HjemForumCasinoerVavada Casino – generel debat

Vavada Casino – generel debat

 af nirvanprt
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Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Vavada Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

How can i play my bonus


Hello, it strongly depends on few factors, such as if there is any bonus currently available to you, what type of bonus is that and which T&C applies. (Just in case I would like to point out, that we are not actually a casino).

Can you insert bonus code, or bonus name, maybe?

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Automatisk oversættelse:

bad casino .first of all the support is horrible you open chat and in hour they write only 2 comments .shady ,hiding behind chat .this is another scam casino preying on vurnable people from restricted countries .it is a shame these casino not obiding their own rules .the netherlands is restricted on the seal and in the terms .but again they put contractidet terms about your own responsibility to sign .**we will not process deposits and withdrawal if you are from a restricted country ** yes sure .*also we are a licensed casino * were ?in russia .curacao have no gambling license and if it is less worth then toilet paper .**we are a honest casino**if you were honest you would take responsibility and protect players from restricted country .stay away the scam your money and claim fair games .we all know casinos altering the RNG results to scam players from restricted countries because they have no right incase .700€ no 10€ profit not even play only taking .i am tiered od hearing everyone about the games are fair .the reality is different it is a scam .casinos and providers cover each other .no it is not my responsibility to sign up .it is your fault to block restricted countries instead contratiction terms to confuse players .stay away from this casino .another heyena greedy operator .really cold hearted evil people .they have a phone number on the site but does not exist .they just want to make the site looking legit .who thel have telegram ?slots when a winning combination is coming they spin for 10 seconds .i can open too a business for free money and claim my games are fair but the player was not lucky .what a shame .i will now block every single casino around the world .i am done and tiered losing my money in this disgusting scam .no games are not fair .the player has only 10% chance to win .casinos are not honest they only lie.they abuse the term luck .this has nothing to do with luck .random i should be able to win 30 days in row it does not happen online once win and 10 lose .luck my a##playing every spin 11 with neighbours with 100€ the ball get crazy and goes repeating 10x. i change bet and bet only 5€ on 11 with neighbours the ball goes direct to 11 and get sucked so hard in the pocket .i repeat my 100€ bet the ball goes again opposite and repeat there .this is pute fraud .there is no luck it is a scam.if you are from restricted country take your money out i will make sure this casino will be blocked in europe .you will see .i dont understand the high rating on this site .i would give it a questional reputation

all payments to europe are blocked only crypto .i closed my coinbase acount immidiatly cost 5000€ in 2 weeks and all on curacao crap .all payment provider has restricted their payments to curacao so why is this casino still trying to take advantage of restricted countrys ..

anyone knows if cryptos can be charged back .i would do it immidiatly .this casinos are fraud .

Redigeret af forfatter


I'm sorry you got such an experience in a casino with a good rating.

May I ask you a few questions, please?

Why you played there and even deposited if you knew that your country is restricted, please?

This information is visible here:


If you knew this in advance then I'd say you went through an unnecessary risk on your own.

Furthermore, I want to point out that Vavada Casino operates under the Curacao license and it has been confirmed:


Yes, we can debate on its worthiness, I see your point here. Let's wait for our complaint team with more insight.

Bonussen på 100 gratis runder i Razor Shark virker ikke, jeg har forsøgt at aktivere den i over en uge, og den virker ikke, chatten siger kun, at de ordner det, men det ændrer sig aldrig. file

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello there,

thank you for your information. Let's hope they will fix it soon. Frankly, it's a problem on the casino's side.

I will get it checked. 👍


Ja, jeg forstår, at det er et problem på casino-siden, jeg advarede bare om, at det ikke virkede, for her på siden er der bonuslinket, som om det var funktionelt. Rettet i denne uge. Tak for at lytte.

Automatisk oversættelse:


we appreciate your update.

Anyway, have you tried the bonus already? 🙂 What do you think about it?

good afternoon, yesterday I made a 12€ deposit with etherium through binance, I didn't notice that the minimum amount was 100e and I made a normal deposit, after I saw it, I talked to the chat, they guided me until they told me that the money was lost inside binance, they told me that it was sent to the wallet normally so they went into their pocket.. I don't really know what to say if they don't accept to give you 12€ of yours because you just made a mistake and the funny thing is that I told them to also report the commission if there is any and they still didn't accept. I'm very sorry because I really liked this site but now I hesitate to trust it again!

Redigeret af forfatter


I do not fully understand what has happened. This deposit has not reached the casino and it was probably returned to binance, right? Can you see the amount returned by now?


Good evening , sorry for my bad English, of course the casino also found out, but in the messages we have exchanged, they say that the money was lost not only in the transfer link, but also in binance, and they told me that they went normally to the address that I entered in the casino . thank you very much

Redigeret af forfatter

Good morning,

I guess it's time to ask the payment provider (e-wallet) you used for the deposit about this transaction and then confront the casino with this statement.

If I understand correctly, the casino is saying that your deposit is lost but you can see that the wallet number is ok and the deposit was made, right?

initially I spoke to the casino when they told me that the money was lost on the spot they spoke to the e-wallet and they told me when they saw the relevant link with the transaction information that it was done normally at the address I put in that I copied from the casino. however the casino says the transaction was lost and I told them all if there is any commission to keep it and give me less money since the mistake was purely mine again the same answer we can't do anything the money went to the black hole.



I find it hard to believe that this is supposed to be the end. I understand that you sent a lower sum than is allowed for the deposit, but I think this is not a reason to say that it went to some black hole. Allow me to propose you submitting a complaint here on our site, if you have a reply from the e-wallet representative saying that the transfer was normally fulfilled, I guess this issue needs further clarification, preferably from the casino's side.

What do you think about that? No pressure, just make up your mind.


Hello there,

How are you faring? 🙂 has the issue been resolved?

Jeg tilmeldte mig vavada, besøgte kasinoet og var imponeret over mangfoldigheden og brugervenligheden. Men som jeg plejer, indbetaler jeg et minimumsbeløb for at besøge huset. I den første indbetaling gik det godt, også i det andet, men da jeg besluttede mig for at satse rigtigt med en højere værdi, fik jeg den ubehagelige overraskelse med fejl i indbetalingsprocessen. Jeg kom i kontakt med chatten, som var meget hurtig, men de løste ikke problemet, og de rådede mig til at prøve andre indbetalingsmetoder end pix. så jeg gik til wallet og prøvede 3 flere e-wallets, men samme svar [din valuta er ikke understøttet]. Jeg gik til chatten igen, men svaret var det samme som de foregående. det er. Jeg vil gøre mit bedste for at løse problemet, hvis jeg vil spille. hvad nytter det at have en superhurtig chat 7/24, hvis de ikke løser et problem i hjertet af kasinoet. Her i Brasilien har vi den pix, der laver superhurtige og sikre betalinger uden gebyrer. Denne metode er ikke vavada, men af en eller anden grund holdt den op med at virke. Det er beklageligt og trist, for midlet på denne side står tilbage med loppen bag øret med disse hændelser. Jeg håber inderligt, at de fikser dette rod

Automatisk oversættelse:


thank you very much for this experience, I must say that I find it very interesting that those issues occurred only if you tried to deposit higher sums.

On behalf of the chat operators, would be fair to mention that this job lies elsewhere, they are supposed to guide you if you struggle with bonuses or rules, but they certainly can't solve payment issues directly.

If the casino is using a 3rd company payment service, only this payment provider can fix the issue, I'm afraid.

I hope they solve it soon, a working payment system is a must.


Jeg vil gerne gentage min respekt og støtte til operatører. Spørgsmålet om indbetalinger først gik jeg for at snakke med supporten via e-mail med alle skærmbillederne af smartphoneskærmen, svaret som supporten sendte mig var, at jeg kontaktede chatten, fordi supporten ikke kunne løse det. Jeg var irriteret over, at jeg talte mere end fem gange med operatørerne i timevis og uden nogen løsning. Jeg ved, at hvert land har sine regler. Kasinoet i Brasilien er relativt nyt, og finansielle transaktioner er meget enkle og hurtige. Måske er jeg ikke vant til andre metoder, som jeg ikke kender til. Men nu laver jeg ind- og udbetalinger normalt, efter at de har ændret nogle funktioner i Pix-området.

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