HjemForumCasinoerVinyl Casino – generel debat

Vinyl Casino – generel debat

 af marcelinaolichowska0
4.481 visninger 24 svar |
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Hello, where can I file a complaint because the casino cheated me?

I've been waiting for a month for the verification of my account and the casino is constantly cheating on me by making the verification take so long, but I think they're taking it so long on purpose because they don't want to pay out my deposit.



Hi, I see that you have already managed to open a complaint with us and I think that when you write that the verification has been going on for months, it was the right step. Did the casino also give you any reason why this is the case ? What is the problem here, is there something wrong with your documents ? Of course, I definitely recommend not to play until your situation is resolved, so that you don't end up losing your money. 

However, I hope that our team will be able to help you and the situation will turn out well in the end. If you have anything new, don't hesitate to let us know. I'll be waiting. 

no, I sent all the documents correctly and everything is correct, but why is it taking so long? I think it's on purpose because they don't want to pay me my winnings, because only when I asked to pay my winnings, the account was suddenly closed, but when I deposited the money, why wasn't I asked for verification?


When you make your first withdrawal, it's common for the casino to start the verification process. However, we give casinos 14 days to sort out this procedure, even though we know that casinos are careful about it. Why it is taking so long I don't know and I thought the casino had given you some reason why this is so. So all your documents are approved when you say there is no problem with them ? 

Anyway, as I said, our team will try to help you and advise you on your case. But we will have to be patient and wait and see how it develops. 

and they have been sending me such messages non-stop for 2 months from mine, it looks like they are dragging on until I give up and forget about it, or maybe they are scamming everyone into paying deposits and then blocking their profiles.



2 months is too long for verification from my point of view and if the same email is repeated over and over again and it doesn't lead anywhere then it's quite unpleasant. I am not sure what can be the subject of such a long process.

However, as I have seen, there has been an update in the complaint and the ball is currently in the casino's side, so we will wait to see if the casino manages to respond and help resolve your situation. I would like to be positive and hope for a happy ending. Good luck. ☘️

Hello, so does that mean you still haven't received a relevant answer from the casino and the same thing keeps happening that you get logged out when you ask ? If that's the case and you don't know anything more and the casino doesn't try to resolve anything I would try to write an email too. If nothing changes and you are still in the same situation with no reply, then I would recommend filing a complaint. 

What do you say ? 

Oh, you're a little late to the party since the whole incident. Have you thought about making a complaint on our side? You didn't get any update on your situation ? Let me know, please.

Hej, jeg spillede med bonuspenge i Vinyl Casino og brugte bonusomsætningen fuldt ud. De penge, jeg vandt, blev aldrig udbetalt. Jeg har ventet på pengene i 2 måneder. Jeg har nu uploadet alle mine kreditkort og har fået at vide 20 gange, at det blev videresendt til teknisk support, men absolut intet er sket. Jeg har ikke modtaget en eneste e-mail fra supportteamet.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, I've read what your problem is and I'm quite sorry. According to what I read, you still have to go through verification, yes ? But what's the problem if you've already sent them the card documents so many times ? Did the casino say anything to you when you asked ?

Anyway, you have filed a complaint and hopefully our team will be able to help you in your situation. But we'll have to be patient. 

Hej, jeg har allerede sendt dokumenterne til bekræftelse. Dokumenterne blev accepteret, men under verifikationen står der, at der kræves dokumenter, men det står ikke hvilke. Jeg har sendt både mit ID-kort og mit kreditkort. Kasinoet svarer ikke på mine e-mails.

Automatisk oversættelse:

It's probably not the best when it's been going on for so long but I have one piece of advice. I saw that you have reopened the complaint, so it would certainly be appropriate if you responded there. You have a couple of hours or it will be rejected again. If you want our team to help you, it would be best to do so as soon as possible. 

Just click here and reply to Veronika. ⬅️

However, how long has it been since the casino replied to you about the verification situation and the documents you sent ? 

Første gang jeg lavede et indskud på 50 zloty. Pengene forlod bankkontoen og nåede ikke frem til casinokontoen. Jeg skrev til supporttjenesten og bad mig sende dem betalingsbevis, hvilket jeg gjorde. Der er intet svar fra dem. Ingen svarer på mine breve.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Oh, you're a little late to the party since the whole incident. Have you thought about making a complaint on our side? You didn't get any update on your situation ? Let me know, please.

Jeg har ikke hørt noget fra casinoet, hvad de gør er at live chatten altid stopper og jeg bliver smidt ud af chatten, jeg gjorde alt hvad der blev bedt om, sendte flere screenshots, i systemet så de at jeg havde spillet 100 gratis spins, men havde ingen gevinster, selvom jeg beviste med dato og klokkeslæt, at jeg havde vundet en bonus.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Første gang jeg lavede et indskud på 50 zloty. Pengene forlod bankkontoen og nåede ikke frem til casinokontoen. Jeg skrev til supporttjenesten og bad mig sende dem betalingsbevis, hvilket jeg gjorde. Der er intet svar fra dem. Ingen svarer på mine breve.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hey, I don't envy you this situation. How long are you waiting for the casino to respond? Sometimes it may not be their fault and therefore there may be an issue on the provider's side. Have you tried asking ? 

I would probably try to be patient and keep trying to inquire and if nothing changes, then we will try to help as well, although we are quite limited in this area. 

Let me know if anything new comes up.

Jeg har ikke hørt noget fra casinoet, hvad de gør er at live chatten altid stopper og jeg bliver smidt ud af chatten, jeg gjorde alt hvad der blev bedt om, sendte flere screenshots, i systemet så de at jeg havde spillet 100 gratis spins, men havde ingen gevinster, selvom jeg beviste med dato og klokkeslæt, at jeg havde vundet en bonus.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I understand, it's just a pity you didn't come when the whole situation was happening. If it's been a few months since the incident, obviously the casino won't be dealing with it much. 

Therefore, if there is a problem, I recommend you try to resolve it with the casino and if that is not possible, feel free to write here and we will see what can be done. Don't wait so long because it reduces your chances of success.

I hope that similar scenarios won't happen again and you will have better sessions. 😕


Der skete ikke noget nyt fra deres side. Jeg skrev til dem igen. De lover at undersøge det og sender mig ikke noget svar. Efter min mening er disse svindlere. Jeg har aldrig haft sådanne problemer med noget casino; Jeg har spillet på internettet i lang tid. Det eneste gode er, at jeg kun lavede én indbetaling hos dem. Al tillid til dem var tabt for at fortsætte med at spille.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Sometimes it can take time if unexpected problems arise. The best thing to do would be to find out on whose side. When they look into it, I hope they can sort it out, and when you have sent them a receipt, I hope it will be settled. 

On the other hand, I would not be comfortable just waiting and not knowing what is going on and not having any timeframe. So, as much as I hate to say it, you will have to wait and obviously continue to keep yourself informed at a reasonable time as to how it is and what is going on.

If you have any news, feel free to post and let me know. 

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