, thanks for the info. How long time have you been waiting for the last withdrawal? When did you submit the request?

Hej, jeg vil gerne annullere min konto hos mostbet og er det overhovedet muligt, de vil have mig til at tage billeder af deres dokumenter, så jeg vil spørge om det er sikkert og om jeg kan gøre det

Automatisk oversættelse:

God dag,

Må jeg vide, hvorfor du vil lukke kontoen? For din forståelse bekræfter ansvarlige kasinoer identiteten på en spiller, der lukker en konto på grund af et spilproblem, så hvis en sådan spiller genåbner kontoen, kan de sikkert identificeres og forhindres i at spille.

Dette er i øvrigt en almindelig procedure til at verificere en spiller, der anmoder om en udbetaling.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Mostbet coustomer support is useless don't contact them when ur deposit haven't show up they will not help boooo to mostbet.i made a deposit n still it haven't come its been 17days


Hello, I just moved your post here to Mostbet Casino general discussion. In this case try to contact your payment provider which you used for a deposit. Maybe they bring more clarification. Via which way did you contact the casino please? It is not good if casino ignores your queries. Have you received any answer from them at the beginning?

Mostbet coustomer support is useless don't contact them when ur deposit haven't show up they will not help boooo to mostbet.i made a deposit n still it haven't come its been 17days

I can see that we are talking about two deposits now, based on your complaint. Can you reply to Petronela regarding your bank involvement, please?

You can do so here.

It's a good idea to get your bank involved.


How do you guys manage to wager your bonus? I've been playing real money but the wager % it's always at 0. Can't also play with bonus.


Well, sounds quite weird, I guess that in order to provide a proper answer, you should ask the chat operator.

If you were playing with a bonus, I would be concerned whether you're playing only allowed games, but without any bonus, well I'd ask the casino.

Maybe you found a bug, only the operator can tell fo sure. 🤔


Ha ha, your site is totally useless, as, despite so many complaints about Mostbet, you are still giving it a very good reputation.

So, the "very good reputation" refers to Mostbet's reputation for cheating or paying customers who won bets and requested a withdrawal but never got it?

To give such a nonsense rating, you must be Casino Guru or Casino Joker?

Consumercomplaints and Trustpilot are full of complaints of mostbet so what research did you do from your side?

I am going to unsubscribe from your newsletter as you are only concerned about your affiliate commissions from the casinos and nothing else, as, despite so many complaints, you are still giving the wrong rating to Mostbet of having a Very good reputation.

Who reviews you?



have you submitted any complaints about any casino here on your site? No, hence I feel you need to express your bad feelings with such a general criticism, rather than focus on a possible solution or further explanation.

May I know what happened? What went wrong?

If you are truly interested to know more about the Mostbet rating, check out the tab called "reputation explained" this is the explanation:


Be assured that every unresolved complaint was awarded by black points - all complaints are free to browse.:



If you decide to explain your history with the casino, we are here. If you need free help, submit your own complaint. If you are not interested in anything mentioned, well your decision.

So, allow me the same question - who reviews you and your judgment?


Indsæt ikke penge i dette hus!!!! De er tyve!!! Jeg blev kun præsenteret for to hævningsmetoder (foto), og jeg har ingen af dem, alt foregik altid ved bankoverførsel. De sagde, at du kun kunne hæve med VISA og Mastercard. Og jeg har ikke nogen af dem, de fik mig til at miste håbet og tålmodigheden og mine penge, fordi jeg vidste, at jeg aldrig ville se dem igen. Som du kan se på billedet, er de tilgængelige penge kun i de to øverste muligheder. Eller VISA ELLER MASTERCARD!!!

SPIL IKKE HER!!!!!!! file

Automatisk oversættelse:

Ok, jeg er meget glad

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hvis du kan lide dine penge, skal du ikke spille i dette hus. De er svindlere og fulde af strategier for at undgå at rejse penge!!! De presser dig til grænsen af tålmodighed i udbetalinger og i chat.. SPIL IKKE I DETTE HUS!!!!!!!!!!!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Indsæt ikke penge i dette hus!!!! De er tyve!!! Jeg blev kun præsenteret for to hævningsmetoder (foto), og jeg har ingen af dem, alt foregik altid ved bankoverførsel. De sagde, at du kun kunne hæve med VISA og Mastercard. Og jeg har ikke nogen af dem, de fik mig til at miste håbet og tålmodigheden og mine penge, fordi jeg vidste, at jeg aldrig ville se dem igen. Som du kan se på billedet, er de tilgængelige penge kun i de to øverste muligheder. Eller VISA ELLER MASTERCARD!!!

SPIL IKKE HER!!!!!!! file

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, have you tried asking the casino if it is possible to use some other method, or if they have any advice or an alternative for you to withdraw your money? How did you deposit the money ? 

I don't think it is necessary to immediately label the casino as thieves, but I would recommend trying to solve this problem sensibly and with a cool head. If you react similarly, you probably won't get far, although I understand that it's not a pleasant situation. 

Anyway, If nothing changes and the casino doesn't help you, by all means update us so we can try to help. For now, try to remain calm and cool.


There is some Bank options (3) to deposit from Portugal, I assume he did use one of them and for all of the 3 options, usually the withdraw method is bank transfer. And I can confirm, the casino does not offer that option!


Der er ingen måde at forblive rolig på, når vi får 30 indbetalingsmetoder og 2 udbetalingsmetoder! Kun Visa eller Mastercard!! Det er klart en strategi at beholde kundernes penge, indtil de bruger dem, hvilket var mit tilfælde! Jeg tror, de er virkelig svindlere, jeg stoler ikke på dette casino. Jeg talte flere gange på chat, og de fortalte mig, at jeg kun kunne hæve med Visa. Jeg ved ikke engang hvordan det er gjort!! Hold dig væk venner

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