Hilsen alle,
Tak til jer begge for jeres svar.
Kære Eminho696,
Jeg ved, at du aktivt diskuterer noget med casinoet her (hvilket ikke er normalt i klager), så jeg lod dig fortsætte, indtil det er nødvendigt at træde til på en eller anden måde. Men da du nævnte et sikkerhedsproblem og gav casinoet skylden, vil jeg kun bemærke, at det ikke behøver at være et problem på casinoets side. Hvis du brugte en nem adgangskode, er det muligt, at nogen kunne have gættet det rigtigt og forsøgt at misbruge det, hvilket ville være et problem på din side og ikke casinoets side. Kasinoet er ikke ansvarlig for hvert "hack", der måtte ske. Bemærk venligst, at det kun var et eksempel.
Det giver i hvert fald ingen mening, hvis en sådan person ville have brugt de samme betalingsmetodeoplysninger, især hvis (for eksempel) den var verificeret eller indeholdt dine personlige oplysninger, eller hvis det var en betalingsmetode, du brugte før dig selv. En anden ting er, at (for eksempel) nogen kunne have hacket din e-mail, og derfor kunne de også have fået adgang til din casinokonto og andre konti, hvor du er registreret med din Gmail-konto. Så nu skal casinoet bekræfte din identitet og ejerskabet af casinokontoen. Da du derfor her kommunikerer med en helt anden person, der repræsenterer casinoet i forhold til dem, der har svaret fra casinoets kundesupport, vil jeg gerne bede dig om at falde til ro og ændre kommunikationsmåden under den videre diskussion med casinorepræsentanten.
Forebyggende vil jeg også anbefale dig at ændre adgangskoden til din Google/Gmail-konto, og så igen til casinokontoen, hvis du har en mistanke om, at nogen har hacket nogen af disse konti.
Du er velkommen til at besvare casinoets sidste spørgsmål og eventuelle andre yderligere, de vil have.
Greetings all,
Thank you both for your replies.
Dear Eminho696,
I know you are discussing something with the casino here actively (which is not usual in complaints), so I left you to proceed until it is necessary to step in somehow. However, since you mentioned a security problem and blamed the casino, I would like to only note that it does not have to be a problem on the casino's side. If you used some easy password, it is possible someone could have guessed it correctly and tried to abuse it, which would be a problem on your side and not the casino's side. The casino is not responsible for every "hack" that may happen. Please note it was just an example.
Anyway, it makes no sense if such a person would have used the same payment method details, especially if (for example) it was verified or contained your personal details, or if it was a payment method you used before yourself. Another thing is that (for example) someone could have hacked your email, and therefore, they also could have got access to your casino account and other accounts where you registered with your Gmail account. So, now the casino needs to verify your identity and the ownership of the casino account. Therefore, since you communicate here with a completely different person representing the casino compared to the ones who replied from the casino's Customer Support, I would like to ask you to calm down and change the way of communication during further discussion with the casino representative.
Preventively, I would also recommend you change the password for your Google/Gmail account, and then once again for the casino account, if you have a suspicion someone hacked any of these accounts.
Feel free to answer the casino's last question and any other additional ones they will have.
Thank you.
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