Kære andandjonnyx
Bemærk venligst, at vores risikoafdeling har tjekket dine spilsessioner grundigt og fundet en klar overtrædelse af bonusvilkårene, nemlig:
3. Kunder har ikke tilladelse til at bruge nogen strategi, mens de spiller med en aktiv bonus for at opfylde bonuskravene. Hvis der bruges strategier, forbeholder administrationen sig retten til at annullere alle spillerens gevinster.
Du har strengt taget spillet 100 Bit Dice (Relax Gaming), mens du har spillet med en aktiv bonussaldo.
I dette spil er det muligt at indstille sandsynligheden for at vinde. Du har sat sandsynligheden for at vinde til 94,28%.
For at sikre en høj sandsynlighed for omsætning af de modtagne bonusmidler, har du indstillet den maksimalt tilladte indsats til 5 euro og kun spillet dette spil, hvor du foretager indsatser hvert 2.-3. sekund, indtil bonusserne er omsat, hvilket er en tydelig indikation af at bruge en strategi.
Du er først gået ind i andre spil efter fuldt ud at have satset de bonusser, der blev krediteret din konto.
I betragtning af at du kun har brugt et bestemt spil til et bestemt væddemål med en klart fastsat sandsynlighed for at vinde, mens du bruger store bonustilbud, som minimerer muligheden for at miste saldoen, kan vi konkludere, at du bevidst har brugt bonusmisbrugsstrategien at opnå en uretfærdig fordel.
Vi forbeholder os retten til at lukke en konto oprettet i strid med disse regler til enhver tid.
Denne beslutning er endelig og kan ikke ændres.
Tak for din forståelse,
Rollino Team
Dear andandjonnyx
Please note that our risk department has thoroughly checked your game sessions and found a clear violation of the bonus terms, namely:
3. Clients are not allowed to use any strategy while playing with an active bonus to meet the bonus wagering requirements. If strategies are used, the administration reserves the right to cancel all winnings of the player.
You've strictly played the game 100 Bit Dice (Relax Gaming) while playing with an active bonus balance.
In this game it is possible to set the probability of winning. You've set the probability of winning to 94.28%.
To ensure a high probability of wagering of the received bonus funds, you've set the maximum allowed bet to 5 euros and played only this game, making bets every 2-3 seconds until the bonuses are wagered, which is an evident indication of using a strategy.
You've entered other games only after fully wagering the bonuses that were credited to your account.
Considering that you've only used a certain game at a certain bet with a clearly set probability of winning, while using large bonus offers, which minimized the possibility of losing the balance, we can conclude that you've deliberately used the Bonus Abuse strategy to gain an unfair advantage.
We reserve the right to close an account created in violation of these rules at any time.
This decision is final and not subject to revision.
Thanks for your understanding,
Rollino Team
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