HjemForumCasinoerVulkan Vegas Casino – generel debat

Vulkan Vegas Casino – generel debat

 af Jonas23111
126.557 visninger 474 svar |
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Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Vulkan Vegas Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

Normal, at verifikationen tager så lang tid?

Og du skal bruge den samme metode, når du hæver, som når du foretager en indbetaling.

Hvordan skal det fungere med paysafecard? Jmd oplevelser?

Automatisk oversættelse:

How long time have you been waiting for the verification?

Yes, it's a standard process that the winnings need to be sent using the same method as the method that was used to make a deposit (it's actually a very basic anti-money laundering rule that casinos need to follow).

In case it's not possible (for example paysafecard or certain Mastercards that don't support withdrawals), then only in these cases the customer needs to verify another payment method (for example you send a bank statement showing your bank account number) and then the winnings are sent directly to your bank.


Jeg venter stadig på bekræftelse.

Jeg har allerede sendt en kontoudtog, men der sker ikke mere.

MfG Jonas fredag

Automatisk oversættelse:

But when did you send it? How long time have you been waiting for the verification?


Jeg indsendte dataene for 4 dage siden, men der sker stadig ikke noget.

Så jeg venter stadig på en bekræftelse på, at bekræftelsen er gennemført.

MfG Jonas fredag

Automatisk oversættelse:

Does the customer support reacts to your messages? Have you tried to contact them on the live chat and ask about the situation?


Jeg har nøjagtigt det samme problem live chat fungerer ikke og intet svar via e-mail

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, what' the current situation, please? If you still have no reply from the casino, please, send me your email address that you used to register in Vulkan Vegas to daniel@casino.guru and then I'll try to contact the casino directly.


Hello lennys, what' the current situation, please? If you still have no reply from the casino, please, send me your email address that you used to register in Vulkan Vegas to daniel@casino.guru and then I'll try to contact the casino directly.


Dear Lennys

Could you please describe what exactly does not work within the live chat ? (A button can't be pressed, erors etc?) Thank you in advance!

Also, please kindly check the e-mail of yours. The response has been provided.

chatten kan ikke åbnes, og som sagt sendte jeg alle dokumenterne, men intet er sket i 10 dage

Automatisk oversættelse:

Dear lennys

By far I see that the requested document has been provided on July 27. It's been approved, you may proceed with the withdrawal.

Re the live chat - we have not seen any complaints on the technical side. Would you be able to provide the device, operating system and the browser you are trying to open the chat from? This is much appreciated. Thank you!

Nej, det er ikke sandt. Jeg anmodede om en udbetaling, og den blev afvist, min e-mail er minxxxx@gmail.com, vær venlig at hjælpe mig, jeg har ventet i lang tid og har sendt de korrekte dokumenter, så jeg vil også gerne modtage min udbetaling, tak

Automatisk oversættelse:

Dear lennys

The last time you logged in is ​27.07.2021 19:30:56 (UTC)

Please kindly log into your account and make a withdrawal request.

Also, it will be rather helpful if you could provide us with the details re the issue with the Live Chat.

Thank you in advance!

I've been through the same thing. Verfication is very old. I sent you an email but there's no answer. I want to withdraw my money over this.

Looks like you had to change your website on the vulcano casino wasn't the best recommendation for mastercard payment.

Vulkan Vegas Casino

I've been through the same thing. Verfication is very old. I sent you an email but there's no answer. I want to withdraw my money over this.

Jeg kan ikke hæve mine penge, dette er et fupnummer, jeg tabte tusind pesos oveni, jeg tjente mere end 15 tusind, og jeg vil foretage tilbagetrækningen, og de fortæller mig, at betalingen vil blive foretaget med det samme, og så fortæller de mig det at det vil tage 7 hverdage dette er en løgn jeg spillede med god tro og disse mennesker svindler folk, det er lort, jeg kommer til at være en klage

Automatisk oversættelse:

They can in fact to approve the withdrawal immediately, but it can take up to 7 days to receive the money to your account. Is the withdrawal still pending?

I want to say. this is a very good slot. i tried to bet with the freespins bonus and it has increased my winnings to $300 and i have withdrawn my account. seriously they really pay. no requirements are so complicated. and operator service is very good and helpful. thanks vulkan vegas.. for those of you who want to find what slots are fair and reliable. i highly recommend to try vulcan vegas. good luck and have a nice sunny day

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