HjemForumCasinoerSol Casino – generel debat

Sol Casino – generel debat

 af bet4free92
14.767 visninger 60 svar |
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Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Sol Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

God dag,

Jeg fik 25 gratis spins i weekenden fra Sol casino, derefter spillede jeg dem og satsede bonusen.

Nu vil jeg foretage en udbetaling, men supportmedarbejderen fortæller mig, at hvis jeg vil betale ud, skal jeg betale nøjagtig det samme beløb for første gang ...

det virker lidt mistænkeligt for mig, fordi jeg allerede har foretaget omsætning på forhånd, og alt er blevet risikeret, og jeg kan betale det fulde beløb ud, hvis jeg udbetaler ...

Automatisk oversættelse:

That sounds risky even to me. Don't take me wrong, it's necessary to make a first deposit in many casinos before you're able to withdraw. It's simply because you need to have a payment method registered in their system so they can use it to send the winnings. But the standard procedure is that you send the minimum required deposit (10-20 eur) and then you ask for the withdrawal.

Ja, jeg kan forstå, at jeg i øjeblikket har 200 € kredit på webstedet, og ifølge støtten skal jeg foretage et depositum i kreditbeløbet for derefter at betale ud ...

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg fandt lige det


Kasinoet / webstedet har ret til at nægte aktivering af bonus uden indbetaling til en bruger, hvis gevinster overstiger summen af indbetalinger for hele spilleperioden i kasinoet eller for det sidste kalenderår.

I tilfælde af at modtage en kumulativ bonus uden indskud forbeholder virksomheden sig retten til at kræve, at kunden foretager et depositum svarende til beløbet for de bonuspenge, der er indsat på kontoen på tidspunktet for anmodningen om betaling, men mindst € 20 , og tredobbelt Brug af depositum. Denne regel gælder for kunder, der ikke har foretaget indskud siden registrering til projektet.

så hvis jeg indbetaler € 20, får jeg kun tre gange beløbet på mit depositum, forstod jeg det korrekt? (men mindst € 20 og tre gange depositum.)

Automatisk oversættelse:

Anastasia 13:45

The finance department will not approve your withdrawal request. For a successful withdrawal of funds, you need to make a deposit of 250 euros and fulfill the condition of three times wagering. Then you can withdraw funds. das kam eben vom support


I understand it differently, it doesn't matter how much you deposit, but you need to wager the deposit 3x in order to get your winnings. This is actually a very common practice and one of anti money-laundering rules. But what isn't really common is the rule where you need to deposit 250 euro in your case. I believe this makes the bonus very bad and I'd even consider it unfair towards the players.

Before i file a chargeback, i will explain the scenario carefully. The casino has denied request for a refund so I am making a complaint.

July 2021 I created an account under eweb****@gmail.com. No transactions in this account. Email not verified.

January 22 I received a bank notification for exposure to 3 fraudulent transactions. I have not received any SMS codes and i have proof of this.

My previous company notified me that they keep receiving emails from sol.casino and asked if i am familiar with it. (The company email account I used to have access to) so they informed sol casino to block the account because no body registered there. I presumed it was hacked or unintentionally was used in some way.

I reported the incident to my lawyer and my bank who immediately blocked my card.

I told sol casino the other email was a duplicate and i had unauthorized transactions. They wont refund but their terms say (unspecified authorized or unauthorized) transactions from a duplicate account are NULL AND VOID.

No verification. No email confirmation. Bank confirmed no SMs codes. Yet they will not refund so I told my bank. Now theyre seeking compensation when the money wasnt returned to me based on their terms that i made a protest. How ridiculous!


I use a special card for any type of online transactions. Just in case that something similar would happen to me. It's not a complete solution for your issue, but it lowers the risk.

Hvilken betalingsmetode bruger du her casino

Automatisk oversættelse:

I guess it would be one of the following:


Find more options here - never hesitate to ask the casino what payment options are available to you for the withdrawal, to ensure a smooth process. 😉

Can you access the site? Should be available for players from Brazil. But I'm sure you know "danilolopes5959" 😉


Hej, er der nogen der ved om det er tilladt at bruge VPN på Sol Casino?

Automatisk oversættelse:


According to the review it is not forbidden, though I would ask the chat operator and save the reply for further use - just in case.

Hello guys! How many of us here with have a withdrawal request awaiting additional check? I am just curious. I initiated on 02.26 and one more on 02.28.


Hello Nanika.

To learn a bit more about your situation, what seems to be the issue? Any concerns? Let us know how are your withdrawals proceeding. 🤞

My withdrawal request is under addition check, they are checking my betting history for unfair gambling whatever it means. I think this check is unnecessary and I'm just curious, how many people is in this situation too besides me.


I thought as much. Well, the casino must initiate such a check to be sure no fraud was committed. Only after the conclusion is made the situation should become clearer. The casino feels it is necessary, or alternatively, such a check can be completely random - triggered by the system.

One way or the other, if you have not done anything against the rules, you should be fine.🤞

When you loose few thousands euro you will receive:

"We would like to tell you good news!Your profile has gotten a personal VIP service.If you have any questions or difficulties during the gameplay you can e-mail us. Also using a chat on our site you will be transferred to a personal manager.Now the maximum time for consideration of the cashout request will be 2 hours but you can write your personal manager to speed up this process.Аn individual bonus program is аlso available for you. You can contact us in any convenient way to activate personalized offers that are calculated individually. No deposit bonus is available after depositing a total of 300 Euros and deposit bonus from 150 Euros. Operations made from the moment of withdrawal, accrual of cashback, activation of other personal or no deposit bonus are taken into account. For the deposit personal bonuses the wager is 35, and for no deposit bonuses is 3.How would it be more convenient to contact you? I would be grateful for your feedback!If you have any additional questions, please contact us.

We will be glad to help you!"

When you will try to withdraw good winnings, you will receive message about additional verification, now 2 hours withdraw 😀


So do I understand correctly that you did the additional verification and then the withdrawal arrived within 2 hours as promised ? I think it's nice if the casino respects its players and treats those who have spent quite a lot as loyal. 🙂

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