Vi ønsker at give detaljer om din klage:
DEN 1. marts fremsatte du en anmodning om fortrydelse.
Den 2. marts blev din kontobekræftelse fuldført, og du blev underrettet om det via din e-mail.
Den 3. marts blev din henvendelse behandlet af økonomiafdelingen (du blev informeret om det på din e-mail).
I henhold til kasinoets regler, klausul: 9.2. Økonomiafdelingen har ret til at bestemme sine egne betalings- og udbetalingsbetingelser og maksimum- og minimumsudbetalingsbeløb for hver procedure, som kan variere afhængigt af udbetalingsmetoden, kontostatus og andre mulige faktorer, der påvirker udbetalingsprocessen.
På baggrund af denne regel har økonomiafdelingen bedt dig om at genbehandle dine fortrydelsesansøgninger på 200EUR. Dine udbetalingsanmodninger på 200EUR blev behandlet af Casino Finance-afdelingen.
Derefter, den 7. marts, meddelte finansafdelingen dig, at status for din konto er blevet gennemgået, og du kan ansøge om hævning af 400 EUR, og alle ansøgninger vil blive behandlet.
I henhold til regel 9.2 vil alle betalinger for din konto blive foretaget i overensstemmelse med din kontostatus og betalingsplan, der er indstillet for din konto. Du kan præcisere betalingsplanen for hver af dine udbetalingsanmodninger ved at kontakte økonomiafdelingens e-mail kyc@icebet.casino.
1) Du blev informeret om hver handling på din konto.
2) Du vil ikke blive nægtet en tilbagetrækning.
3) Udbetaling af midler til din konto sker strengt inden for de etablerede regler for vores casino, som du har accepteret og lovet at overholde.
Hvis du har yderligere spørgsmål, hjælper vi dig gerne.
We want to provide details about your complaint:
ON March 1, you made a request for withdrawal.
On March 2, your account verification was completed and you were notified about it by your e-mail.
On the 3rd of March, your request was processed by the financial department (you were informed about it by your e-mail).
According to the rules of the casino, clause: 9.2. Finance Department has the right to determine its own payment and withdrawal terms and maximum and minimum withdrawal amount for each procedure, which may differ depending on the withdrawal method, account status, and other possible factors affecting the withdrawal process.
On the basis of this rule, the financial department has asked you to re-process your withdrawal applications for 200EUR. Your withdrawal requests for 200EUR were successfully processed by the Casino Finance department.
Then, on the 7th of March, Finance Department notified you that the status of your account has been reviewed and you can apply for withdrawal of 400EUR and all applications will be processed.
According to rule 9.2 all payments for your account will be made in accordance with your account status and payment schedule set for your account. You can clarify the schedule of payments for each of your withdrawal requests by contacting the Finance Department e-mail kyc@icebet.casino.
In summary:
1) You were informed about every action in your account.
2) You will not be refused a withdrawal.
3) Withdrawal of funds for your account is made strictly within the established rules of our casino with which you have agreed and pledged to comply.
If you have any additional questions, we will be glad to help you.
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