HjemForumCasinoerPalmSlots Casino – generel debat

PalmSlots Casino – generel debat

 af Anonymized742
54.865 visninger 250 svar |
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Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til PalmSlots Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

Jeg har lige registreret mig i dette casino, og det viser sig, at for at hæve skal du satse x 10, Det er ikke fordi det er uretfærdigt, det er mere end det... det er et fupnummer.

Jeg spiller kun roulette, og jeg laver en indbetaling på 1000 euro, og det viser sig, at jeg skal satse 10.000 euro for at kunne hæve.

Jeg ved ikke, hvordan nogen spiller i disse kasinoer, for eksempel er Silver Play x 5......Utroligt

Automatisk oversættelse:

Gentlemen of the casino Guru: Du bør sige det, når vi ser en anmeldelse af et casino, fordi der er brugere, der registrerer sig og begynder at spille, men når de går for at hæve, hvis de har vundet, viser det sig, at de skal satse indbetalingen x 10, ligesom mit m skete i går i Silver Play.

Jeg tror, det snyder brugeren

Automatisk oversættelse:

Always read the terms and conditions before you join any casino that way you won’t get caught out

Gentlemen of the casino Guru: Du bør sige det, når vi ser en anmeldelse af et casino, fordi der er brugere, der registrerer sig og begynder at spille, men når de går for at hæve, hvis de har vundet, viser det sig, at de skal satse indbetalingen x 10, ligesom mit m skete i går i Silver Play.

Jeg tror, det snyder brugeren

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello canaberto,

scam means that the casino does not pay players and only accepts deposits. What you described is not a scam. It's an anti-money-laundering rule. I must say, on the other hand, that 10x deposit sounds far too much though. I'd say that 5x is a top but we must consider that you deposited quite a sum. 

Let's say that if the casino applies 10x deposit wagering as the AML rule to lower sums - a few hundred bucks, it's not how this rule should be applied but it's not a scam and the casino can do that if it is stated in terms and conditions.

Always read the terms and conditions before making a deposit. Furthermore, during the registration, you were most probably asked to read those terms and agree with them. Am I right?

Selvom du overholder reglen, betaler de heller ikke, jeg foretog en hævning for mere end 10 dage siden og den er ikke nået frem. De siger, at det bliver et problem med min konto, men de gør ikke andet, jeg har endda sendt dem kontoudtoget, så de kan se, at pengene ikke er nået frem, men de insisterer på, at de foretog hævningen uden at bevise noget. De er statere

Automatisk oversættelse:

Udover at du ikke kan indtaste Iban, er det kun kontoens 20 cifre.

Iban er umulig, og der begyndte jeg at indse, at der var noget mærkeligt.

Gør noget imod disse svindlere.

Vi kan ikke tillade flere brugere at gøre det

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hvad jeg skrev før, jeg refererer til Eagles casino.

I Palm Slots er jeg ikke kommet til at spille efter så krævende regler

Eagles, hvis de vil være sikre

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg mener det i Eagles, hvis det er sikkert, at de snyder dig

Automatisk oversættelse:

Selvom du overholder reglen, betaler de heller ikke, jeg foretog en hævning for mere end 10 dage siden og den er ikke nået frem. De siger, at det bliver et problem med min konto, men de gør ikke andet, jeg har endda sendt dem kontoudtoget, så de kan se, at pengene ikke er nået frem, men de insisterer på, at de foretog hævningen uden at bevise noget. De er statere

Automatisk oversættelse:

If the casino does not pay it's a completely different story.

I can see your complaint about Casino Eagles being opened at the moment. We shall see if can get in touch with them.

Hvad jeg skrev før, jeg refererer til Eagles casino.

I Palm Slots er jeg ikke kommet til at spille efter så krævende regler

Eagles, hvis de vil være sikre

Automatisk oversættelse:

Anyway, I'm quite lost in all those casinos you commented on in this thread only associated with the PalmSlots.

I ask you kindly to comment on each casino in its general thread or create another thread that can be bound to the proper casino manually.

This is quite a mess I must say 😀.

It seems that even the first two posts were supposed to be elsewhere - in Silver Play's general thread:


Then, you wrote it's about Eagles:


Is any of your posts about PalmSlots, I wonder?

So please place your posts accordingly - it would be much appreciated. 👍


Jeg tager helt sikkert fejl. jeg forklarer:

I sølvspil spiller jeg ikke længere, og kontoen er lukket.

Jeg har aldrig spillet på Palm Slot, fordi betingelserne er misbrug.

Eagles er der, hvor jeg er registreret, og de betaler ikke. I går og efter dine instruktioner indgav jeg KLAGEN.

Alt det bedste

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hold dig væk fra dette casino.

1 de tvinger dig (indsats), selvom du ikke spillede med bonus, skal du konvertere dit indskud ×10, alene siger det hele.

2 da jeg tænkte på at trække lidt overskud anden gang, dukkede denne e-mail op. file

Automatisk oversættelse:


I'd say that wagering applied to every deposit is a pretty common rule, however, it's not a very popular one.

Max 3 times wagering would be better.

When it comes to the fees, were you able to check this in the terms and conditions beforehand? I hope so.

The casino must pay fees for every proceeded payout so I can imagine that this is a tool that should motivate players to withdraw less often and more efficiently.

Can understand that it's not a popular rule either.

The same happened with me as I used and after some time it appears.


sorry, but I don't understand at all what's been going on at Casino Guru lately. for me this was always the first address when it came to informing myself about a casino and your review could actually be trusted blindly.

the times seem to be over. casinos get a bad reputation if they have a win limit per spin of 100,000 euros, but casinos like Palmslot, which require a 10x (!)wagering of the deposit even without a bonus - unbelievable. there is not even a note in the casino Guru review about it. (i had a look at the T&Cs thanks to the player reviews here and didn`t deposit.) 

the bonus conditions are also hair-raising. a max cash-out of 10x bonus amount is really not fair if there is a required turnover of 40x deposit AND bonus. plus a fee of 8%(!) if a payout is requested again within a month (!).

so if you take all these together, how can it be that this casino gets a "very good" reputation? and on top the players are told that this would not be unfair and ok, because it is in the T&Cs? and 10x times turnover is because of anti-laundring-rules? are you kidding? this has clearly nothing to do with anti-laundring reasons but with unfair conditions with anti-laundring-rules as a pretext.

that being said, could be that a winspin-limit of 100,000 is a (highroller)problem, but this here is about the small people and about breaking their necks.

all in all, the whole story is more than disappointing and so slowly but surely the "very good" reputation of Casino Guru goes down the drain, because this is not the first absolutely incomprehensible review and not the first time absolute unfair conditions are excused.


Hello there,

thank you for your opinion. You can always inform our data/review team about those doubts using email data@casino.guru. We try to review the better casinos regularly, but we can always use some help.

In the case of PalmSlots Casino, I would say that we found its terms and conditions mostly fair, so we added a warning: "This casino forbids certain betting patterns or strategies when playing with bonus funds, but we have not witnessed this rule being used against players yet."


"Warning: PalmSlots Casino has certain sections of Bonus Terms and Conditions that we consider to be unfair to the casino's players. These might cause you issues if you decide to take advantage of the casino's bonuses or promotions. Because of this, we advise you to look for a casino with fair rules or at least pay special attention to this casino's Terms and Conditions if you decide to play at it."

If you check complaints, you will see that there have been only 4 complaints submitted so far and this is also quite good.

Even with those warnings the casino earned a very bad reputation, it may change, of course, that is why we ask players to submit complaints every time they feel abused.


thanks for your reply. my comment about missing info referred to the 10x turnover of the raw deposit. with 10x wagering requirements, the chance of losing a win again is very high. that's just math.

that being said, I understand that the reviews take a lot of time & staff, but a lot of players rely on the casino guru review and may not read everything one hundred percent. i often hear: "its rated very good at Casino Guru, so its safe."a "very good" with 8.3 out of 10 points from you is like a seal of quality. and almost tempted me to deposit at Palmslots. (what is not important in this case, just an example). that's why, in my opinion, it is so incredibly important that the rating itself reflects the real conditions and these are absolutely unfriendly to the player in the case of the Palmslot (also the 8% fee is part of it). you have extremely reduced chances and a high probability of loss. so i would expect the rating not to be "very good" even without complaints.hope this explains my concern better than the post before.


Hello again and thank you for this update, I truly understand your concern much better now.

I still feel that every player should check the terms and conditions in full on the casino's website. I can imagine that the wagering requirement should be considered by the initial deposit amount.

I can only suggest finding a more suitable casino.

Hi All, I joined this casino, and entered my withdrawal a couple of days ago (so not received anything yet) but i am in Australia??? and now I am reading they do not accept Australian Players??? My verification went through fine. I will update this chat thread if/when money arrives. Any other Aussies playing here? Thanks for reading....

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