HjemForumCasinoerBetsolino Casino – generel debat

Betsolino Casino – generel debat (side 26)

 af davex3
75.732 visninger 627 svar |
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Faktum er, at uanset hvad vi gør eller casinoguru, hvis skurkene betsolino 5bonuser og andre casinoer har svigagtige hensigter, kan vi ikke gøre noget mod dem andet end at smutte dem og vente på at se, hvad der sker, når de får færre spillere gennem os, vi har sammen en lille succes med at skade dette svigagtige casino i sidste ende vinder vi også, når ingen spiller der længere

Intet salg til

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Hvordan kan dette fupcasino stadig have en vurdering på 6,3 på trods af adskillige uafklarede klager?

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The first thing I'd like to mention here, is that the Safety Index is lowered in proportion to the black points awarded to the casino by not resolving the complaint. These black point are gathered from the disputed amount. So far, the total number of black point is just "only" 419. That's not that severe yet, I fear.

Secondly, the Safety Index is most likely recalculated once per week - at least as far as I know.

Thirdly, as soon as the other 7 currently opened complaints get closed, the Safety Index will be updated further.

At this point, not even half of them have been closed. I bet this is the more important thing to mention.

Of course, it seems quite weird, but from the mathematical aspect of the Safety Index, it is appropriate.

Det er dog et godt spørgsmål... det blev sagt, at vurderingen vil falde, når sager er afsluttet.

Automatisk oversættelse:


just for you to know, the answer is in my previous quote to xSerious169's post.

filefile på tristpilot-bedømmelse bedes du også bedømme der, så flere mennesker ikke falder i

Automatisk oversættelse:

Thats too long


You now like we do, this fuckers never gonna pay a cent to us. And still the rating is this high. Why wait for the other players’ complaints? You really think there will be a day that all the other complaints are solved and that this club is paying everyone who has withdrawals pending?

the casino guru logo is still on the casinos website.

this was my last post on your guru website! There’s really nothing that is like helping players with problems to be payed out. Only giving potentially new players the idea that this casinos are ‘pretty ok" ( below average ). Whilst you as casino guru should blacklist them immediately and in everyway you can!


You now like we do, this fuckers never gonna pay a cent to us. And still the rating is this high. Why wait for the other players’ complaints? You really think there will be a day that all the other complaints are solved and that this club is paying everyone who has withdrawals pending?

the casino guru logo is still on the casinos website.

this was my last post on your guru website! There’s really nothing that is like helping players with problems to be payed out. Only giving potentially new players the idea that this casinos are ‘pretty ok" ( below average ). Whilst you as casino guru should blacklist them immediately and in everyway you can!

Hmm, it will be a pity but if you have this opinion then I won't take it away from you. 

Safety index and process is something I have explained before. It's locked in and the fact that complaints are not closed, so it won't change right away. That is not to say that the others will be resolved, but it is the same as waiting for each one to be completed. 

The fact that the casino has a logo on their website has nothing to do with us. If it's a freely available image that the casino can download from the internet, what do you expect to be done with it ? Do I write to them and ask them to take it down? And if they don't and ignore us, then what? I've said several times that we have nothing to do with them having it there, but I can see that it's probably not relevant to someone who thinks otherwise. If we promoted them so badly, they would probably write us off and try to resolve the complaints. 

I will also comment on the help that you say we are not giving. I guess you're frustrated that there's not much that can be done at this casino that I can understand. But you have had 5 complaints lodged and some of them have been resolved so I don't think what you are saying is entirely true. Everyone can make up their own mind. 

Have a nice day. 🙂


Jaro, I think that most of us are the same opinion as we are scammed by this casino.

I do understand the policy behind the rating. I think we are all extremely disappointed because of lack of action from Casino guru site.

You can clearly see that this casino does not communicate with you or the players. No payouts have been made for months now and new complaints are still pilling up. As a respectable website you should alert the players that it is not possible to receive your winnings from the casino, because now people deposit hoping they will win and their winnings will be paid.

As long as I do understand the rating calculations, I do not understand why you cannot just put a disclaimer, that there were a big amount of complaints about missing withdrawals. Also, in 5bonuses casino complaint my complaint was closed with incorrect reasoning, as far as I know this affects the black points and casino got less than it was supposed to be. I reopened the complaint stating it, my request was just denied.

I checked AskGamlers a long time ago (I believe it was the beginning of July) and they instantly gave the casino rating the rating of 1 and has a disclaimer about it.

From this lack of action I can only speculate that you might have some inside deal with the casino to attract more players. And when complaints are closed, you simply say that we have done everything, nothing else do to.

Well, do better in the future. I used to trust this site, but now I have more questions than answers.

Also, to finalize this, you are claiming that both Betsolino and 5bonuses have licences. Actually, both of the casinos do not. I also noted this in my complaint and it was simply ignored.

Extremely sad to experience and see these things happening here.


Med hensyn til dine kommentarer, det er virkelig interessant, tror jeg det også nu, fordi uanset hvor betsolino og 5bonus er registreret, vil høj spadserstok 4.5 og

Dette grænser til bestikkelse.

Så vidt jeg ved, åbner betsolino stadig et casino, fordi det har en påstået licens på Curacao for at tjene penge igen, fordi spillere ikke længere laver indskud, efter at de har oplevet svindel. Det er alle casinoer uden licens, der kan snyde uden ende. Næsten alle anbefalinger, som jeg modtager fra forskellige bestyrelser, ignoreres.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Som forventet blev min klage lukket som uløst

Automatisk oversættelse:

Min klage blev lukket som uløst, og Casino Guru bekræftede, at Betsolino ikke har en licens

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jaro, I think that most of us are the same opinion as we are scammed by this casino.

I do understand the policy behind the rating. I think we are all extremely disappointed because of lack of action from Casino guru site.

You can clearly see that this casino does not communicate with you or the players. No payouts have been made for months now and new complaints are still pilling up. As a respectable website you should alert the players that it is not possible to receive your winnings from the casino, because now people deposit hoping they will win and their winnings will be paid.

As long as I do understand the rating calculations, I do not understand why you cannot just put a disclaimer, that there were a big amount of complaints about missing withdrawals. Also, in 5bonuses casino complaint my complaint was closed with incorrect reasoning, as far as I know this affects the black points and casino got less than it was supposed to be. I reopened the complaint stating it, my request was just denied.

I checked AskGamlers a long time ago (I believe it was the beginning of July) and they instantly gave the casino rating the rating of 1 and has a disclaimer about it.

From this lack of action I can only speculate that you might have some inside deal with the casino to attract more players. And when complaints are closed, you simply say that we have done everything, nothing else do to.

Well, do better in the future. I used to trust this site, but now I have more questions than answers.

Also, to finalize this, you are claiming that both Betsolino and 5bonuses have licences. Actually, both of the casinos do not. I also noted this in my complaint and it was simply ignored.

Extremely sad to experience and see these things happening here.

I understand your attitude and your opinion as much as I can and I think you have expressed it well. When the complaints are investigated and the casino does nothing, the safety index will change and if they continue to not pay out players, we can talk about maybe adding something to their review. I'm not in charge of that, unfortunately. 

I don't think we need to speculate too much about whether we would be luring players to such a casino, because the answer is that we are not trying to lure anyone to any casino. If all the players didn't play, it would probably be more beneficial. 

Anyway, as far as the license and this question is concerned, I've had it checked again, so if I find out anything I'll let you know. 

I understand the frustration of all the players and I don't defend a casino, but also our procedures have to be understood by the players and someone who has been with us for a long time knows how it works. I just don't think it's right to immediately put something like players say when the casino doesn't pay. I'm not saying that in this particular case but in general, it just doesn't work that way for us. Especially if the casino was fresh maybe 1 week ago. If the casino continues to do these things, then there is a possibility that it will happen and you will see a warning on their review.

I understand all the players and I would be upset myself, I am also sorry to see that nobody gets the money, but in contrast, we have a casino that has a safety index of almost 0, a lot of warnings and yet some players deposited there and then came to complain that it is our bad. Sometimes I have the feeling that nobody can be satisfied to everybody's satisfaction. 

I’ve found really interesting documents of the registration of Betsolino group. Official documents from the authorities of the UK. Can I share the pdf’s with you and other players? I’m really really really surprised that the CEO of Betsolino limited is a guy named Sebastiaan van Bochove… he’s also from the Netherlands like me. Maybe I can go to the Dutch authorities to claim my winnings and tell them what’s happening with all of us?


Ja, det fandt jeg også. Spørgsmålet er, er denne betsolino limetd også det rigtige firma, fordi jeg tror på, at alt bare er falsk, og kasinooperatørerne bruger kun navnet for at se bedre ud og være troværdige

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Affiliate Manager og den person, der besvarer klagerne her: Stefan Neumann - ham kan du søge på LinkedIn.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I’ve found really interesting documents of the registration of Betsolino group. Official documents from the authorities of the UK. Can I share the pdf’s with you and other players? I’m really really really surprised that the CEO of Betsolino limited is a guy named Sebastiaan van Bochove… he’s also from the Netherlands like me. Maybe I can go to the Dutch authorities to claim my winnings and tell them what’s happening with all of us?

If it's freely available information that you found on the internet then I don't think there's a problem in sharing it. 

I think that if you are determined, you can try it but I can't guarantee you what the result will be because I am thinking that even though the CEO is from the same country but the casino is registered in the UK, whether you will be able to do something. But maybe it is better to try something than nothing.

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