Jeg forstår, at du ikke vil kunne lide dette, men hvordan kan de vide, at du har åbnet en konto hos Verde for at komme uden om dit lokale spilleforbud, når vi alle ved, at casinoet ikke har licens i Bulgarien, hvor du selv har udelukket spil?
Selvom jeg forstår, at det er svært at acceptere, tror jeg, at du kun ser på situationen fra dit synspunkt.
Medmindre du informerer casinoet om dit spilleproblem, vil du ikke blive set ordentligt.
For ikke at nævne, at givet dine gentagne referencer til din nationale selvudelukkelse, har du højst sandsynligt registreret dig på et offshore casino, der ikke har en bulgarsk licens for overhovedet at kunne registrere og spille. Hvis jeg ikke tager fejl, har du på grund af forbuddet ikke længere adgang til dine nationale casino-websteder, er det så?
I understand that you will not like this, but how can they know that you opened an account at Verde to get around your local gambling ban when we all know that the casino is not licensed in Bulgaria, where you have self-excluded from gambling?
Although I understand that this is difficult to accept, I believe you are only looking at the situation from your point of view.
Unless you inform the casino about your gambling problem, you won't be viewed properly.
Not to mention that, given your repeated references to your national self-exclusion, you most likely registered at an offshore casino that does not have a Bulgarian license in order to be able to register and play at all. If I'm not mistaken, due to the ban, you no longer have access to your national casino websites, is that so?
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