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National bet casino (side 2)

 af makelios6
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Kære radka

Min klage handler ikke om sportsvæddemål.

Det handler om kontolukning efter indbetaling uden nogen forklaring.

Jeg tror, ​​jeg er meget præcis.

Jeg kom tilbage med en klage, som også blev afvist på grund af inkonsistente oplysninger som påpeget af casinoguru.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I'm sorry, I still do not understand what complaint are you reffering to. Would you kindly mind my closing question?

"Is it about some sort of reopening request maybe?"

In other words, have you tried to reopen your rejected complaint against this casino? It looks like the request has not been approved. Which explains why this latest course of events is not traceable in your Casino Guru account - you can check that for yourself.

I'm also quite accurate when it comes to tracking information, but as long as we are admins, not complaint mediators, we do not have such a kind of explanation available; thus, I'm asking you because you are complaining about something I'm not familiar with.

Can you please try to help me understand your current concern?

Ja genstartsanmodning.

Afvist af dit kasino.

Det opfylder alle kriterierne for at indgive en klage.

Det handler om at lukke en konto og ikke et sportsvæddemål

Automatisk oversættelse:

Desværre er jeg tvunget til at skrive en negativ anmeldelse af guru casino på trust pilot

Automatisk oversættelse:

Ja genstartsanmodning.

Afvist af dit kasino.

Det opfylder alle kriterierne for at indgive en klage.

Det handler om at lukke en konto og ikke et sportsvæddemål

Automatisk oversættelse:

I see now, thank you.

You are concerned about the complaint reopen request, which has nothing in common with the complaint you tried to reopen.

Perhaps this is also the part that is not very clear to the mediator. It is, for instance, not very clear to me.

Since the original complaint was related to the sportsbetting and did not include a closed account, I see no point in reopening it, for instance. It would be better to submit a new complaint, I'd say.

In any case, I explained to you that this is a forum, not a complaint - I'm not part of the dedicated Complaint Team, so I do not know how specifically you asked for the reopen and what response you got.

Could you kindly share the message you got as an explanation for the complaint rejection, please? We may discuss the details first instead of keeping mentioning Trust Pilot from your side.

Thank you.


Dette er afvisning

Automatisk oversættelse:

Thank you for the screenshot.

In the morning, I discussed this situation with my team, and according to the best of our understanding, we are convinced that reopening the case, which was previously rejected due to sports betting, was not the best course of action. I believe I already mentioned that in my previous response, so let me be more concrete:

The complaint was rejected because it seemed you had placed a sports bet. After you did, the account was closed.

The reopening request, among other things, says that you deposited 100€ and without any single bet, your account was closed and you could not contact the casino.

It actually sounds like the same situation described in two ways - only the sports betting, which would have led to the request's rejection, was left out.

Could you please confirm if the circumstances behind this "new" account closure at the same casino were entirely different?

In any case, we are sorry to see you were provided with an inaccurate explanation. The situation I outlined is the problem, not any "inconsistent information" of any kind, in our opinion.

I will wait for your update on the second account closure, but I want to emphasize one thing again:

Any events associated with sports betting and its rules are outside our reach and won't be accepted in the form of complaint.

Kære Radka, tak for svaret.

Jeg tror, ​​jeg er ret klar.

Der er ingen problemer med sportsvæddemål.

Jeg gentager, at din klage har at gøre med lukningen af ​​min konto uden nogen forklaring fra kasinoet.

Enkelt og overskueligt.

Jeg håber, du vil åbne min klage.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Dear user,

Could you, instead of commanding me here, help me understand how you overcame the first account closure? I believe I was also pretty clear and transparent.

It is your turn to explain both events. I suggest you put some efforts into that; otherwise, we won't be able to move forward. As a result, the situation will remain the same for you too.

I hope you understand that and will cooperate. I'm currently most likely the only one interested in your situation, based on the rejected reopen request.

Jeg forstår, at du er den eneste, der forsøger at hjælpe mig, og jeg takker dig meget for det.

Måske forstår maskinoversættelsen ikke mit problem.

Lad os starte fra begyndelsen.

Jeg registrerede mig på national bet casino uden at casinoet bad mig om bekræftelse.

Jeg lavede 7 indskud på 100 euro, som jeg satsede på både slots og sportsvæddemål.

Den 8. indbetaling på 100 euro og mens pengene havde forladt min bank og blev overført til min casinokonto, lukkede de min konto uden nogen forklaring.

Jeg har forsøgt at kontakte casino national bet og bede om en forklaring på, at min konto er lukket, og der er intet svar fra dem.

Jeg bad casinoguruen om at undersøge sagen ved at indgive en klage, som blev afvist.

Dette er hele virkeligheden kære radka.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Thank you very much for your effort and the description.

Perhaps you are quite right, and the auto-translator gave us both a hard time.

The way I see it, though, the situation with the casino is still the same as in the first complaint. What makes you think it is not bound to your previous sports betting activities? I mean, in order to reopen the complaint, you must first explain that to the mediator. I'm trying to figure out how to do that...

Let me ask my colleagues first, please. I'll get back to you.

Kære radka

Jeg tror, ​​nationalt væddemål er et fupnummer.

Lukning af kontoen har intet med sportsvæddemål at gøre

Automatisk oversættelse:

Kære radka

Her er et bevis på, at de har lukket min konto file

Jeg gentager, at der ikke er noget med sportsvæddemål at gøre.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Dear player,

I am aware that your account has been closed, and since it appears that you are still unaware of the reason for the closure, I think it is fascinating that you can state with such certainty that it has nothing to do with sports betting.

Consider that from our perspective, please:

There is a good chance the relationship exists because your account was closed after you bet on sports.

Assuming that the complaint is accepted, our first goal is to plan the best course of action for contacting the casino and requesting an explanation. "The account was closed due to activities violating our sports betting rules." is what the casino might say. How would we respond?

In addition, you acknowledged that the account was closed following your sports wager. Now you're saying it has nothing in common.

Could you explain that to me, please?

Kære radka.

Dette særlige casino er ikke kontrolleret af nogen regulerende myndighed.

Grundlagt i september 2024.

Bedømmelsen den modtager på trust pilot er 2,2, hvor mange spillere taler om et fupkasino.

Hvis du kigger her i forummet vil du finde det samme fra spillere.

Kasinoet ændrede sin e-mail inden for en dag og fra m"> gjorde det det vil sige, at han fjernede et m, hvilket er meget mistænkeligt.

Kære radka, hvad får dig til at tro, at kasinoet ikke er et fupnummer, og du mener, at jeg har brudt reglerne.

Prøv at kontakte kasinoet.

Meget svær ting.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Kære radka

Her er nogle anmeldelser fra brugere på trust pilot.

Hvad venter du på for at hjælpe spillerne filefilefile

Automatisk oversættelse:

Kære radka.

Dette særlige casino er ikke kontrolleret af nogen regulerende myndighed.

Grundlagt i september 2024.

Bedømmelsen den modtager på trust pilot er 2,2, hvor mange spillere taler om et fupkasino.

Hvis du kigger her i forummet vil du finde det samme fra spillere.

Kasinoet ændrede sin e-mail inden for en dag og fra m"> gjorde det det vil sige, at han fjernede et m, hvilket er meget mistænkeligt.

Kære radka, hvad får dig til at tro, at kasinoet ikke er et fupnummer, og du mener, at jeg har brudt reglerne.

Prøv at kontakte kasinoet.

Meget svær ting.

Automatisk oversættelse:


I get what you are saying, but in my opinion, it has now nothing to do with your choice to play there in the past. Furthermore, the complaint matter is still focused on your sports betting history, so even if the casino is somehow defrauding players—and I am not saying that it is—it would not be relevant.

Please do not mistake the most urgent issue for unrelated assumptions.

Now, would you please respond to my query?

"In addition, you acknowledged that the account was closed following your sports wager. Now you're saying it has nothing in common.

Could you explain that to me, please?"

Thank you.

Kære radka

Her er nogle anmeldelser fra brugere på trust pilot.

Hvad venter du på for at hjælpe spillerne filefilefile

Automatisk oversættelse:

If I'm not mistaken, you picked up this casino/sportsbook deliberately, didn't you? In my opinion, it is not very reasonable to accept Trust Pilot reviews retroactively as evidence in these situations.

I strongly advise you to focus your efforts to explain your quite contradictory descriptions of the events related to your rejected complaint. 🙏

Kære radka

Tingene er enkle

De lukkede min konto uden nogen forklaring

Efter et depositum på 100 euro

Lad os ikke blive trætte af det

Automatisk oversættelse:

Fair enough.

Let me just state that your reopen request has very little chance of being accepted if you continue using this shortened version without addressing the inconsistencies that even I noticed during our conversation. I think I mentioned the primary issue more than once.

I am sorry, but I am unable to assist you in this manner.

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