HjemForumCasinoerPin-Up Casino – generel debat

Pin-Up Casino – generel debat (side 2)

 af nejnost607
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Sadly, what you've just described goes in hand with our review:

"Responsible gambling tools: Very bad"

I'd say that all real funds should be returned and after that the account should be closed. Do I get it correctly that you are somehow allowed to play restricted games?

De opkræver dig automatisk...

Automatisk oversættelse:


based on your complaint, I can see that your deposit has not arrived in your casino account, and the process of getting the "lost deposit" was well, quite unfortunate.

I'm honestly quite confused, it has been 2 months now and I feel that the conclusion is still far away. Do I understand correctly that contacting info@paysafecard.com is not an option because you used a different payment - sort of a direct one - for the deposit?

You also wrote that "Well, I give up, I thought that Casino Guru was going to be cash, Pinup again without caring about my case says that it is paysafecard, when the one I debit is "cash payment" there is nothing to do here, justice will be done otherwise."

Sadly, it seems that the letter of confirmation, you asked the casino to provide, so the money in return to your account, is on the other hand, not possible to be created by the casino's payment provider.

Well, quite an issue 🤔

Any chance that we can help you somehow?

PIN UP hjemmesiden er UÆRLIG. Jeg havde et problem med et slot (lige på tidspunktet for bonusrunden).

Support beder om en video af problemet.... HVILKEN AFSPILLER OPTAGER SKÆRMEN HELE TIDEN?

Det viste sig, at det lykkedes mig at optage problemet denne gang: det kan ses på youtube (link nedenfor)


Dette er en UÆRLIG måde at ikke løse problemer og stjæle vores penge på.

For at gøre ondt værre bad jeg flere gange om kontakt til den regulerende myndighed, og de informerer mig ikke.

Automatisk oversættelse:


so you experienced sort of a technical bug while playing bonus rounds, annoying.

According to your re-opened complaint, the casino is asking you about the browser catches. Please update the complaint, feel free to use this link.

I failed to comprehend whether the previous bug was solved and now it occurs again, or whether it is about the same technical issue, though.

Jeg har sendt mine dokumenter til pin up to gange for at bekræfte min konto, og begge gange har de slettet dem...

Hvis de reagerede hurtigt på anmodningerne, ville der ikke være et sådant problem, men efter at have undersøgt fandt jeg ud af, at det har taget flere måneder at bekræfte en konto...

Så hvad skal jeg gøre, hvis de vil slette mine uploadede filer, hver gang jeg skal forlade siden?

Automatisk oversættelse:

I'm sorry, but I probably do not fully understand the issue.

It has taken several months to verify your account, yet all documents are constantly being deleted each time you leave the site. Is it correct, please?

Is your account truly verified?

God aften. Jeg ønskede at hæve mine penge, og det fortæller mig, at min konto ikke er korrekt. Kan du forklare hvorfor?

Automatisk oversættelse:


Despite the fact we are not the casino's employees here, I will try to help you out with that. Are you sure you're using the correct login details? I know it sounds trivial, but it seems something is not correct.

Feel free to provide a screenshot showing the error and under what circumstances it occurred, if you may. That would be helpful.

I'll be here.

Redigeret af forfatter

My account hacked and my money lost by hacker 54k inr but they not give my money refund


So you believe someone played out the balance you had on your casino account?

Yes . by whole blance gone. I complaint casino but they refuse to refund my money . i want refund my money


This is sad indeed, yet I'm quite convinced you can't prove it was not you who lost the balance, can you?

The same goes for the casino, as far as I can guess.

According to the complaint, you believe the casino is involved in this. Well - in this case, I suspect we wait for the complaint to develop to another stage. Proofs will be extremely important, I'd say.. 🤔

Wish you luck!

Yes i proved that i am not involved .Please solve my problem and help me to return my money back

Redigeret af forfatter

You've proven that? May I know how did you do that? I believe that is extremely handy information.

Sadly, this is a forum, thus, no way I can speed up your complaint - it's a completely different process.

Regarding your complaint, I see it needs your attention, namely, your gaming history is necessary to proceed.

Use this link to update the complaint, please.:


Svindlere betaler mig ikke min tilbagetrækning mere end 15 timers ventetid. Frygtelig støtte. Jeg anbefaler ikke at bruge dette svindlere casino. De er tyve dedikeret til at stjæle dine penge, de siger, at vi behandler din anmodning, lyver, de tilbageholder pengene, fordi de ikke betaler, og de er tyve

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg bekræfter, at de er svindlere, jeg har ventet i mere end 14 timer på min tilbagetrækning, som jeg foretog gennem usdt trc20 cryptocurrency-netværket, jeg kontakter support, og det eneste de kan sige er vent 1 time vent 4 timer vent 9 vent 24. Ikke en fiaskobrug, de kan få alt verificeret, gør tingene rigtigt, så de ikke vil behandle din tilbagetrækning, fordi de er svindlere. Hvis jeg kunne, ville jeg rapportere dem til pinup, men jeg har ikke deres kontaktadresse

Automatisk oversættelse:

How about calming down for a few moments? The way I see it is far too early to call any casino a scam. What makes you think you won't get the money? Sometimes even the crypto transaction is not instant, you know?

Take a deep breath and explain what makes you so worried, can you do that?🙏


Det er en fidus, der er gået mere end 24 timer, jeg kontaktede support, og de fortalte mig, at jeg skulle vente 6 til 12 dage på, at de skulle betale mig. Svindlere er de. Stop med at forsvare disse svindlere.

Redigeret af forfatter
Automatisk oversættelse:

Ok, you're in a rage, 6-12 days are quite a long time - no argument. Have you been told what the reason is?

Yet it does not support your idea about scamming, I'd say.

Care to share which payment option is currently so delayed? You may actually help other players in similar situations to make more informed decisions.

Thank you!

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