HjemForumCasinoerVerde Casino – generel debat

Verde Casino – generel debat (side 13)

1 år siden af Sev01
33.987 visninger 255 svar |
1...12 13
4 dage siden

Jeg ved, du gerne vil hjælpe!

Jeg har ventet i flere dage nu.

Mine penge er væk, sat til NUL!!

Jeg er anklaget for ludomani, det er bagvaskelse!

Jeg forventer, at Verde Casino udbetaler mine penge.

Jeg kommer ikke ind på kasinoet igen

Det eneste, jeg ønsker, er alle de penge, jeg vandt, og en tilbagetrækning af gebyrerne.

Verde Casino har mine bankoplysninger og gevinsterne

Jeg forventer pengene omgående og ikke file om et par uger


Automatisk oversættelse:
4 dage siden

You know, I think the best course of action for the next 3 or four days is to calm down and follow the complaint progress. I understand your anger, but the harsh reality is that we cannot resolve the situation directly here on this forum; however, we can actively listen to your concerns if it helps.

Since it seems the casino is not going to step back without a mediation, I believe it is not very healthy to stick with such expectations. Do you know what I mean, please? Try to be patient a bit.

4 dage siden

I win today Almost 16k,total balance was 17200€ deposited 1500€

Acc was verified

Have every screenshot

My acc is blocked without a reason and my withdravals canceled they sent me email that my withdravals canceled now i have no accses to the verde casino site

4 dage siden

Jeg blev også blokeret efter at have vundet 😞

Pengene blev sat til nul, jeg blev anklaget for ludomani og så blev jeg blokeret uden varsel

Automatisk oversættelse:
4 dage siden

I win today Almost 16k,total balance was 17200€ deposited 1500€

Acc was verified

Have every screenshot

My acc is blocked without a reason and my withdravals canceled they sent me email that my withdravals canceled now i have no accses to the verde casino site

3 dage siden

Hello, that's something I wouldn't want to find myself in. But I would definitely like to know why the casino took this step. Sometimes there is a possibility that they would investigate a player's gameplay, but I don't know why they would take winnings out of a player's account. 

Anyway, as far as the email is concerned, the only thing it says is that your withdrawal has been cancelled? Did you play with any bonus or did you upload money using real money?

If there is no word with the casino and nothing can be resolved, then there is a possibility to file a complaint with us and our team will try to help you.

So feel free to write and let us know if you decide to go through this process. 

3 dage siden

Hello,i played and deposited real money using my Mastercard,i didnt played any bonuses ,my money was real,i received email that my withdrawals are canceled,and my acc was blocked ,my acc was created 2023 12 ,and was verified ,i think they saw that i win 15700+€ and they dont want that so they blocked me and canceled everything,have taken all screenshots with me emails etc..

o need some help i thinkfilefilefilefile

3 dage siden

Oh, so the casino didn't say much. It's definitely good that you have some screenshots and since you also submitted the complaint, we'll have to wait and see what the team finds out. I've seen similar cases before or it was mostly as I described and the user was basically blocked until the casino made an investigation. But it would always be good if they would explain the reason for blocking.

So as much as I hate to say it, we'll have to wait what happens next.

I wish you fair resolution. ☘️🤞

3 dage siden

Thank you ,i think they dont want me to withdraw my money and winings so they just blocked me out, i was really happy to win here in verde so i took screenshots of my balance &winings, i am playing in many casinos but first time iam in this situation right now...

3 dage siden

Let's see, let's try to think a little positive and maybe the casino will explain why they resorted to this step. 

I hope it will turn out well in the end and it will just be a misunderstanding.

3 dage siden

I hope so too,they writed answer in my complaint in casino guru site that they want proof that i was playing jn germany that moment i sent him everything i have now via email but still no answer from them...

3 dage siden

Jeg blev også blokeret uden varsel, og mine penge blev nulstillet

Det værste er, at jeg bliver portrætteret som en ludoman, og Verde Casino har ingen grund til at fortryde det eller undskylde!

Bare fordi du vil have de penge, du har tjent, er du afhængig af gambling😞

Redigeret af forfatter 3 dage siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
3 dage siden

I hope so too,they writed answer in my complaint in casino guru site that they want proof that i was playing jn germany that moment i sent him everything i have now via email but still no answer from them...

2 dage siden

Hello, I believe the time will reveal more, so for the time being, try not to stress out much. Waiting is a pain, but for now, we have to give the complaint some time. We will of course try to stay in touch on the forum; don't worry. 🤞🤞

2 dage siden

Thank you,wish you happy new year!!😇 trying not to stress out ,waiting...but via email from verde casino is silence...

Redigeret af forfatter 2 dage siden
2 dage siden

Thank you too!

Have a wonderful New Year without avoidable complications! I hope this issue is the last one! 🍀✨🙌

Perhaps the casino is working on a reasonable response for the complaint. We shall see. Hold on!

4 timer siden

Jeg venter stadig på mine tilbageholdte penge

Jeg er nu den dumme spiller, der ifølge Verde Casino også er afhængig af gambling 😡

Du skal også acceptere disse fornærmelser?!

Jeg vandt også penge med den sidste bonus

dette blev selvfølgelig også sat til NULL

Jeg er stadig blokeret.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 time siden


Verde Casino vælger det bedste for sig selv.

Faktum er, at jeg blev blokeret uden varsel, de penge, jeg havde vundet, blev sat til nul, og de penge, jeg vandt igen, blev også tilbageholdt, så jeg ikke engang havde chancen for at få denne bonus.

det er metoder!!!

Mærkning af spillere som ludomaner, blokering af spillere. Og så agerer som om, at spillerne ikke forstår noget, følg ingen regler, men vores penge er taget.

at stemple mig som ludoman er bagvaskelse

Jeg vil stadig have de penge, jeg vandt.

Dette er simpelthen accepteret!!!

Mange tak


Jeg er hverken afhængig af gambling eller følelsesmæssig

Jeg vil stadig have mine penge

@Verde Casino

Automatisk oversættelse:
1...12 13
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