Anmeldelser fra lsergio114

Casino Guru

Vi giver spillere indsigt i gambling.

7 måneder sidenOriginalOversættelse
Løb væk fra disse kasinoer. Alle penge, du indsætter i dette casino, kan du glemme. Fortrydelsesreglerne er latterlige. De siger, at du kun kan hæve 500 euro om dagen. Men ikke engang det. Fordi udbetalingen tager 4 dage at behandle, og du kan kun anmode om en ny udbetaling efter at have gennemført den forrige. Det værste er, at de ikke engang gør det. Jeg foretog min første hævning på €500 den 29. juli, og den afventer stadig. Jeg havde yderligere 500 € på min konto, som jeg endte med at bruge i løbet af dagene. De gør det med vilje. Løb væk. Det er et fupnummer
Læs mereLæs mindre
  • Godt interface
  • Masser af spil
  • Meget lav tilbagetrækningsgrænse
  • Latterlige tilbagetrækningsregler
  • Flere uger til at behandle udbetalinger
Automatisk oversættelse:
10 måneder sidenOriginalOversættelse
First day i played in this casino was 4 days ago. My problems started making my first deposit. The deposit was successful and the money was debited from my account but wasn't credited to my casino account. Well that happens and the money got in 3 days later. Made my 2nd deposit and with that i earned about 1000€. That's when my second problem started. They make it impossible to verify the account. They keep asking for details that even the bank couldnt provide. for 4 days they kept asking for more and more documents that don't even make sense (i play here for about a week. Why should they ask for statements of the beginning of the month?) And more things like this. Conclusion, they won. After i tried with no success to withdraw some money, the casino games just died and i ended up loosing all the money. I'm sure thats their point. Make it difficult to the max for people to withdraw money so the players keep spending it. I would avoid this casino if i were you.
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  • Never got to withdraw any money because of they make it very very difficult to verify.
TombRiches Casino
10 måneder siden
Dear player,
Thank you for bringing your concerns regarding the verification process to our attention. We understand the importance of timely verification and strive to ensure a smooth experience for all our users.
Upon reviewing your case, it has come to our attention that the delay in your verification process was indeed due to the submission of documents that did not meet our verification requirements. We would like to emphasize that the verification process is in place to maintain the security and integrity of our platform, and adherence to our stated guidelines is essential for successful verification.
Should you require any further assistance or clarification regarding the verification process, please do not hesitate to contact our support team. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
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