HjemForumCasinoerWinscore Casino – generel debat

Winscore Casino – generel debat (side 2)

 af Mixer
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I'm so happy for you. Every time players come in and say they feel comfortable, it's a better day because a lot of players don't feel that way in casinos. 

I hope that you will do well here as much as possible and for as long as possible. 🙂

Dette kasino er et forfærdeligt lort. Jeg besluttede at tage 250% bonus, jeg får 100% med en helt forfærdelig mængde genbrug. aspa griner lort uvidende, og jeg besluttede at begynde at spille. I slutningen af cyklussen er saldoen 580 og når den går igennem, er 180 tabt fra saldoen (det siges at man kun kan hæve 10x depositum), derefter trækker jeg 400 og det tager 5 dage, aspa kværner mere lort. I dag går jeg for at tjekke situationen omkring hævningen, og hævningen er blevet afvist og pengene er taget. årsagen er bonusmanipulation. De siger, at de har mailet og sendt, men der er ikke kommet noget. Hvad fanden laver du her?? Så de besluttede at tage 0 euro derfra, og det er der ingen grund til.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hey, I read about your situation. As for the individual bonus, why did you only get 100% if it was supposed to be 250% ? I was going to ask how the casino justified taking everything from you in the end but I see that they told you something about bonus manipulation and they should have sent you an email, which you said you didn't get. 

So if you feel that you did nothing wrong and the casino took all your winnings without giving you a reason, I would recommend lodging a complaint at this link.

If you would like more information on what to expect from this process, you can find it here.

Are you in ? 

I am waiting my withdrawal (1200€) for two days and going on. The support gives me

the same message all over again and the chat does not even work even though it should be 24/7. For my last email I have not received any answer. How much should I wait before I make a complaint?



Sadly, I'm probably going to disappoint you now. Normally, we provide casinos with 14 full days to address all concerns and pay out the money.

May I know what kind of explanation you have gotten so far?

Is this also your first withdrawal at this casino, I'd say it's good to know whether your account has been verified.

Please, let me know.


Chat is working now and I got some answers from there but nothing really that said when they are doing the KYC. Let’s hope that the process is fast. Never has been my withdraw over 48 hours in any casino even though they also have KYC process. This is the first time on this casino but let’s see how this develops. I’m happy to give you another message if the money does not appear! Thanks for answering.


Be sure to keep us updated on further developments. I think if the casino needs you to verify your account and you go through the process successfully, you will probably be allowed to withdraw. If it doesn't, I wonder how long it will take to pay you. Sometimes it probably takes longer than you would expect, but it still doesn't take an extremely long time. 

I hope I can look forward to good news from you. 🙂


I will! I downloaded all the documents before they even asked and I read somewhere that before 2000€ withdraw you don’t even need any documents to be sent so this is kind of awkward but fingers crossed. There is no chance that KYC process doesn’t go through because all the needed documents are sent. Looks like this is just a matter of time and they might want to see me cancelling the withdraw and be playing all the money back and that is what this is all about as they are not paid the money yet.


It is possible that such tactics could also be behind it, but from what I read you are quite aware and you think well. It will be best not to do anything with the money until everything is successful and try to ask the casino what stage your verification is at and if the documents are in order. Once they have been checked, I think the casino will let you know. 

So I'll wait to see what you find out. 🤞


Looks like I am through the KYC process as they asked some more documents but the payment still has not been done. It’s been 6 days now so I’m hoping that the withdraw will be accepted during today/weekend. KYC process was done slowly as they asked one document two days ago and after I sent that they asked one more document which they could have asked for the first time. I think they are just taking their time and waiting for me to cancel the withdraw but I can wait.


Hey there.

Just to be certain,

is the KYC successfully finished or not, please? In my opinion, unless this is done, the withdrawal won't likely make it through.

In any case, we are here for the updates. 🤞🤞


I think I’m through it. I asked from chat and they said that it is just waiting for them to "transfer the money". But I am not 100% sure. They haven’t messaged me anything for 2 days now.


Finally got my withdraw! Took a long time versus other casinos.


Awesome! A bit of relief, finally.

Well, now you know not every KYC, and withdrawals are handled the same way. 😉

Jeg er ikke stødt på sådan et casino endnu, og det håber jeg ikke, det er næppe muligt!!!!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Could you please let me know what happened there? The lack of context in your posts makes them seem a little strange, which makes it harder to understand your concerns clearly overall. Please try to describe the whole situation so we can understand why you said what you just said.

This winscore casino not delete account permanently,iam ask many times!!!And i really lost that casino!!!


I see you've dealt with something here some time ago. How long have you been trying to close the account ? The casino is not responding to your request at all ? How did you ask them to delete the account, did you send an email ? 

If you need help to delete your account and you are unable to do so and the casino ignores you, then you can open a complaint and our team will try to help you. 

Nevertheless, the best thing to do would be to answer my question first.


Jeg har bedt om at lukke kontoen ca. 10 gange, hver gang jeg begynder at tale med en anden person, tilbyder de kun en bonus, de reagerer ikke på min anmodning på nogen måde. Og hver uge er der store bonustilbud et par gange, som jeg har forsøgt at bede om at stoppe, der er en blokering i profilen, de presser stadig!!!! Så mine anmodninger i e-mail eller chat bliver ikke besvaret eller besvaret, men ikke på min anmodning. Jeg kan sige at det starter v......A!!!!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Well then as I said two weeks ago there is nothing to wait for and if I were you I would get our team to try to step in and help you if the casino is ignoring you or your request. 

I think this kind of thing should be taken seriously when a player wants to close their account and not offer them more bonuses, that's pretty unprofessional to me. 

So what do you think, will you open a complaint ? 

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