HjemForumCasinoerVulkan.bet Casino – generel debat

Vulkan.bet Casino – generel debat (side 2)

3 år siden af mg2019
17.394 visninger 88 svar ||
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1 år siden


if you check the casino site, you'll find the license validator - the result shows this:


GCB is just a general license provider. This casino is licensed under the Antillephone.

If you come across different information though, let me know, please. As an alternative, you can contact the person from our data team, you'll find the medallion under the overview. 😉


1 år siden

Currently, is this casino working?

I haven't seen my money for more than 2 weeks.

no response from their finance.


Redigeret af forfatter 1 år siden
1 år siden

Hello there.

The casino seems to be working. If I were you, I would consider submitting a complaint. Two weeks are more than enough to let your waiting.

Have you ever successfully withdrawn from this casino before?

1 år siden

several times.

last one was completed on Feb 9.

1 år siden

Since you've been waiting for so long, I'd recommend you submitting a complaint. There's not much you can do at this point I'm afraid.

1 år siden

Hej, jeg får ikke noget svar, og timeren er allerede udløbet. Hvad kan jeg ellers gøre? Hvorfor er det?


Redigeret af forfatter 1 år siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Hi I moved your post under this particular casino. 

However, I also see that it's okay now and Nick replied to your complaint and you replied back to him as well. There are quite a lot of complaints and our team is trying to do what they can to get to yours or others as soon as possible. 

Anyway, I noticed that according to the complaints you have a problem with withdrawal fees and support is not very helpful. Is that right? 

1 år siden

Ja, det er desværre rigtigt.


Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

As Jaro explained, we all need to be patient for now. Due to the excessive number of complaints, our dedicated specialists need every second the timer gives them.

If there is anything I can do for you in the meantime, please let me know.🙏

1 år siden

Der går meget lang tid, før jeg får hjælp. Med mine tidligere klager følte jeg, at jeg fik rigtig god rådgivning og var også meget respekteret. men det er desværre ikke tilfældet i øjeblikket.

Til alle en god weekend

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

I know it's not a very pleasant situation and you have to wait, but as we have already mentioned, our experts are doing their best to get to every player. Just because Nick doesn't answer you right away doesn't mean that your case is less important or that he doesn't respect you. I'll ask you for some more patience and hopefully things will move forward as soon as possible. 

Anyway, have you learned anything new yet? 

1 år siden

Mange tak og god uge.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Resuméet af min klage behandles altid uden ændringer og formodes at fremstå, som om det er blevet opdateret. Timeren er nulstillet. Er det måske muligt for en anden klagespecialist at tage sig af mig? Jeg har ventet her med min klage i næsten 3 uger, og der er ingen fremskridt. Hvad sker der?

Med venlig hilsen TheCooN82

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Hello TheCooN82!

I'm sorry it takes so long, well, we are pretty occupied, that's true. I'll try to get some insights about your case, of course. I already sent a reminder. Hopefully, it helps a bit.

I see it has been a week since Nick got the requested update, if I am to speculate, I would say he's on it. 🤔

1 år siden

Godaften, er der måske en chance for, at en af disse 2 kollegaer tager sig af mit problem igen? Jeg har ventet i mere end 3 uger på at få hjælp. 😢😩

Endnu en gang et stort kompliment og tak til disse 2 herrer.



Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Hey there.

As far as I can tell, less than two days remain until the next phase of the complaint you have with Nick. So, what is the matter, please? Would you like to switch Nick for Nick? 🙂

I could not find any other open or recently submitted complaints of yours.

1 år siden

Nick fra 10 måneder siden ville være fantastisk. Jeg vil slet ikke stresse, men det er lidt irriterende at vente en uge hver gang, indtil jeg får svar. Misforstå mig ikke, jeg er meget taknemmelig for supporten fra casinoguru-teamet🤭

Hav en god start på ugen.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Now I understand. It's a kind of comparison - I should have known 🙂

I don't want you to think I'm making stupid excuses, yet I have to say the number of complaints the Team was handling 10 months ago was much lower than in the current situation.

I agree that it must be quite a pain, still, at least once per week I see the team leader asking all members to rise their maximum capacities. I'm convinced, and I can honestly say they've pushed the limits for quite some time yet. Actually, I know some of them try to train new colleagues, but sadly, it takes a lot of time to get through the process.

I'm grateful for your understanding. Please, be a bit more patient. 🙏

1 år siden

Tak for dine søde linjer 👍🏼🌷

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Have a very good weekend! 😉💚

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