Kære Casino Guru-repræsentant,
Tak for din henvendelse.
Vi vil gerne bruge et øjeblik på at give dig en mere omfattende forklaring på den aktuelle situation. Det er vigtigt for os, at du har en klar forståelse af de aktuelle omstændigheder.
Lad os starte helt fra begyndelsen.
Spilleren lavede et indskud på 400 AUD og begyndte at spille det. Fra det indskud var gevinsten 9801 AUD. På dette tidspunkt, 2025-01-01 20:40:07 UTC, aktiverede han en bonus "Award Cash", som blandede sig med de rigtige midler.
Som vi allerede har nævnt, lavede spilleren et betydeligt antal indsatser, som overstiger 5.887, og på grund af vores vilkår og betingelser begyndte spilleren først at spille for rigtige penge, derefter for bonuspenge. Det betyder, at spillerens rigtige fond blev brugt først, og de yderligere gevinster kom fra bonusmidler.
2025-01-01 17:21 UTC-spiller anmodede om en udbetaling på 1000 AUD og 2025-01-02 01:42 en ekstra udbetaling for 4000 AUD.
I mellemtiden spiller spilleren aktivt med resten af midlerne.
Før saldokorrektionen var saldoen 10885 AUD.
Lad os minde om, at på grund af vores bonusvilkår og -betingelser: Alle indbetalingsbonusser har den maksimale udbetalingsgrænse - bonusbeløbet x10, så den maksimalt mulige udbetaling fra denne bonus er 5019 AUD.
2025-01-02 13:04:12 blev saldoen korrigeret i henhold til max-reglen og 5066 AUD blev trukket fra.
Vi vil gerne bemærke, at spilleren havde 800 AUD på saldoen, som var gevinster fra rigtige penge før bonusaktiveringen. Spilleren anmodede også om udbetaling af dette beløb. Desværre mislykkedes denne udbetaling på betalingsudbyderens side, og pengene blev returneret til spillerens saldo.
Herefter blev saldoen blandet igen: 800 AUD + 5019 AUD.
I stedet for at sætte alle pengene på udbetaling på én gang, spiller spilleren aktivt for dette beløb. Gevinsten var på 9376 AUD.
Spilleren anmoder om udbetaling af 4000 AUD og fortsætter med at spille for resten af blandede midler 5376 AUD (9376 -4000).
2025-01-03 00:27 stoppede spilleren med at spille og havde 5250 AUD tilbage på saldoen plus 4000 AUD tilbagetrækning, der ventede på godkendelse. I sum var det 9250 AUD.
Saldoen blev korrigeret igen til mængden af maksimalt mulig udbetaling - 5019 AUD, i dette tilfælde 3431 AUD blev trukket fra.
Beløbet på 800 AUD blev efterladt på spillerens konto som gevinster fra de rigtige penge. Så spilleren havde 5819 AUD til rådighed for udbetaling.
2025-01-03 08:59 UTC-spiller anmodede om udbetaling for 1000 AUD, og 2025-01-03 09:02 UTC blev det godkendt af vores team.
2025-01-03 10:27 UCT-spiller anmodede om endnu en udbetaling på 4000 AUD, som blev afvist på grund af overskridelse af den daglige udbetalingsgrænse. 2025-01-04 09:01 UTC blev udbetalingen anmodet om igen, og den blev tilbagekaldt af spilleren. 2025-01-04 09:11 lavede spilleren en ny udbetalingsanmodning på 4000 AUD og 2025-01-04 12:16 blev den godkendt af vores økonomiafdeling.
Derefter 2025-01-05 04:08 UTC anmodede spilleren om en tilbagetrækning på 819 AUD, og det blev godkendt 2025-01-05 04:29 UTC.
For at opsummere, modtog spilleren alle 5019 AUD af gevinster fra bonusmidlerne plus 800 AUD, der blev vundet fra rigtige penge før bonusaktivering.
Vi vil gerne benytte lejligheden til at understrege, at vi fungerer som et fuldt licenseret casino, der overholder alle love og regler, der styrer vores branche. Vi sætter en stor ære i vores forpligtelse til at opretholde de højeste standarder for integritet og retfærdighed i alle vores operationer.
Vores omdømme er af største betydning for os, og vi forstår, at det er bygget på tillid og gennemsigtighed. Derfor overholder vi strengt de regler, der er fastsat af de relevante myndigheder for at sikre, at vores spilmiljø ikke kun er fair, men også gennemsigtigt for alle vores spillere.
Hvis du har yderligere spørgsmål eller ønsker afklaring om ethvert problem, så tøv ikke med at kontakte os til enhver tid.
Venlig hilsen,
Richard Casino Team
Dear Casino Guru Representative,
Thank you for your inquiry.
We would like to take a moment to provide you with a more comprehensive explanation of the current situation. It is important to us that you have a clear understanding of the circumstances at hand.
Let's start from the very beginning.
The player made a deposit of 400 AUD and started to play it. From that deposit, the win was 9801 AUD. At this time at 2025-01-01 20:40:07 UTC, he activated one bonus "Award Cash" which mixed with the real funds.
As we have already stated, the player made a significant amount of bets, which exceeds 5,887, and due to our Terms and Conditions player started to play for real money first, then for bonus money. That means that the player's real fund was spent first and the further winnings were from bonus funds.
At 2025-01-01 17:21 UTC player requested a withdrawal in the amount of 1000 AUD and at 2025-01-02 01:42 one more cashout for 4000 AUD.
Meanwhile, the player is actively playing with the rest of the funds.
Before the balance correction, the balance was 10885 AUD.
Let us remind that Due to our Bonus Terms and Conditions: All Deposit Bonuses have the max cashout limit - the bonus amount x10, so the maximum possible cashout from this bonus is 5019 AUD.
At 2025-01-02 13:04:12 the balance was corrected according to the max rule and 5066 AUD were subtracted.
We would like to note that the player had 800 AUD on the balance, which were the wins from real money before the bonus activation. The player requested the withdrawal for this amount as well. Unfortunately, this cashout failed on the payment provider's side and the money was returned to the player's balance.
After that the balance was mixed again: 800 AUD + 5019 AUD.
Instead of putting all the money on withdrawal at once, the player actively plays for this amount. The wins were in the amount of 9376 AUD.
The player requests the withdrawal of 4000 AUD, and continues playing for the rest of mixed funds 5376 AUD (9376 -4000).
At 2025-01-03 00:27 the player stopped playing and had 5250 AUD remaining on the balance plus 4000 AUD withdrawal that was waiting for approval. In sum, it was 9250 AUD.
The balance was corrected again to the amount of maximum possible cashout- 5019 AUD, in this case 3431 AUD were subtracted.
The amount of 800 AUD was left on the player's account as wins from the real money. So the player had 5819 AUD available for withdrawal.
At 2025-01-03 08:59 UTC player requested cashout for 1000 AUD and at 2025-01-03 09:02 UTC it was approved by our team.
At 2025-01-03 10:27 UCT player requested another cashout of 4000 AUD, which was declined due to exceeding the daily cashout limit. At 2025-01-04 09:01 UTC the cashout was requested again and it was recalled by the player. At 2025-01-04 09:11 the player made a new cashout request for 4000 AUD and at 2025-01-04 12:16 it was approved by our finance department.
After that at 2025-01-05 04:08 UTC the player requested a withdrawal of 819 AUD and it was approved at 2025-01-05 04:29 UTC.
To sum up, the player received all 5019 AUD of wins from the bonus funds plus 800 AUD that were won from real money before bonus activation.
We would like to take this opportunity to emphasize that we operate as a fully licensed casino, adhering to all laws and regulations governing our industry. We take great pride in our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and fairness in all our operations.
Our reputation is of utmost importance to us, and we understand that it is built on trust and transparency. Therefore, we strictly adhere to the regulations set forth by the relevant authorities to ensure that our gaming environment is not only fair but also transparent for all our players.
If you have further questions or require clarification on any issue, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at any time.
Kind Regards,
Richard Casino Team
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