HjemForumGenerel debat om gamblingVulkanVegas FULD FILD

VulkanVegas FULD FILD (side 2)

 af DjDero
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Jeg er ikke engang overrasket

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, any negative experiences with Vulkan Vegas?

Care to share more details?


Hej, tak casinoguru, de har allerede bekræftet min konto for et stykke tid siden, min udbetaling på 1100 ARS mangler så snart den ankommer.

Automatisk oversættelse:

more and more stories like this, it's hard to find a fair and good online casino


VulkanVegas usually doesn't respond here, but they react to every complaint submitted by players on our website so you can always use that option. Anyway, when the withdrawal takes less than 2 weeks, there's no reason to submit the complaint. Yes, 2 weeks are quite a lot, but our experience is that players always get paid in VulkanVegas (if they don't break some serious Terms and Conditions).


That's why CasinoGuru is here. I can't imagine choosing a casino where you deposit just based on the website design or welcome bonuses. We have over 4500 casinos in our database, many of them are extremely bad so there's always quite a high chance that you would end up playing in a really bad casino.

Then there are casinos that are safe and fair, but the withdrawals can take more time than the player is used to. In that case, I always advise to wait patiently for the payment and then you can always decide if you want to carry on playing there or if you prefer to try another place for gambling.


Jeg ved, at vulkan Vegas kun reagerer her nogle gange, jeg sendte kun klagen, fordi det forekom mærkeligt for mig, at det tager sekunder ved indbetaling, og når jeg hæver dage eller endda uger for sent, men når jeg sender klagen om, at min hævning ikke nåede frem, ser jeg at vulkan Vegas ser på kommentarerne Selvom jeg ikke kommenterede, fordi jeg allerede har kontoen verificeret på en dag, venter jeg kun på betalingen.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Well, Vulkan Vegas is addressing complaints submitted through our resolution center, which fits, but you have not submitted any. 🙂 On the forum though, you won't most likely get any direct answer from the casino.

I do not fully understand the withdrawal issue, but I would suggest contacting support for more details. It never hurts, I guess.


Hej, jeg vil fortsætte med at vente på betalingen, jeg sendte allerede e-mailen i går, men de svarede mig ikke, jeg modtog kun en e-mail om at indbetale 4000 ARS i bytte for gratis spins.

Automatisk oversættelse:

My experience is a bit back, Vulkan Vegas is your best friend when you're losing. If you are lucky and win higher, there are only problems. (Inventing alleged player mistakes) But all of these claims are not true. After winning over €14,000, the payout was refused and I contacted a lawyer at the time. He contacted the game manufacturer, who confirmed that there were no game errors.

I don't want to refer to today but back then may have changed.


Hej, ven, det skete for mig, at jeg foretog en hævning på 1100 ARS, først fortalte jeg mig selv, at 24 timers dps for at bekræfte kontoen og 4 dage er gået, og nu står der, at jeg skal vente op til 5 hverdage på astropay men i handelsbetingelserne står der, at Hvis man er verificeret, kan det ikke tage mere end 2 dage, så til dels brød de med handelsbetingelserne, men de siger, at de allerede har godkendt min betaling, det er stadig hos den eksterne betalingsudbyder, stoler jeg stadig på, at udbetalingen når min astropay-konto.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Like I said, I can't talk about the current procedure. They may have improved too. I wish you that your payment arrives. In my time, as mentioned, it was different and my lawyer also had 300 other cases in which fraud was reported according to the information from my lawyer. So from my point of view not a trustworthy casino. (But its Important to see the differnce, whats the actually Status of the Lawsuits and what the do i didnt Know) My case went to court and Vulkan Vegas was ordered to pay out the money. (And the word of the Jugde was to beginn: Let's negotiate this quickly with our permanent guests

Also that words i have in my head and what the judge Said means for me there many Victims

Redigeret af forfatter

My experience is a bit back, Vulkan Vegas is your best friend when you're losing. If you are lucky and win higher, there are only problems. (Inventing alleged player mistakes) But all of these claims are not true. After winning over €14,000, the payout was refused and I contacted a lawyer at the time. He contacted the game manufacturer, who confirmed that there were no game errors.

I don't want to refer to today but back then may have changed.


not happy to hear about such an approach.

To ensure that players will be safe, we encourage every player that feels something was/is wrong, to submit a complaint. This is a chance to help players and also change the casinos' ratings if necessary.

Am I assuming correctly that the casino voided your winnings due to a technical error, but the game provider provided a statement saying there was actually no error on their side, right?

Hej, jeg vil fortsætte med at vente på betalingen, jeg sendte allerede e-mailen i går, men de svarede mig ikke, jeg modtog kun en e-mail om at indbetale 4000 ARS i bytte for gratis spins.

Automatisk oversættelse:


I feel that your account is not yet fully verified. Just to make sure, have you received any confirmation saying that the account has been verified, please?


Jeg er blevet verificeret i flere dage og betalingen er endnu ikke ankommet, jeg har tænkt mig at vente til næste uge, fordi jeg tror, den ikke betaler sig i weekenden, selvom jeg så, at den senere beder om mere information for ikke at betale, selv så , Jeg vil vente.

Automatisk oversættelse:


So you got some confirmation, ok. I guess that waiting is an option, but I would keep an eye on the withdrawal's status and ask the casino about it occasionally.

Let me know how it goes 🤞

De giver mig altid en undskyldning for, at det er hos betalingsudbyderen, og de vasker deres hænder, vulkan Vegas fidus formodes, at hvis jeg har den verificerede konto, vil det kun tage 2 dage, jeg vil ikke vende tilbage til dette casino, tak for at have hjulpet mig det samme.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I tough that much. Actually, if the problem is on the payment provider's side, the casino can't do anything about that. This is usually a 3rd party company, and the casino simply has to wait for an update from the company to pass that on to you. As far as I can remember in such situations the casinos try to find another payment option to pay out the winnings. Are there any alternatives available to you?


De har ikke fortalt mig den alternative betalingsmulighed, kun at jeg skal blive ved med at vente...!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Ja, de prøver at udsætte dig for altid.. det gik kun hurtigere for mig, efter jeg fortalte dem, at jeg ville indgive en offentlig klage her.. alt gik meget hurtigt derefter.. før det kom jeg kun med undskyldninger.. tomme løfter. .. udskyd .. i håb om at du spilder de penge i tide.

Vær vedholdende!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Tak, jeg vil følge dit råd ven

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