HjemForumCasinoerVinyl Casino – generel debat

Vinyl Casino – generel debat (side 2)

1 år siden af marcelinaolichowska0
3.546 visninger 24 svar |
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6 måneder siden

Tak fordi du deltog. Efter mange forsøg på at genoprette retfærdigheden fra deres side, dukkede mine penge mirakuløst op på min spilkonto. Jeg hørte ingen kommentarer eller undskyldninger fra dem. Jeg anser dem for at være bedragere, fordi efter mit allerførste opkald til supporttjenesten fortalte de mig, at min transaktion var mislykket, og pengene blev returneret til min bankkonto. Efter alt, hvad der skete, vil jeg ikke anbefale dette casino til nogen, og jeg vil skrive om denne hændelse på alle fora. Jeg mener, at sådanne kasinoer bør undgås.

Automatisk oversættelse:
6 måneder siden

It is a kind of pyrrhic victory as they say. You may have got the money but the bitter taste will probably remain and I am not surprised that you will probably move to another casino. 

However, you shouldn't forget that it's not always the casino's fault and therefore you shouldn't generalize so much. Because it can be the fault of the 3rd party provider as well. So you know that something like this can happen in other casinos as well, but they should definitely communicate with you and give you reassurance to ensure that it's on a serious level. 

So thank you for reaching out to me and updating me, and I firmly believe that further experiences will only get better. 

3 måneder siden

Hello Vinyl Casino won't pay me I have completed verification and now they won't even respond to my emails. Live chat keeps sending me in circles not sure what else to do? Any help is greatly appreciated 👍 My account name is MeJuli been waiting over 10 days without being given a decent response

3 måneder siden

My account is not being paid I have been waiting over a week and they have stopped responding to me. Has anyone else had this issue?

3 måneder siden


May I know what was the last information you've actually gotten from them? It feels really strange to ignore someone who has passed the KYC. Did you perhaps encountry something unusal during the verefication?

Knowing in what status are your withdrawals today might also help a bit.

In any case, if the casino is not willing to communicate with you, I'd say it is time for us to step forward. Definitely a smart move submitting the complaint with us. Though I still hope the process can be avoided, the time for the casino to pay out is getting short.

I'm truly interested in learning more about this whole situation.

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