HjemForumCasinoerRabona Casino – generel debat

Rabona Casino – generel debat

 af Radka
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Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Rabona Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

Jeg har et spørgsmål, jeg vandt et stort beløb hos Casino Rabona, og de siger nu, at de har tekniske problemer. Nogen kan hjælpe mig. Eller nogen erfaringer med det

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, I checked user reviews and find just one - one-week-old post describing a problem with the withdrawal. There have been very few complaints submitted against this casino, so it is hard to say, what is happening now. If the amount won is big, the casino has to clarify the procedure with the finance department at least and it usually takes some time. Be also advised that this casino has an average monthly withdrawal limit, which means the amount will be split into lower sums paid on monthly basis.

It is all time-consuming, so maybe they just cover it with technical issues.

Keep asking the live chat if possible.

If anything goes wrong, you can always submit a complaint here. I'd wait a bit now.

Keep us posted, please.


So what exactly did the casino tell you about the technical problem?

Kasinoet har ikke givet nogen detaljer om de tekniske problemer.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg skrev til support igen, fordi stadig intet har flyttet sig


Automatisk oversættelse:

I see, high volume of traffic at the moment. This can be correct at some point - a lot of customers and payments to get checked. Furthermore, she could write something like "wait for next 2-3 days" simply to comfort you, instead, she wrote "I can not tell for sure" when it comes to a certain waiting time. I'd checked with them frequently, however, I would give them a few more days before considering the next step.

Just make sure you won't play with your winnings in the meantime.


Actually, they might don't have any tech issues, but it's possible that many employees were on vacation during Christmas and they need to process withdrawals that were submitted earlier. Try to wait until Monday. That should be enough time to process it.


Tak 🙏 Jeg håber det, hvis der er problemer, vil du hjælpe mig?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Of course, you can always submit a complaint here so our team can try to help.


Hej kære team af Casino Guru

kan du hjælpe mig jeg vandt 22.000 i casino rabona udbetalingen er bare uforholdsmæssig er allerede betalt, men om en uge kun maksimalt 2.000. Kan du hjælpe mig? Når man bliver spurgt, siger den altid undskyld. Det er ikke normalt, at du altid udbetaler en gang om ugen.

Automatisk oversættelse:


I'd like to say it is pretty normal. In case of a bigger win, the casino has to consult with its finance department and it usually suggests splitting the amount into smaller sums. Some casinos have a monthly withdrawal limit as well, please check the Rbona's here:


Kasino med mange forskellige spil og fantastiske bonusser, min eneste klage er forsinkelsen i udbetalingen.. dette komplicerer casinoet meget.. men ellers er det det værd..

Automatisk oversættelse:


thank you for your opinion.

May I know how long have you been waiting for the withdrawals and which payment options were used, please?

min konto blev lukket af Rabona casino Jeg modtog en e-mail om, at min konto ikke bestod bekræftelsesprocessen for overtrædelse af vilkår 9 - Svig, ulovlig og upassende brug.

men hvad er der præcist galt med min konto? Jeg gjorde ikke noget ulovligt

Der blev spurgt:

kontoudtog for de sidste 3 måneder

foto af identitetsdokument

bevis for bopæl

foto holder dokument med hjemmeside åben i baggrunden

Jeg sendte alt, og jeg gjorde ikke noget forkert, og de retfærdiggør ikke engang at nægte at forklare eller retfærdiggøre sådan en holdning

har flere klager mod dette casino

Jeg tabte 1300,00 i, hvad der virker som en fidus

Jeg vil lave videoer, der rapporterer alt dette på youtube og instagram. Jeg får ikke mine penge tilbage, men jeg vil hjælpe andre mennesker til ikke at falde for denne fidus;

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello there,

I'd say that in case of fraud casinos usually skip the explanations and only provide a vague explanation. As an alternative to your suggested actions, you can give our complaint team a chance to find out what seems to be wrong.

Just browse how it works here.

What do you think about that?


i have been using Rabona for about a month now. I have won some money and would like to withdraw some of it, however after trying for 2 weeks it is getting frustrating. Everything theh have asked I have submitted and now they don’t respond, don’t verify my account. Casino guru please help me here this is devastating, I have kids I need to feed and rent to be paid.

your truly


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i have been using Rabona for about a month now. I have won some money and would like to withdraw some of it, however after trying for 2 weeks it is getting frustrating. Everything theh have asked I have submitted and now they don’t respond, don’t verify my account. Casino guru please help me here this is devastating, I have kids I need to feed and rent to be paid.

your truly



I can recommend starting a complaint on our website. Here is a link: https://casino.guru/complaints. I believe it will help to solve your complicated situation. 🙂


indgiv en klage her på siden mod casinoet og opret ikke flere konti fra denne gruppe

sportaza rabona campo bete, fordi vanskeligheden ved at modtage er meget stor

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Automatisk oversættelse:

Good you made it, though it is not against the Rabona - just wanted to clarify that.

I feel I could use a little help explaining when exactly the verification started. I found this sentence in your complaint - 21 hours ago:

"I sent my documents on March 1st, that is, more than 3 business days have passed.!"

Care to update it, please?

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