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N1 casino fidus? (side 7)

3 år siden af Sa-br-ina21
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3 måneder siden

If you feel that our complaint team could assist you with this in any way, feel free to submit a complaint here. I am sure they will have a deeper look into your case and will try for the best resolution possible. What do you say, are you going to try that? Here's the link if you wish to submit a complaint.

Let us know, please, about your decision.

3 måneder siden

The complaint team in my case wasn't helpful at all.

Is anybody more serious than Nick Complaint Specialist?

He hurried to close the topic again, apparently? because he skimmed my posts and the inbox he received

He omitted that I mentioned that a second complaint was made, with the consent - prompting of the committee, as the response and attitude of the company was deemed reprehensible

Επέμεινα με μια δεύτερη, πιο στοχευμένη καταγγελία στην επιτροπή και περιμένω τη νέα εξέλιξη.

He also did not bother to comment on the company's response, which he received to his email. Apart from the fact that he doesn't check his emails.

His only effect was to ask for the company's response, which he had received, and then to close the topic, while it was clearly stated that there was a new official complaint.

I request that the complaint be re-opened and that someone with the required time and interest take it up.

Redigeret af forfatter 3 måneder siden
3 måneder siden

As I can see in your complaint, our team was unable to proceed any further, and this was the explanation: "Due to lack of sufficient evidence and the decision from the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), we had been unable to assist further and the complaint had been rejected again."

So unfortunately, that is why Nick couldn't do much about your case, not because of a lack of interest.

If you feel that you have some new evidence, try to reopen your complaint again and I am sure that our team will have a look at it.

1 måned siden

n1 casino har konfiskeret indbetalingerne og nægter at tilbagebetale det fulde beløb af de konfiskerede indskud, og de besvarer ikke mails og blokerer live chat samtalerne for at undgå at svare for den ulovlige konfiskation af mine indskud

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

Could you explain the issue to us a little more, please? How did they confiscate your deposits? I do not fully understand it.🤷‍♀️

Could we help out in some way, perhaps?

1 måned siden

Der er foretaget indbetalinger til duplikerede konti, fordi jeg ikke vidste, at det ikke var tilladt

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

Well, opening duplicate accounts is forbidden in most online casinos, and it is always stated in the terms of use. It is really important to read the terms every time you want to open a new account at any online casino, because you can surely avoid any future issues by doing so.

How long did you play at this casino, and what was the reason for you to open more than one account, though?

1 måned siden

Jeg vidste ikke, at det er forbudt, og jeg spillede ikke. Jeg åbnede konti, jeg lavede en indbetaling på 580 euro, og pengene blev konfiskeret, konti blev lukket, og N1 casino nægter at returnere de 580 euro, der er blevet konfiskeret og svarer ikke mine e-mails og live chat

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

I would suggest you file a complaint here with our team, if you wish. Describe the issue well and hopefully there will be some chance to get everything solved.

What do you say? Are you up for it? Here's the link, and if you need any assistance, please let us know.

1 måned siden

Nogle foranstaltninger er blevet truffet vedrørende bedrageri og konfiskation af mine indskud af n1 casino

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

Jeg spillede nu juli 2024 på dette casino, og jeg tog deres bonus, og jeg vandt 150 euro, jeg lavede det spin, de ønskede, og jeg går for at hæve 150, de er for sent, og så fortæller de mig, at jeg satsede 5 euro og oversteg bonussen grænser, ligger jeg har aldrig spillet 5 euro bet kun én gang, jeg købte en 20 euro bonus hvor indsatsen var 0,2 minutter, jeg sendte dem en mail, de svarede at ja, langt væk, send alle til forbrugeradvokaten og luk dem ned, eller lad os anlægge en massesag mod svindlerne

Redigeret af forfatter 1 måned siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

So do I understand correctly that they accused you of violating the maximum bet, but you did not exceed it at all? Is that right?

You can actually check that out in the bet history if the casino can provide it to you. Try to ask for it, and if you see that they are not willing to cooperate, don't hesitate to come to us, and our complaint team will gladly have a look into all this.

Indlæg af artmez er blevet slettet
1 måned siden

I cant watch my betting history just a few spins i can watch there the last ones ,and when i told them to sent me the proofs that i exceeded the max bet they tell me to watch my history and i cant and they know ,also i told them that if it was because i bought a bonus 20 euro they dont have it in their policies and they said it might be that ,and then they changed their rules and policy writing also for bought bonuses ,completely freud liers

1 måned siden

n1 casino svarer fortsat ikke på e-mails og live chat, og jeg har ingen kommunikation, og jeg ved ikke, hvad der vil ske, og om det er lovligt, at de i 6 måneder har beslaglagt mine indskud uden nogen form for tilbagebetaling

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

Der er ikke noget værre selskab end n1 casino, de følger ikke vilkårene og reglerne, og der er ingen kontakt med dem for service

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

I cant watch my betting history just a few spins i can watch there the last ones ,and when i told them to sent me the proofs that i exceeded the max bet they tell me to watch my history and i cant and they know ,also i told them that if it was because i bought a bonus 20 euro they dont have it in their policies and they said it might be that ,and then they changed their rules and policy writing also for bought bonuses ,completely freud liers

1 måned siden

In this case, I would like to suggest you file a complaint here with our team, and they will try to help. Hopefully the casino will cooperate and provide all the information.

If you're interested, please start the process here 👈 and let us know if you need any kind of assistance.

What do you say? Are you up for it?

1 måned siden

Der er ikke noget værre selskab end n1 casino, de følger ikke vilkårene og reglerne, og der er ingen kontakt med dem for service

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

I am really sorry that the issue is still persisting and the casino is not willing to cooperate.

I believe that our team is usually able to get in touch with this casino whenever they need to solve a complaint. So, if you wish, file a complaint and let us investigate. Hopefully there will be some movement regarding all this.

You can see all the complaints over here, and check out how the casino usually cooperates.

Please let us know how you have decided to move forward. We'll be waiting here, ready to help.

1 måned siden

Jeg har indgivet en klage, men ingen har reageret

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

You created the complaint, but you didn't write anything. What of what you have sent us to understand, please? That's why no one wrote you back, obviously. Describe your situation and don't send one and the same attachment, because they don't know what to make of it I would say.

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