Bonjour, Je reviens après 2 ans pour vous faire part de la décision de la CEG pour un remboursement a mon égard de la part de Mr Bet.
Kære leder og spiller,
Curaçao eGaming ("CEG") har gennemgået al dokumentation, der er blevet indgivet af spilleren og operatøren (de: "Parterne") i forbindelse med denne klage. CEG anerkender, at begge parter har fået god tid til at kommunikere deres udtalelser og fremlægge beviser, der understøtter deres udtalelser.
I dette tilfælde afgør CEG til fordel for operatøren, fordi:
Operatøren har efter CEG's opfattelse handlet i overensstemmelse med den offentlige information på sin hjemmeside, som Operatøren har henvist til, samt afgivet understøttende udtalelser.
Operatøren har forsynet CEG med relevant dokumentation, der viser, at der er IP-konflikt og/eller brug af den samme enhed. Dette betyder, at flere konti bruger den samme IP og/eller enhed.
Selvom operatøren har forsynet CEG med overbevisende beviser, der kræves for at træffe sin afgørelse, har den i denne specifikke sag ikke godkendt at dele disse beviser med henblik på fortrolighed og/eller forebyggelse af bedrageri.
CEG bestemmer, at tvisten mellem parterne skal løses på følgende måde:
Operatør til at tilbagebetale spillerens sidste indskudsbeløb.
Hvis parterne ikke overholder denne afgørelse, kan det resultere i disciplinære handlinger fra CEG mod enhver af parterne.
Begge parter kan appellere denne afgørelse inden for syv dage til CEG's ADR-klagekommission. Appeller, der ikke er modtaget rettidigt, eller som ikke omfatter korrekt identifikation, nye beviser og/eller begrundelse for appellen, skal ignoreres.
Med venlig hilsen,
Curaçao eGaming | ADR-afdelingen
Curaçao eGaming har forpligtet sig til Code of Conduct Responsible Gamin
g 2022 ("CCRG 2022"). Læs mere.

Bekræft venligst, at denne e-mail er fra Curaçao eGaming ("CEG") ved at kontrollere, at e-mailadressen er: play
Bonjour, Je reviens après 2 ans pour vous faire part de la décision de la CEG pour un remboursement a mon égard de la part de Mr Bet.
Dear Executive and Player,
Curaçao eGaming ("CEG") has reviewed all documentation that has been filed by the Player and the Operator (the: "Parties") in the matter of this complaint. CEG acknowledges that both parties have been granted ample time to communicate their statements and provide evidence, supporting their statements.
In this case, CEG rules in favour of the Operator because:
The Operator, in the view of CEG, has acted in accordance with the public information on its website, to which the Operator has referred to, as well as provided supporting statements.
The Operator has provided CEG with relevant evidence showing that there is IP-conflict and/or use of the same device. This means multiple accounts are using the same IP and/or device.
Although the Operator has provided CEG with convincing evidence required to make its ruling, in this specific case, it has not approved to share this evidence for confidentiality and/or fraud prevention purposes.
CEG rules that the dispute between parties shall be resolved as follows:
Operator to reimburse the Players last deposit amount.
Failure of parties to abide by this ruling may result in disciplinary action by CEG against any of the parties.
Both parties may file an appeal against this ruling within seven days with CEG’s ADR Appeals Commission. Appeals that have not been timely received or do not include proper identification, new evidence and/or motivation of the appeal shall be ignored.
Best regards,
Curaçao eGaming | ADR Department
Curaçao eGaming has committed to the Code of Conduct Responsible Gamin
g 2022 ("CCRG 2022"). Read more.

Please verify that this email is from Curaçao eGaming ("CEG") by checking that the email address is: play
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