HjemForumCasinoerBetMartini Casino – generel debat

BetMartini Casino – generel debat (side 2)

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Hvis jeg ikke tager fejl, sendte jeg et skærmbillede af bonusserne via e-mail

Automatisk oversættelse:

Well, it's a shame if I'm honest that you can't access this information because you've been blocked. But on the other hand, it's nice if you managed to send a screenshot to Petronella via email. Of course, anything you have on this case I think will be useful, although I don't know if you have any other evidence. Anyway, for now we have to wait and see where the situation goes from here. 

Godmorgen til Petronella, for et par dage siden sendte jeg alt, hvad jeg havde mellem e-mails og skærme

Automatisk oversættelse:

That's exactly what needed to be done. Now it's our team's turn to look at everything. We'll see where our they end up. 

Even i deposited 5,000 inr and trying to withdraw 38,000 inr. It's pending since 48 hours. They didn't even ask any documents and live chat not working .


Is this your first withdrawal at this casino, or did you have any before, perhaps? What payment method did you used here? Just try to be little more patient, and maybe send an email to their support, if you see, that nothing is happening. Are you able to log in to your account?

Yes first deposit and withdraw. But I played in a similar casino( same owner company but they paid me but closed my account there 😂)

Here it's an even worst site they're not even replying


It's frustrating and not very pleasant when the casino doesn't answer you. However, if you have received some money from sister casinos, I hope that will be the case here as well. 

What payment method did you use ?

I deposited via upi( Indian) and as upi withdraw is not there. I'm using bitcoin(crypto) to withdraw. It's been 3 days and they're replying once per 24 hours that they'll let me know once it's successful. But see I saw many bad reviews for this site . Only when casinoguru or askgamblers ask them for update they fasten up the process.


We usually give casinos 14 full days to proceed the payment, before we intervene, as Nick has explained to you in your complaint as well. So unfortunately there is nothing much we can do right now to help you out. Have you tried to ask the customer support what is this delay about, perhaps? Please let us know whenever there is any update, we'll wait for your reply.

Hey please,they are not even replying via mail since 4 days . Please directly ask the casino please .


I definitely understand that it's not nice if the casino doesn't respond, but as mentioned before, we have a time frame that we give the casinos to do everything they need to do in order to make a withdrawal. So when it passes then our team will intervene, but until then you will have to be patient too. 

I also saw that the casino told you that they will give you an update on your withdrawal, so obviously you will have to keep a cool head and hopefully it will be as soon as possible. 

If you have an update, let me know. 👍☘️

SCAM. They don't pay out funds


Hello, could you say more about your situation ? How long have you been waiting and why the casino doesn't want to pay your money ? Do they have a reason ? Do you already have a verified account with the casino ? 

Tell me a little more please. 

Jeg havde det samme problem med en gevinst på 4500 euro efter mange e-mails og efter et stykke tid betalte de mig kun 500, og det viste sig, at det var en bonus, og jeg kunne ikke hæve et beløb højere end 500 euro

Jeg bad om vilkår og betingelser for bonussen, og de sendte den aldrig til mig, men der var ingen vilkår og betingelser på deres websted

Efter min mening bør vi alle tage os sammen og sprede en god opsigelse og sørge for, at de blokerer deres side

Aldrig igen med platforme som denne

Bliv væk

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, and thank you for this warning!

It seems like there is another point players should be aware of. Have you seen its safety index before you decided to play there?

Well, check it out here 👈, if you're interested.

Regarding the bonus, is it possible to see your bonus history or an active bonus somewhere in the casino account? In my opinion, it would be pretty handy, especially in this casino.


Lad os glemme, at det er bedre

Råd til alle spillere som mig

Lad disse websteder være i fred, spild ikke dine penge

Så længe vi hælder alt i orden

I det øjeblik du vinder, begynder problemerne, men jeg svarer ikke på e-mails, men chatoperatørerne svarer alle på samme måde, jeg har ikke fundet tusinde undskyldninger for ikke at betale, hvis du begynder at blive sur, lukker de din konto.

Absurd, lad os ikke spilde penge

Automatisk oversættelse:

I'm definitely sorry to hear about the casino experience you had. 

But does this apply to your complaint that you had six months ago ? If so, I saw that you won from a bonus that was free, and I don't think 500 is a small amount at all. You didn't have any Terms and Conditions to tell you in advance how the bonus works ?


Nej, derfor blev jeg sur

Også fordi jeg på denne side betalte mere end 5000 euro på mindre end 10 dage

Da denne bonus ankom, skulle jeg, hvis jeg ikke tager fejl, x 40, hvilket jeg gjorde, og automatisk blev alle de penge, jeg havde, taget væk, hvilket efterlod 300 euro, jeg fortsatte med at spille, indtil jeg nåede et tal på 4500 euro

Jeg spillede også på andre kasinoer, og da jeg lavede udbetalinger stod der, at jeg ikke kunne hæve mere end 500 euro

Uanset hvad, det vigtige er nu, at andre spillere ikke falder for det, som jeg gjorde, og spilder penge som dette på upålidelige kasinoer.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hm, I think a casino should always have such things mentioned somewhere. Max cashout on bonuses for sure and also whether the cap is done right after wagering the bonus or upon withdrawal. If it's not in the case of a single bonus that is sent to you via email, it should at least be in the Terms and Conditions. 

However, if you can't find such things anywhere, in that case I would always contact support or live chat to find out this information. 

If they couldn't tell me, then I wouldn't play in a casino with a bonus. 🙁

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