HjemForumCasinoerSvenplay Casino – generel debat

Svenplay Casino – generel debat (side 6)

2 år siden af Geisseli
23.932 visninger 133 svar |
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1 år siden

Nej, Casino Guru er for svag. Jeg har altid kontaktet LCS Ltd direkte på grund af min selvudelukkelse. skrevet, og alligevel er du ikke blokeret alle steder. Undskyldninger på undskyldninger....

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Jeg taler om en udbetaling ikke et selvforbud

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Nej, Casino Guru er for svag. Jeg har altid kontaktet LCS Ltd direkte på grund af min selvudelukkelse. skrevet, og alligevel er du ikke blokeret alle steder. Undskyldninger på undskyldninger....

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden


I'm sorry to say that, but it has never been within our power to block a player's account. Only the casino's employees can do that. Furthermore, we have no authority over any licensing provider or local regulations.

You say we are weak, yet you keep submitting complaints. Is there perhaps something I can help you with?

1 år siden

Jeg taler om en udbetaling ikke et selvforbud

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

I checked the casino safety index, which seems too low for my taste, and found this:

"Very high value of withheld winnings in player complaints in relation to the casino's size"

I guess I understand the necessity of asking. Even though I can't say for sure how many players have been paid so far, I do hope the complaint will help you eventually. For now, concentrate on passing the KYC, I'd say this is essential for now. Let me know as soon as you pass it, please. 🙏

1 år siden


Desværre vil ikke et eneste dokument om mit adressebevis blive accepteret.

Ingen anelse om hvad jeg ellers skal gøre?

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

It basically means they are not going to pay you. I think the easiest way to at least have a chance is to make a complaint to MGA or MADRE. If you really have tried to send valid documents which are not accepted for some reason, mention this in the complaint. Do they tell you what is wrong with your documents?

1 år siden


Ja, de accepterede alt undtagen bekræftelse af adressen.

Desværre accepterer de ikke et enkelt dokument. Jeg sendte dem mit kontoudtog med mit navn og adresse!

Jeg har nu skrevet til dig, at jeg rapporterer det til MGA.

Tror du, at MGA kan gøre noget ved det?

Venlig hilsen og tak

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden


Desværre vil ikke et eneste dokument om mit adressebevis blive accepteret.

Ingen anelse om hvad jeg ellers skal gøre?

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Hi, I see you still haven't managed to verify your account. Did you ask the casino what is the problem with your address if it is the only document that was not accepted ? Be sure to mention these facts in your complaint and answer Tomas' questions so he can move on. 

However, I also see that you have written that you will also file a complaint with the licensing authority. Have you already done so or are you just about to ?  

1 år siden

It basically means they are not going to pay you. I think the easiest way to at least have a chance is to make a complaint to MGA or MADRE. If you really have tried to send valid documents which are not accepted for some reason, mention this in the complaint. Do they tell you what is wrong with your documents?

1 år siden

Hi, I don't think it's necessarily because the casino doesn't want to pay, although I understand that it's certainly not a pleasant situation to be in. 

However, you also found yourself in a situation where you had a problem with account verification if I remember correctly. We'll see where the complaint team gets us and hopefully everything can be resolved. 🤔

1 år siden


ja, jeg har sendt dig flere dokumenter.

Men jeg får altid det samme svar.

Jeg har allerede registreret mig hos MGA.

Jeg skrev også tilbage til Tomas.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Do you think you get the same answer from the casino all the time ? As for the documents and the answer to Tomas, thank you because he will be able to move forward and we will be closer to a solution. 

Regarding the complaint to the MGA, could you let us know how it will develop there as well ? I think it will also be quite insightful for the players to see what you are going through.

Anyway, I strongly believe that everything will turn out well in the end. Fingers crossed. 🤞

1 år siden

Ja, de skriver altid det samme tilbage til mig.

Jeg har et generelt spørgsmål.

Hvad er forskellen mellem et kontoudtog og et kontoudtog fra banken.

Jeg sendte dem et kontoudtog med min adresse og navn øverst.

Men de vil have et kontoudtog?

Jeg sendte sagen videre til MGA.

Venter stadig på svar.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Hmm, it looks to me as if they are two of the same thing. Did you try to ask what the casino sees as the difference between the two and what you should send ? I think they'll know best what they need, because I'm confused if I have to admit it.

As far as the MGA is concerned, I will wait to see what they say and what you write.

1 år siden

I'll try to shed some light here:

I'd say there is just one bank statement, but the way you acquire it may affect its authenticity.

Additionally, some people (not saying it's this case) mistake transaction history for bank statements.

Bank statements usually serve as proof of address and account holding, while transaction history usually declares a deposit.

To be more concrete, how did you acquire your bank statement, please? Is this the official version that your bank sent you?

1 år siden

Ja, jeg printede kontoudtoget ud fra automaten i banken.

Jeg tog ikke et skærmbillede eller sådan noget.

I Østrig kan du få udskrevet kontoudtoget direkte i banken.

Jeg skrev til casinoet, hvad forskellen skulle være mellem et kontoudtog og et kontoudtog.

Det forekommer mig, at de ikke ønsker at bekræfte det.

Jeg har desværre ikke længere en plan for, hvad jeg ellers kan sende

Redigeret af forfatter 1 år siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Ok, so good so far. Just a question: where did the "account statement" come from?

We were talking purely about bank statement, so what is this account statement? Is it associated with your bank account?

The way I see it, you seem a bit concerned that the casino insists on a bank statement when this account statement provides the same information, am I close?

I think, even from the casino's perspective, it is important to verify the specific information you can provide. Not to be stubborn about the source. Once the statement is original, it should be considered worthy, or you must be told what is wrong with it.

7 måneder siden


min konto er endelig blevet bekræftet, og jeg kan foretage en udbetaling.

Jeg ville spørge, om nogen allerede har modtaget en udbetaling fra Casino Svenplay?

Automatisk oversættelse:
7 måneder siden

Hello, it took quite a long time since I see that you wrote your last post, more than half a year ago. 

Anyway, I'm glad that the account verification has been resolved successfully and you can now withdraw. 

To answer your question, according to what I have seen in the complaints, the last time the player received money was 3 months ago. 

However, the casino has a pretty low safety index, so I would think twice about playing here or continuing if you manage to withdraw. 

Anyway, let me know how it goes for you and if you managed to get the money.

7 måneder siden

Ja, det ved jeg.

Jeg holder dig opdateret, når jeg modtager en udbetaling.

Automatisk oversættelse:
7 måneder siden

Sure, I will wait for, I believe, positive news. 

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