HjemForumCasinoerPin-Up Casino – generel debat

Pin-Up Casino – generel debat (side 6)

 af nejnost607
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So you have done the right thing to file a complaint where our team will try to get this issue solved as soon as possible and in the best possible way.

Were you in contact with the casino regarding this at all?


Jeg gik ind, og de sagde, at den ikke ville låse op. file

Automatisk oversættelse:

Alright, so now we need to wait for our complaint team if they will be able to get in contact with the casino and then solve this issue of yours.

Hopefully, this will happen soon and you'll be able to withdraw your money. If you only have one account at this casino and you did not open a second one, there is no reason for the casino to keep your money, in my opinion. 🤷‍♀️

Do you have any updates for us by any chance?


Hej gutter, intet svar fra dem, for da jeg sendte printet, sagde de, at det var blokeret, og der var ikke andet, jeg kunne gøre. så jeg leder efter dig til at hjælpe mig, fordi jeg har brug for disse penge.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Thank you for the update. Please try to update your complaint where Nick needs some additional information from you so he can move forward with it.

Keep in there, and we'll wait for the outcome here.

Meget dyre spil, og de betaler ikke

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, how do you think the games are expensive ? Maybe it's just a translation error, but you don't pay for games. Do you mean they have a low RTP for you or something else ? Feel free to say more if you want. 

Godaften, pin-up casinoet har holdt på mine penge i næsten 2 måneder, og de blokerede også min konto uden varsel, fordi jeg tog et par dage om at svare på en e-mail (i deres vilkår og betingelser angiver det, at det er 1 måned, ikke få dage).

Til denne dag har jeg sendt alt, hvad de beder mig om, fra ansigtsverifikation til alle kontoudtog, der viser, at jeg har indbetalt penge gennem "PagoEfectivo", men de fortsætter med at beholde mine midler på næsten 400 USD, jeg har brug for hjælp tak.

Automatisk oversættelse:


It's great you have found this forum and shared your issue here. We are always eager to help players in difficult situations. To achieve that, we provide a highly specialized team focused on resolving players' disputes. What it take on your side?

Let me provide some quick hints:

Submitting a complaint is free of charge for anyone

To submit one, you only need to activate this green hyperlink 👈 nd go for "submit a complaint"

Follow all the steps; bear in mind that you should provide all the relevant information and attach any evidence that supports your claims. (That said, please refrain from providing unnecessary details that may actually make it harder for us to process the complaint.)

Once the complaint is reviewed by member of what we call a First Response Team, it gets published on the website. Perhaps this guide will also help you understand the following steps 👈

I imagine we are all quite curious to know why the casino decided not to pay out? Is there some additional or perhaps security verification ongoing? I'm asking because you mentioned a one-month deadline; from my experiences, it's usualy for non-standard investigations.

Don't hesitate to share more with us.

Jeg gik ind, og de sagde, at den ikke ville låse op. file

Automatisk oversættelse:

Fremragende, du kan uploade et billede.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Yes, you can 🙂 !

Aside from liking posts you found most interesting or useful, you can also start your own discussion about any casino you have got in mind.


Jeg kan godt lide Casino GURU.

Og jeg kommer for at lære. Og om muligt at dele erfaringer. Og at læse andres.

Eksempel: Hvis jeg har en dårlig oplevelse på et kasino, kommer jeg her og leder efter andre brugeres meninger.

Jeg har et spørgsmål. Med hensyn til bonusafsnittet

Til sidst er der et spørgsmål om... Hvis bonussen virkede for dig.

Tommelfinger ned. Det giver dig mulighed for at komme med en mening.

Jeg ville gerne give tommelfingeren op, men med en mening.

At fremhæve noget positivt. Men han gav mig ikke den mulighed.

Hvad kan jeg gøre for at give en god mening til et bestemt casino, der overraskede mig MEGET BEHAGELIGT?

Og hvad synes jeg er vigtigt at dele?

Automatisk oversættelse:

You can always write your own user review about casinos you have played at. I can see that you already found that out, and thank you for that.😉

How is your deposit going, by the way? Has it been sold out already?

Not dispo for Canada/Quebec update the casino desc please


Hi there, and thanks for the effort!

Do you know you can do that right away? Just inspect the "overview tab" for this feature:


Speaking of which, may I ask what the "dispo" and "desc" stand for, please? Thank you in advance for helping me avoiding mistakes. 😉

Hi there, and thanks for the effort!

Do you know you can do that right away? Just inspect the "overview tab" for this feature:


Speaking of which, may I ask what the "dispo" and "desc" stand for, please? Thank you in advance for helping me avoiding mistakes. 😉

nNxt time i will send you screenshots like this.



Alternatively, you can send both a description and a screenshot. Sometimes it's better with all these messages so we don't get confused. 😉


got it!

9.1 for a casino that does not pay out.

Well done. Seriously.

Well done.

Real 100% authentic gambler review :

These are russian scammers. Do not play here. They will steal your money 🙂


Hi, it might be a good idea to tell us what specifically happened to you and why the casino doesn't want to pay you your money. What do you say? Then we can look at other things.

Try to tell me about your situation and we will try to help you if possible.

General posts like this don't help much.😉

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