Jeg kan se, at du allerede har indsendt en klage her, og vores team vil helt sikkert gøre deres bedste for at hjælpe dig.
Vær opmærksom på, at det ikke er noget usædvanligt, at et online casino ville foretage et videoopkald med spilleren. Det skyldes det faktum, at de ikke er i stand til at se deres spillere ansigt til ansigt for at bekræfte deres identitet og være sikre på, at der overhovedet ikke er nogen problemer.
Jeg håber, at det hele bliver løst så hurtigt som muligt, og at du vil kunne modtage dine penge.
I can see that you have already submitted a complaint here, and our team will surely do their best to help you out.
Please know that it is nothing unusual that an online casino would make a video call with the player. It is due to the fact that they are not able to see their players face-to-face to verify their identity and be sure that there are no issues at all.
I hope that it will be all resolved as soon as possible and you will be able to receive your money.