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Verifikation Bruce Bet

 af celgebrink
19.820 visninger 101 svar |
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Jeg har prøvet på alle måder at bekræfte min konto hos dette firma, men de vil have alt for meget synes jeg??

de kræver Selfie med synligt ID-kort. Bankkort kombineret med ID-kort, alle numre er synlige. Kontoudtog med hele kontoen synlig. IbAN og BIC. Og en telefonbekræftelse!!! Skal jeg åbne hele mit liv for en udbetaling, når alle andre virksomheder kan sende penge tilbage til kortet, hvilket BruceBet ikke kan angående min Swedbank. Om et overskud på 110.000 SEK

Automatisk oversættelse:

Have your KYC procedures failed or you are just concerned about the amount of documents they are requesting? The only one I find suspicious is the card requirement with all numbers visible, I have done these card verifications and they always ask you to cover the middle digits, it's really weird that they want the whole card uncovered.

Selfie with ID, bank statement with everything visible and phone verification are normal, I have done all these KYC procedures multiple times across many casinos, bookies, wallets and exchanges, it's extremely annoying and excessive I agree, but sadly it's neccessary and we agree to it by registering, I can't recommend you anything else than simply cooperating unless you are willing to lose the balance in that account

Brucebet er det værste casino, der nogensinde har eksisteret. Pas på, de snyder...!!! Jeg vandt 800 og i 21 dage har jeg ikke været i stand til at få mine penge tilbage, de opfinder konstant noget med verifikationen, jeg har allerede sendt over 100 mails og jeg har beviser!!! Sagen er stadig ikke løst, de planlægger stadig... vær forsigtig med dette casino, der er mange andre mere ærlige kasinoer. videregive denne besked til andre, så du ikke bliver snydt... Svindlere og tyve, ingen 48 timers verifikation, en løgn

Automatisk oversættelse:

File a complaint: https://casino.guru/complaints/all

Have they explained why your verification fails? You played with a bonus? By the moment try filing a complaint, you already waited too much

Brucebet er det værste casino, der nogensinde har eksisteret. Pas på, de snyder...!!! Jeg vandt 800 og i 21 dage har jeg ikke været i stand til at få mine penge tilbage, de opfinder konstant noget med verifikationen, jeg har allerede sendt over 100 mails og jeg har beviser!!! Sagen er stadig ikke løst, de planlægger stadig... vær forsigtig med dette casino, der er mange andre mere ærlige kasinoer. videregive denne besked til andre, så du ikke bliver snydt... Svindlere og tyve, ingen 48 timers verifikation, en løgn

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hey, SunsetGaze gave you the right advice. Since we give casinos 14 days to resolve a KYC or withdrawal and you're long past that time, we'll try to help you out. 

However, what is the issue with your verification ? Did the casino say why the documents are not accepted ? 

I'll wait for the answer. 

Hej, kan nogen hjælpe mig, jeg vandt 15.000 på dette casino...På trods af verifikation har pengene stået på kontoen i næsten en måned...Jeg har verificeret mig selv mange gange og er blevet afvist igen og igen..

Automatisk oversættelse:




I checked both print screens, thanks for bringing them here, and found that the conversation says you are not fully verified because you provided a cropped statement, and in the previous version, your full name or address was missing.

To understand your situation fully and correctly, has anything changed in the meantime?

Can you confirm you passed the verification? The point is to provide all needed documents exactly as you were asked to. Only after that, your verification will be completed successfully.

As to your complaint, kindly mind the timer:


Anyway, I will be here for your reply. 🙏

Nej, intet er ændret, jeg venter nu på svar... Jeg bekræftede mig selv i indkøbscenteret og alt blev afvist. Jeg sendte min registreringsbekræftelse. Jeg er ikke ældre end 3 måneder. Jeg sendte en selfi med ID og pas. Stadig intet sker

Automatisk oversættelse:

De skriver altid det samme

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hej, jeg har verificeret mig selv mange gange, alt er afvist, alt de ønskede endte, de siger altid det samme

Automatisk oversættelse:







Hi, from what I've seen of the screenshots, you were trying to verify your passport and had to take a selfie. Were you successful? Also, did you supply the documents that were previously cropped in the correct format and with all the information ? So are you successfully verified or not, because according to the screenshots I don't see anything like that from live chat, so that's why I'm asking. If you are not verified, what is the problem with the document still ?

In this situation you will need to go through this process successfully before you can withdraw money, probably that's why it's taken so long that you haven't been able to withdraw. 

I also saw that you have an open complaint, so if there are still some problems we will try to help, but so far I have a feeling that it's more of a failure that something is not delivered correctly to the casino. 😥🤔

I will wait for the answer.

Hej, mit sidste indkøbscenter var den 24. februar. Jeg har nu sendt kontoudtoget og har taget et billede af mit bankkort...intet svar endnu

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