Kære Nonameni,
Mange tak for din klage. Jeg er ked af at høre om dit problem.
Hvis jeg forstår det rigtigt, er problemet, du står over for, at du opfyldte kravene for visse tilbud, men ikke modtog bonusserne, og oven i købet blev din VIP-status nedgraderet. Er det nøjagtigt?
For at hjælpe os med at komme videre, kan du venligst præcisere:
- Hvilke specifikke bonusser blev ikke krediteret din konto?
- Kan du give relevante skærmbilleder eller dokumentation, der viser de tilbud, du opfyldte, og de bonusser, du skulle have modtaget?
Du er velkommen til at videresende yderligere relevant kommunikation til petronela.k@casino.guru så vi kan undersøge nærmere.
Dit samarbejde er afgørende for at løse denne sag og sikre, at vi kan hjælpe dig effektivt. Jeg håber, vi vil være i stand til at hjælpe dig med at løse dette problem så hurtigt som muligt. I mellemtiden sætter vi pris på din tålmodighed, mens vi undersøger problemet.
På forhånd tak for dit svar og samarbejde.
Venlig hilsen,
Dear Nonameni,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
If I understand correctly, the issue you're facing is that you completed the requirements for certain offers but didn't receive the bonuses, and on top of that, your VIP status was downgraded. Is that accurate?
To help us move forward, could you please clarify:
- Which specific bonuses were not credited to your account?
- Could you provide any relevant screenshots or documentation showing the offers you fulfilled and the bonuses you should have received?
Please feel free to forward any additional relevant communication to petronela.k@casino.guru so that we can investigate further.
Your cooperation is crucial to resolve this matter and ensure we can assist you effectively. I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Meanwhile, we appreciate your patience as we investigate the issue.
Thank you in advance for your reply and cooperation.
Best regards,
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