Kære callumwoody123,
Efter en omfattende gennemgang af din aktivitet blev det bekræftet, at du aldrig har sendt en e-mail til vores supportafdeling med en anmodning om lukning. Den 6. april kontaktede du livechatten med en anmodning om at lukke din konto , specifikt fordi du ikke modtog det ønskede antal bonusser . Selvom du er blevet instrueret af vores live chat-repræsentant om behovet for at kontakte vores support-e-mail for at behandle anmodningen om lukning, har du nægtet at samarbejde med angivelse af ludomani.
I henhold til Rollinos T&C'er :
10.1. Brugeren kan til enhver tid lukke sin konto ved at kontakte kundesupport. Lukningen af en konto kan tage op til to hverdage.
Du kan være sikker på, at som svar på din klage, blev din konto nu lukket i overensstemmelse med vores T&C'er. Du har også modtaget en e-mail fra vores supportafdeling, der bekræfter, at lukningen er effektiv.
Med venlig hilsen,
Rollino Team
Dear callumwoody123,
Following an extensive review of your activity, it was confirmed that you've never emailed our support department with a closure request. On April 6th, you've contacted the live chat with a request to close your account specifically because you did not receive the desired number of bonuses. Although you were instructed by our live chat representative about the need to contact our support email in order to process the closure request, you've refused to cooperate, stating a gambling addiction.
As per Rollino's T&C's:
10.1. The user can close his account at any time by contacting customer support. The closure of an account may take up to two business days.
Please rest assured that in response to your complaint, your account was now closed, in accordance to our T&C's. You've also received an email from our support department, confirming the closure being effective.
Kind Regards,
Rollino Team
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