Så jeg er virkelig ked af det. Jeg kan se, at du havde en klage til os, og det beløb, du uploadede, var ret højt, men casinoet løste ikke noget som helst. I dette tilfælde er jeg bekymret for, om du vil se dine penge, når du siger, at casinoet ikke har kommunikeret med dig, og din saldo er blevet reduceret til nul. Jeg går ud fra, at kasinoet ikke har forklaret, hvorfor det er sådan?
Jeg vil ikke være skeptisk, men jeg har også en fornemmelse af, at det her ikke ender godt. Jeg vil sige undgå dette casino og ikke spille her igen. 🙁
So I'm really sorry. I see that you had a complaint with us and the amount you uploaded was quite high, but the casino didn't solve anything at all. In this case, I'm worried if you will see your money when you say that the casino has not communicated with you and your balance has been reduced to zero. I assume the casino has not explained why this is so ?
I don't want to be skeptical, but I also have a feeling that this is not going to end well. I would say avoid this casino and don't play here again. 🙁
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