HjemForumCasinoerWinDetta Casino – generel debat

WinDetta Casino – generel debat (side 2)

 af tftcosta
8.365 visninger 44 svar |
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Hi. If you would like an answer to your question from the casino, the best thing to do would be to ask the casino directly, either in support or live chat, who would be able to answer your question. What do you think ? 

Anyway, when you say that you had a problem with the casino in the context of what you are writing, what was the specific problem ? What exactly happened that you couldn't withdraw your winnings ? 


Sagen er, at jeg ikke har nogen måde at skrive til dig, da du har lukket min konto, på grund af en klage over, at jeg startede hos dig, fordi jeg lavede en indbetaling, jeg tabte den, jeg lavede en anden, jeg vandt en lille forskel, men jeg sørgede for, at jeg havde sat x3 i spil. indsat på denne måde var jeg i stand til at hæve, problemet er, at da jeg klarede udbetalingen to dage senere, blokerede de min konto, og jeg kunne ikke længere have adgang til den. dps for at indlede klagen med dig, returnerede de saldoen på min konto, men de tillod mig ikke at få adgang til min konto, og de blokerede den. Efter at jeg bad dem om at lade mig spille, fremsatte de vage og usammenhængende argumenter og sagde, at de opdagede mistænkelig aktivitet!!! Jeg vurderer, at den mistænkelige aktivitet ville være at have vundet... i hvert fald, jeg spurgte det her, fordi jeg ikke kan tale med dem, faktisk er jeg ved at indlede en klage til den myndighed, der giver licenserne, fordi det er skandaløst, at de lukker din konto når du vil hæve dit overskud (som ikke var mange) beskylder mig for at have spillet x3 indbetalingen med den hensigt at hæve mit indskud!!!, hvad er det for en anklage???? Jeg spiller præcis hvad der er nødvendigt for at kunne hæve det lille jeg vinder!!!

Derfor var det min hensigt, at casinoet skulle give dig besked her, hvis du ikke forlader min konto, vil jeg rapportere det til den myndighed, der udsteder licenserne.

Mange tak, og jeg håber, at det jeg skrev er til noget.


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Automatisk oversættelse:

I have read your complaint about this casino and therefore, in my opinion, it would be best if you filed a complaint with an authority. It seems like the only reasonable solution, since the casino is stalling the firm position. I'm not sure if it would be successful, but you can at least try. 

If you go for it, please let us know. 

egarding my account closure at Windetta Casino:


14.5. Windetta in its turn, reserves the right to close your account at any time and terminate the Terms of Use and send you a written notice about it by using contact details in your account. In the event of any such termination by us we shall as soon as reasonably practicable following a request by You, refund the balance of Your Account.

They closed the account without any notice overnight. You can also see how they stick to the rules that they themselves outlined in their regulations. Wishing them bankruptcy is not enough. (:

I hope everyone wins as much as possible to make this happen.


Well, do you at least know the reason?

What was your latest dealing with them about? Any notices previously made by the chat operator or support

I'm quite convinced this isn't the first time some casino has closed your account, though I may be wrong, of course.

Hi. My verification was approved but now they told me it has to be check by game provider. I won a huge amount and now stressing they won’t pay me out. Anyone else had this problem with Windetta

Jeg er også i samme situation

Automatisk oversættelse:

Fortæl mig, har du modtaget den?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi. I can see that you have already submitted your complaint with our team and they are examining the case and doing their best to get it solved.

This casino has got pretty good safety index, as you can check yourself just by clicking on this link. There are some complaints from the players and our team is always working hard on every each of them. So fingers crossed here.

For now I'm kindly asking you to be patient and in the meantime if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us please.

Did you have maybe some news from the casino?

Same problem here. Won a small amount, went from 60BRL to 200BRL, requested withdrawl and then on the other day woke up not being able to login on my account as it states "User is disabled because of a gambling addicion" lol what's that.


Hi, have you ever self-excluded yourself from a casino, or requested to do so in this one ? If not, did the casino tell you any reason why they wrote to disable your account due to gambling addiction ? 

However, I noticed that you have opened a complaint, so our team will try to help you in this situation. I hope we can find out where the problem is. 

Samme problem her. Jeg vandt et lille beløb, gik fra €20 til €250, anmodede om en udbetaling, og så stod der "Brugeren er deaktiveret på grund af ludomani" 😡😡😡😡

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, I see you are not the only one who has the same problem. Have you written any emails to the casino in the past in the context of closing your account due to addiction or something similar ? Have you already verified your account here and if so did you pass the verification successfully ? 

I think filing a complaint was a good step in this case and our team will try to find out what is the matter. I hope it will be resolved and everything will turn out well. 

If you learn anything new, please let us know.

Min konto er verificeret, og jeg kan ikke foretage en udbetaling via Pix, hvilket skulle ske øjeblikkeligt, jeg har allerede ringet til live support, jeg har sendt en e-mail, og ingen giver mig et svar, og mine penge forbliver frosset. Det er absurd med spilleren, en skam, for jeg nød at spille på kasinoet, men med udbetalingsproblemet er det svært at ville spille igen.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, I definitely understand that it doesn't add to your satisfaction if you can't make a withdrawal and the casino doesn't communicate with you on top of that. 

However, how long have you been waiting for your money ? Did you play with any bonus ? 

Let me know and we'll see what we can do.

Godaften jeg vil gerne informere folk om, at det er en stor fidus i de store gevinster. Jeg vandt 35.000 euro Jeg forsøgte at hæve det, lod mig kun hæve 3.000, og de fortalte mig, at 14 arbejdsdage gik, gik 14 dage, og efter tilslutning manglede igen 27.000 euro på min konto, som forventet, jeg sendte dem en besked, ingen anelse om, hvad der skete med mine penge.. efter to dage sendte jeg dem igen, og de bad mig kontakte afdelingen, der beskæftiger sig med VIP-spillere, og det gjorde jeg, de klikkede på min besked og fortalte mig, at min klage blev læst og ignoreret

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, I don't understand, did the casino give you a reason why you don't see your money there ? I have a feeling they didn't give it to you according to what you're saying. 

When you mention two weeks, that's exactly the time we give casinos to pay players. According to what I saw, the casino has a limit of 3000 per day, so that's probably why they only want to pay you that much, and there's probably no more per day. 

But since your money disappeared without warning, I'd file a complaint on this link and we'll try to find out what's going on.

Think you'll go for it? 


Jeg håber, jeg kan gøre noget, men jeg kan ikke se, at de svarer på mine beskeder længere

Automatisk oversættelse:

So if they ignore you, in my previous reply I outlined a complaint where our team will try to help you. 

Feel free to take a look at it and if you think you don't know what you should do next, go ahead. 

I'll be here if you need anything. 

Først hvad skal jeg gøre?

Automatisk oversættelse:

OK I'll try again, here on this link (green letters, just click on them) you can file a complaint. You describe what happened to you, our team will take a look at it and you go through the same procedure as other players. We'll ask you some questions and if we think the casino has made a mistake, we'll contact them after some time. This is usually 14 days, but depending on the nature of the case it may be sooner. 

So I hope I've helped you and that you'll be able to file a complaint.

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