HjemForumCasinoerVulkan Vegas Casino – generel debat

Vulkan Vegas Casino – generel debat (side 15)

 af Jonas23111
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Can you explain why you believe that you can't access the money? I'm sorry but I did not get it. 🤔

de sendte det til en konto, hvor pix-nøglen er min cpf, men jeg lagde min e-mail på tidspunktet for tilbagetrækningen, som jeg altid bruger til at modtage og sende, de var for dovne til at skrive min e-mail og sendte den til en konto hos mig som jeg skylder, og så snart der kommer et beløb på denne konto, debiteres det, og jeg har ikke adgang.

Automatisk oversættelse:

1 måned venter på at de gør dette, 1 måned venter på at finde ud af, at siden d. 7. november er pengene sendt til en konto, som jeg ikke kan få adgang til. oprørende

Automatisk oversættelse:

Well, do you think there is anything you can do to gain access to the account?

I'm not familiar with how this procedure works in Brasil, so sorry for a probably stupid question...


Jeg kunne få adgang til kontoen, men ikke til de penge, som lå i banken. fordi jeg har del i det.

Detalje: Jeg bruger ikke denne bank, og jeg bruger ikke pix-nøglen, som de sendte værdien til

netop på grund af denne gæld, som jeg har til banken,

2 detalje: Jeg ville aldrig sende til denne bank

3 detalje: Jeg bekræftede min pix-nøgle to gange, da jeg anmodede om tilbagetrækningen præcist, så der ikke skulle være nogen form for fejl, enten ved at skrive et forkert bogstav eller sådan noget.

Jeg er meget frustreret over alt dette, for ledsageren siger bare, at jeg har lagt pix-nøglen til den bank, som jeg har gæld, men det ved jeg, at jeg ikke gjorde. Jeg gjorde aldrig det med at tage min pix-nøgle forkert, og jeg ville ikke bare sende den til en pix-nøgle, som jeg ikke bruger, og som jeg skylder.

Jeg er ret sikker på, at de sendte det til min pix-nøgle, der er registreret hos min (CPF), fordi det er mere behageligt for dem. for frustrerende at bruge 1 måned på at vente på at finde ud af at problemet ikke kan løses og oven i købet er jeg angiveligt skyldig.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi fabio221963,

now I feel that I understand the situation much better. Let's say that the casino used the "official" way to send you the winnings, and you were expecting the money to end elsewhere. 🤯

I guess that there is no chance to access the money or send it to your preferred account because of this debt you mentioned...

I'm truly sorry, sadly I have no idea how to solve the situation.

Redigeret af forfatter

den officielle måde er at sende det til den pix-nøgle, som personen anmoder om, og ikke casinoet for at vælge at sende det til min cfp, fordi det er mere bekvemt for dem.

Automatisk oversættelse:

That would be the best way in this case.

Well, the complaint is still running, though I have no idea how we could help you with this, so I'll wait for another update. 🤔

i would like to ask for help because ive been dealing with my problems in this casino, i thought it would be okay to play on this site because of the reviews, but i encounter difficulties during withdrawals, it almost ONE MONTH AND A HALF since i request withdrawals , then they have so many technical issues and excuses that they cannot send my money to my account. first, you can have withdrawal request, then they promised you to wait for two days up to 2-5 working days, after that your request will be REJECTED due to they need additional supporting documents. then you will submit needed documents then you need to wait another 2-5 working days to process, then after that you can request again withdrawal that needs another 2-5 working days again, after that days and it sometimes 3-10days, your withdrawal will be rejected again because of technical issues, then they will suggest you to request another withdrawal Again and wait for another 2-5days. it seems to me that they do not want to give your money. what i am going to do???. thank you.


Hi there,

I'm sorry to see that you have such problems. Without any further delay, I would like you to consider submitting a complaint - just click here.

Explain the problem and provide all related emails and transcripts, please.

A huge amount of withdrawals have been delayed due to technical problems recently, but players are getting paid. Check the complaints here.


thank you. i already submitted my complaint. 🙇‍♀️


You are welcome 🙂

Just one question, can you use a different payment option aside from the bank transfer?

Could prove useful to know.


Glædelig jul Radka

se med mig for at bevise med disse data, at det var en fejl fra det eget websted, men det ser ud til, at nicket ikke forstår. Jeg tror, det er en oversættelsesfejl. tag et kig på disse data sendt af vulkanen selv og dets repræsentant gennem klagen fremsat her hos guru.

dette script blev sendt af repræsentanten, et svar om de data, jeg lagde ind i anmodningen om undersøgelsen:

Portefølje: fabioco****antos1899@gmail.com

bankCode": "2\*0",

"customerName": "FABI\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\***_**NTOS",

"bankAccount": "7120**_1-2",

"bankBranchCode": "0**1",

og dette er betalingsbeviset sendt af vulkansupport via e-mail til mig:

file se, at pix-tasten er forskellig fra den, jeg bad om

Automatisk oversættelse:

That's good that you sent this printscreen to Nick via the complaint as well. It's now waiting for review, so he will check it out, don't worry.

Redigeret af forfatter

Jeg har lige registreret mig der og indbetalt €400, som også blev debiteret direkte fra min konto.

Desværre krediteres der ingen penge til mig, supporten siger at det kan tage op til 24 timer, hvis det er nødvendigt bør jeg kontakte dig igen.

Dette er virkelig ikke en god start.👎

Automatisk oversættelse:


actually, a higher percentage of casinos allow players to play immediately after the deposit, even when the funds are in transfer - have not been credited to the casino account yet, such casinos just land players the money for a limited time.

Not this one it seems. I hope you'll get the deposit soon.

I have a question about kyc verification at VulkanVegas casino.We submit documents before the first payment, and then, for example, we order payments over 1000 euros.Is was the account disputed?What account?And the second question is, when the clone is detected, multicont is blocked??

Redigeret af Radka
Årsag: nonfunctional link

I'm sorry but I do not fully understand your concern, I feel however that this is about the multi-account rule. Have you been accused of opening several accounts?

If so, generally speaking, only the first opened account is left and the others are closed. The golden rule says one account per player.

Let me know what seems to be the problem, please.

Redigeret af forfatter

godt.Jeg har en hovedkonto verificeret af kyc.Efter 5 mc opdagede vulkan vegas 2 konti på min personlige information, men et andet nummer tlf. og e-mail. Er det muligt, at 5 mc verifikation ikke viste 2 konti? Jeg har også modtaget betalinger over 1K Euro

Automatisk oversættelse:

efter 5 millioner lyser min konto op, jeg kloner for at holde kæft, jeg tager 10.000 euro

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, I think there is a little problem with the translation. What do you actually mean by saying "5mc" please?

So, if I understand correct, you have one main personal account where you asked for withdrawal 1K Euro? And you are worried now because casino found your other two accounts with different telephone and email. Yes, I think it could be a problem when asking for your winnings. Is necessary to find out if you played in past for example with bonuses and got some advantage when you were logged with the other account.

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