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Vulkan Vegas udbetaling (side 5)

 af Butte
40.551 visninger 101 svar |
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mit problem er, at der er sådanne fidus-casino-sider ... ellers nægter de at lukke min konto, hvilket er absurd, og de nægter mig, fordi jeg ikke er bekræftet, og de nægter bekræftelse uden grund, og det uden overskud og hævning af penge, da et problem er bagsiden af min VISA, er de andre dokumenter godkendt. dette er en svigagtig ordning fra selve casinoet for at chikanere spillerne, og dette er emnet her. Jeg uploadede dokumenterne selv uden at kræve dem i starten efter registreringen, dokumenterne opbevares i flere måneder uden overvejelse, dette gøres for at være i stand til i tilfælde af en mulig anmodning om tilbagetrækning at forlænge betalingsperioden så meget som muligt eller det er bedst for dem at nægte sådan

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hej! Kunne du fortælle din oplevelse? Jeg har forsøgt at trække mig ud af casinoet i 3 måneder, og jeg kan ikke ... Jeg har allerede verificeret kontoen, jeg anmodede om at trække 7000 ud, hvoraf de fortalte mig, at jeg kun kunne have 5000 pr. Måned, fra den anmodning, de godkendte 2 betalinger på 500, som dagligt blev annulleret (uden at modtage en meddelelse) Jeg bad om hjælp, og de bad mig om at ansøge igen og vente på de andre anmodninger, der afventes 🙁

Automatisk oversættelse:

I noticed people complaining about this casino but the complaints seem ti be from about a couple months back so I figured they got there shit together. I played on Tuesday won and attempted to withdrawal on wednesday. They dont remove your withdrawal from your balance so you got to be attentive your self to not go over your withdrawal + whatever funds you still have. I had 1700 tried withdrawing 1200. At first I noticed they broke the withdrawal into 3 parts. 2 at $500 and one at $200. I like this method because if i do dip into my funds atleast the whole withdrawal wont be nullified. I played until i had $600 left then noticed that the $200 and one of the $500 withdrawals had been removed. But I still had one $500. I kept playing and now i have around $2200. I attempted to withdrawal $1000 more so it wouldve been a total of $1500 being withdrawn. I completed the kyc verification properly then attempted to sign in on friday but my account is blocked. I couldnt believe it, they said that someone else made a deposit to my account, guess who it was…. G. Raymond!!! The name rang a bell so I googled it. In most online banking websites when you log into your account if theres a picture of your card the name on it says g. Raymond. They offered that if i give back the funds that i can keep playing? Wtf i dont risk my money to hear sounds and see patterns matching. I do it to win more money. They asked for so many different things amd luckily i took pics of receipts and showed them everything they wanted. The guy said be patient if theres nothing wrong with your account ill get paid. Whats next? I cant believe these guys are actually licensed. Im giving them a chance til monday to fix this then im going full Elliot Ness on these people. Curacao licensing first place Ill bombard with emails phone calls even good old post letters until Vulkan Vegas fixes this problem. Personally I dont care much to get people or sites into trouble but if they dont fix my situation by monday ill do everything i can.

I kept the chat i had with them as well. The guy said if i want my block to be removed he can take my funds away them i can keep playing!!!! Id rather watch paint dry than play no money slots. They actually said someone by the name of G. Raymond which is the default name on cards for rbc web banking site. Unfukinbelievable. Im in canada not germany but the same fuckery. Doesnt matter where you are i guess.


That's so strange what you described here with the G. Raymond's name. Please, keep us updated if you receive any further information from the casino.

To my surprise my account wasn’t blocked first thing early Monday morning. Every heading for the Kyc verification has some green check marks in its pictures. Now it just depends on how long it’ll take to get paid. I’ll even be nice and gamble half my funds instead of ask for all of it and not play at all. I must’ve sent them a verification picture of my online banking but didn’t crop or edit the pic so my name in the top right corner wasn’t available, It’s understandable under those circumstances to assume that G.Raymond made the deposit. So far since the chat on Saturday they’ve kept their word. I just really like the different variety of games sure other sites have the same games as them but barely any other sites has all the games I prefer. That’s why I was bummed out when I thought I wasn’t going to spend my funds here anymore.



I'd say that it looks promising now. Let's hope the money will arrive soon. 🤞

Keep us posted, please.

I’ll keep you posted for sure. Thank you Radka.

The same way I was quick to blast this site for the experiences I had with them I should give them praise as well for the experiences I’ve had with them. This site deserves every bit of the rating casino guru gives it if not more. The fairest promos which you have the choice to activate when you please and so much more. This site once you get past the verification process l, which is exactly that a process, is amongst the best sites out there and it’s because of the game selections and the way they’ve made the match bonus’ and the interface and continuous tournaments are just an extra cherry on top. I’m sorry for bad mouthing this site, started rough but it’s all smooth sailing after that initial kyc process. Definitely trustworthy fair and easy site to navigate both for deposits and withdrawals. I’m going to go on record and apologize to Vulkan Vegas casino I should’ve waited a couple days before I started talking shi* about them. I’m sorry VulkanVegas you guys didn’t deserve the things I said and I if I would’ve waited a couple days I would of never said those things because you handled the one issue I had very professionally and quicker than I thought you would.



would you kindly answer Petronela, please?

"PS: Is this the correct URL of the casino, please?


Just go visit your complaint here:


Thank you.

Yes that was the site. Sorry for not replying quicker. I got my problem dealt with professionally and quicker than I expected. Thanks to everyone that helped me with my problem. Play there good games good bonus’ only thing I would say is pay attention to max cash out bonuses



thank you for your update. It's a shame that you gambled your winnings. To me, it seems like you plan to continue playing in this casino. Allow me to say that this casino is a bad pick:


fake games

fake license

unfair T&C

I urge you to pick a more decent one to play in:


God aften ! Hvor længe foretager vulkan Vegas betalingen uden at bekræfte kontoen?

Har nogen fået det endnu?

Fordi jeg anmodede om tilbagetrækning af pix i dmg og indtil videre intet at falde

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi xmilaxx, as you can see here in discussion, more players are waiting longer then is usual for their withdrawals now. I would suggest to be a little bit more patient. We allow casinos 14 full days to proceed with the KYC and the withdrawal. When did you asked for a withdrawal and how do you mean they make the payment without verifying the account please?


God aften ! Jeg kontaktede dem i går, og de sagde, at betaling uden bekræftelse tager 7 hverdage, da jeg er ny her, ville jeg gerne vide, om dette virkelig virker! Fordi mine dokumenter indtil videre ikke er blevet verificeret

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello xmilaxx, I don't know the whole context and what they actually wrote to you. But I think it could be meant that if you are not a verified player yet, then the withdrawal will take 7 days including verification. Wasn't it meant that way? I doubt they would pay out the player without verification of his or her account. I would wait now for them to inform you about the verification. Keep us informed please how it is going. Thank you✨

Hello xmilaxx, I don't know the whole context and what they actually wrote to you. But I think it could be meant that if you are not a verified player yet, then the withdrawal will take 7 days including verification. Wasn't it meant that way? I doubt they would pay out the player without verification of his or her account. I would wait now for them to inform you about the verification. Keep us informed please how it is going. Thank you✨

De fortalte mig, at de ikke har en nøjagtig dato for at bekræfte dokumenterne! 🤬🤬🤬 dumt det

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello there,

well according to an increased number of complaints recently submitted by other players, it seems that the casino is overwhelmed at the moment. This is probably the reason why you have not been told the exact date.

Just try to cooperate and be patient a bit, it's a matter of time I'm sure.

Hej, jeg har læst igennem her og set, at der var tilfælde, der ligner min, så jeg vil beskrive det nu. Jeg åbnede en Vulkan Vegas-konto omkring slutningen af 2021, som jeg troede, jeg havde lukket.

Jeg åbnede så en ny i slutningen af 2022 og alt fungerede, verifikation osv. Jeg betalte ind og udbetalte og alt var fint. Dette var indtil nu for et par uger siden, for at være mere præcis, 26/04/23.

Jeg tabte mange penge i løbet af den tid og havde en stor gevinst på 15.000 euro, fordi jeg ville udbetale de sagde, at jeg har en dobbeltkonto (den konto, jeg nævnte ovenfor), og derfor kan gevinsterne ikke udbetales, eller hvis jeg låser den op vil gerne have pengene trukket fra kontoen, så de er væk. Jeg er ret ked af det, og jeg synes, det er meget uretfærdigt, at kontoen pludselig lukkes, efter at jeg har spillet der i næsten et godt år, og alt er væk nu, især med sådan en sejr. Hjælp venligst jeg er virkelig desperat

Automatisk oversættelse:


I find it very likely to happen, especially within a such wide time frame. I believe I've created an additional account too under the same circumstances - well, not in the casino. Such a situation seems to be pretty common to me.

Creating a complaint was a good step, we always pay attention to the concrete situation to find out whether you gained an unfair advantage over the casino by creating this latest account. If not, shouldn't be a reason for voiding your winnings, I'd say. As you say, some winnings were already paid in the past, so why making it an issue now, I wonder?

Am I assuming correctly the first account wasn't even verified?

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