Jeg forstår udmærket, hvad du siger. Det værste er, at kasinoets ledelse under sådanne omstændigheder simpelthen føler sig sikker nok til at træffe den endelige beslutning og handle direkte. De føler måske ikke længere behov for at informere spilleren, da de opfatter situationen som utvetydig.
Normalt markerer kasinoets system kontoen, annullerer saldoen og lukker kontoen.
Fra spillerens perspektiv er det dog en yderst ubehagelig position, og spilleren har også en lille chance for at forklare noget til casinoet. Jeg tror ikke, at dette er den bedste tilgang.
Det ser ud til, at du ikke bestod KYC-bekræftelsen af en eller anden grund. Jeg tror, at du kun kan få gavn af vores klageløsningscenter.
Det er ikke så kompliceret: Send en gratis klage, giv al relevant kommunikation, og måske kan mine kolleger hjælpe dig.
Hvordan lyder det for dig?
I perfectly understand what you're saying. The worst part is that, in such circumstances, the casino's management simply feels confident enough to make the final decision and take direct action. They might no longer feel the need to inform the player, as they perceive the situation as unambiguous.
Usually, the casino's system flags the account, cancels the balance, and closes the account.
From the player perspective, though, it is a highly uncomfortable position, and the player also possesses little chance to explain anything to the casino. I do not believe this is the best approach.
It appears you did not pass the KYC verification for some reason. I think you may only benefit from our Complaint Resolution Center.
It's not so complicated: Submit a free of charge complaint, provide all relevant communication, and perhaps my colleagues will be able to help you.
How does it sound to you?
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