HjemForumCasinoerNineCasino – generel debat

NineCasino – generel debat (side 4)

 af vetsosan6
34.318 visninger 202 svar |
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lyt godt efter, jeg er fra Grækenland. så ingen har en konto, og du logger altid ind med e-mail og ikke med dit mobil- eller fastnetnummer, du downloader et vpn-program og vælger de servere, som jeg vil fortælle dig om alle bonusspillene, de spiller kun Polen, Tyskland, Irland, Albanien, Bulgarien. du vil ikke have alle udbyderne, du kan spille med Frankrig, Italien, Rumænien, England osv. Jeg valgte for eksempel serveren Ungarn og det giver mig begrænsede spil

Automatisk oversættelse:

I would be very careful what you do, because VPN is forbidden under our system in the casino you mentioned. Did you ask the support or do they have somewhere in the Terms and Conditions that vpn is allowed ? I say this because it could easily happen that if you win, you could have all your winnings voided for breaking the rules. 

So in my opinion, I would absolutely not risk something like that and find another casino where you don't have to worry. 

Meget gode fyre, den anden dag tog jeg penge ud på nine casino, og jeg tog dem ud på mifinity

Og jeg sender Iban, DNI og alt det der, og de bekræfter det ikke, hvad skal jeg sende, så de kan bekræfte det?

Hvis nogen ved det, så hjælp mig, det vil jeg sætte stor pris på.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, I moved your post under the casino you mentioned. I think there's a player trying to help you in this thread and that's where the conversation is being kept: https://casino.guru/forum/general-gambling-discussion/mifinity-withdrawal-to-bank-account/6#post-76115

Guys who doesn't like free spins? you can get 100 free spins by using the code: GAMDUCKS

All you have to do is go to NINE CASINO. COM !!


Hej, jeg kontakter dig for femtende gang...hævning af 500 euro foretaget den 17/01/2024 returneret til spillekontoen den 19/01/2024.

Nu har jeg 2500 euro på min spillekonto, men under udbetalingsfasen mangler BIC/SWIFT indsættelsesmuligheden kun muligheden for at indtaste IBAN

Udbetalinger ved udenlandsk bankoverførsel skal inkludere BIC/SWIFT ud over at indtaste IBAN

(mangler under tilbagetrækning)

Så hvis jeg foretager en ny hævning, når pengene aldrig min bankkonto.

Jeg forsøgte at foretage tilbagetrækningen igen. DETTE VIL OGSÅ VÆRE TILBAGE.

Jeg anmoder indtrængende om, at problemet bliver løst, så jeg kan hente mine penge. Jeg vedhæfter din skærm

Løs så hurtigt som muligt. filefilefile

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, did you try to ask the casino if there is any other alternative you can withdraw, or what you have to do if you can't enter the BIC/SWIFT code ? I think they should know best. Also, are you in contact with the casino or did they not help you ? 

However, I saw that you filed a complaint and our team will try to help you. 

Nevertheless, I also noticed that according to the complaint you have to rollover your deposit 3 times, have you managed to do that yet ? You probably won't be able to withdraw before then.

Let me know.

Lørdag indbetalte jeg for at modtage en 100% bonus

Jeg modtog den ikke.

kasinoet hævder, at en anden konto var logget ind fra min IP.

hvilket ikke er muligt. fordi jeg logger ind fra min telefon. Og jeg bruger ikke multi-konti.

Desuden har jeg haft en konto længe. helt fra begyndelsen af kasinoets eksistens.

kontoen er verificeret. Jeg har indbetalt og hævet mange gange.

Hvad kan årsagen være??

Desværre har de arbejdet på det siden lørdag, men der er ingen oplysninger. Jeg er bange for at spille, for hvis jeg vinder, vil de helt sikkert blokere betalingen

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hey there!

Have you ever used a VPN or accessed the site from a shared internet connection?

I'm sorry to say that, but no one aside from the casino employee will help us determine the problem fully, I wager. 🤔

Come back with any news, please. At least to discuss possibilities.

Desværre, på trods af adskillige forsikringer, har ingen informeret mig om konklusionerne i over en uge.

Jeg er bange for at indbetale penge der, for hvis jeg vinder, kan de bruge dem til at blokere min udbetaling.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I see the same level of risk. It's not worth it if I'm about to ask. If you have some active balance in your casino account, however, I would try to file a complaint. Such uncertainties need to be cleared out. 🤔

And if the casino is not able to respond, let them learn this is a mistake.

Absolutely heartbreaking treatment. I had understood you have to play through your deposited money, so you put in £100 you have to gamble £100 before you can cash out and have played with these terms before a few times. Turns out it has now changed to 3x your deposit. So how you are supposed to gamble 3x what you put in is just crazy and you are so unlikely to actually win anything. I hadn't realized this until being £400 in and then finally breaking even just to be told I still had to gamble £750 before I could withdraw. I see this as criminal and I do not see how this can be legal. The terms have changes since I last played and even the person in the chat started off by saying you have to play through your deposit at least once only to change what they were saying later in the conversation to you have to play through your deposit x 3.


Oh, so I see you've stumbled into quite an unpleasant situation. Especially if the chat was also initially of the opinion that you had to wager your deposit 1x and then it changed to 3x. Apparently, few players think to check if they don't play in the casino for a long time, so this can change.

Anyway, you didn't manage to wager your deposit ? Unfortunately, even though it is not the least, it is becoming a habit that it is so in casinos. 😥

No, it’s very unlikely you’re going to win with those terms in place. With my £400 deposit which I very much regret! I’d have to have won £1600 and played through £1200 just to be lucky enough to cash out my initial £400 deposit. Who in their right mind would ever agree to place any bets when up against those odds?


Yes it's a lot and that's why I would think to make the deposit much lower and try to wager it 3 times. Of course, if that doesn't suit you, you have the option to choose another casino to play at. 

However, I would always test the casino first and I wouldn't make the first deposit so high.

Unfortunately making a lower deposit doesn’t work. I deposited £100 at a time so you’d think you’d need to play through £300 which is bad enough. But you have to play through 3 times your deposited amounts since your last cash out. So the more you chase your loss the less likely you are to actually win.


Ah, so in this case you are right. So I would probably leave this casino and I certainly wouldn't try to win the money back, because that would be a difficult task.

Do you think you'd do that ? I ask because from the way you write it seems to me that you also resigned and will not continue here. 

godaften alle sammen og tillykke med dette vidunderlige sted ☺️, dels har det åbnet en verden for mig og dels håber jeg ikke at jeg skal fortryde det 😅; Jeg vil prøve at være kortfattet 😬 for to måneder siden begik jeg den fejl at afmelde mig et adm/aams casino og automatisk x 90

nogle dage vil jeg være overalt, (min skyld) Jeg har altid spillet spil for at flygte, så jeg er ikke særlig praktisk, så ved et tilfælde opdager jeg dig, mens jeg ledte efter en løsning. registrer dig på et grundlæggende niveau, de spørger mig ikke om noget, og jeg taber helt klart omkring €1000 fordelt over dagene og under alle omstændigheder med en runde på over €3000 til deres fordel, i går blinkede endelig Lady Luck til mig, og jeg kom mig €1100 Jeg begyndte at indbetale, tre var mislykkede, fordi de holdt fast i små børns bonus, som jeg havde glemt at annullere, ikke dårligt, de krediteres straks tilbage til mig, jeg spiller lidt, men jeg sparer €950, som er accepteret, men pt. Under gennemsyn. Jeg kontakter i chat for at finde ud af, hvordan man indsætter de resterende dokumenter, og jeg får kun besked på at vente, i chat det samme, men så læser jeg en stribe mennesker, der klager over forsinkelser, konfiskationer og så videre både her og på Trustpilot. Hvilket ærlig talt bekymrer mig, mest fordi jeg forsøgte at gøre alt korrekt, kun én konto, ingen VPN, og jeg tog screenshots af alt, alt hvad jeg mangler er fingeraftryk 😎😅. Her spørger jeg grundlæggende, om jeg i sidste ende kan være sikker på din mening. I håbet om, at de vil lægge mærke til mig. Jeg takker alle på forhånd og ønsker jer en god påske 🐣

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, I wouldn't be skeptical right from the start. How long do you wait to be verified ? You've had your withdrawal for how long ? 

It's also good that you have screenshots of everything in case there are problems. But for now I wouldn't worry and do everything as the casino asks. When they have an update they will definitely get back to you. 

So let me know if you have anything new. 🙂

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