HjemForumCasinoerChipstars Casino – generel debat

Chipstars Casino – generel debat (side 6)

 af bojan851
62.978 visninger 365 svar |
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Dear Radka,

You have been informed via direct comminication channel, this will clear up any questions regarding this frankly frivolous request by ngam5771.

Your Chipstars team

Hello there.

I'm not aware of anything like that; perhaps you can respond openly here on the forum?

I mean, it is quite complicated when I have no clue what this is about.

Thank you.

Mange tak Radka, jeg finder dette gemmeleg fra Chipstars meget sparsomt og forkert.

Jeg gentager igen... selvom jeg som kunde af casinoet fejlagtigt anmoder om en refusion, kan du høfligt afslå. Men man skal ikke optræde så forkasteligt som den operative leder "Danilo". Send WhatsApp-beskeder til kunden med et spansk nummer og truer dem!!! Dette er utålelig adfærd fra et kasino og de ansvarlige!!

Jeg sendte denne besked til Radka og teamet som et skærmbillede via deres community-e-mailadresse. De er tilgængelige som bevis! Mange tak

Redigeret af forfatter
Automatisk oversættelse:

I feel like I'm caught in the middle of something much more complex, still, I believe that open discussion and plain explanation are the easiest ways to let this all be cleared out.

Because at this point, there isn't much we, who were not involved from the beginning, can say.

Obviously, threatening anyone isn't an option.

Thank you too, and have a nice day!

Has anyone else had any negative experiences besides ngam5771?


I don't think it's necessary for me to write what I wrote in the SuperBoss casino thread. You can do your own research, and of course I understand that you want to see other players' experiences, I hope you find what you're looking for. 🙂

Has anyone else had any negative experiences besides ngam5771?

We would like to answer directly to this query.

Everybody who comes to our site to have fun and play will have a good time, a look into the review section should be sufficient to get candid insight.

ngam5771 however engaged into highly fraudulent activity, impersonating a mentally handycapped person the first time and then a second time impersonating a dead person.

There have been no threats, we always ensure the best services and conduct our correspondence in the most professional way, reserving rights to take legal steps is not a threat by any means.

User dmr1s posts are also frivolous, to say the least, it appears dmr1 has a somewhat selective recolletion/memory, here is an excerpt where he says all the issues with Chipstars have been amicably resolved.


There is often more to the stories than what is reported and we are careful to not disclose information which is not supposed to be public facing.

We hope this puts things into perspective and wish you a good time.

Your Chipstars team.

Redigeret af Radka
Årsag: Reklame

Dear casino Guru

I'm sure this is a very serious violation of your rules.

Get this off your site immediately!!

Could you please explain the case a bit more? Was he using someone else's documents? How do you know he was pretending to be handicapped or using dead persons identity?

Was it a case of trying to get the losses back via saying account was opened when it shouldn't have been thus all losses should be refunded?

I can't say I understand what's gone on here. Maybe you can tell us your story Dave?

Dear casino Guru

I'm sure this is a very serious violation of your rules.

Get this off your site immediately!!

I honestly see no harm in that. I have no clue which rule was broken. Aside from the fact that you've created a second account to return here, both accounts are now banned.

We won't support the likes of you here. I have told you many times before.

Could you please explain the case a bit more? Was he using someone else's documents? How do you know he was pretending to be handicapped or using dead persons identity?

Was it a case of trying to get the losses back via saying account was opened when it shouldn't have been thus all losses should be refunded?

I can't say I understand what's gone on here. Maybe you can tell us your story Dave?

I guess it would be better to use the reply button so the recipient is aware of your response.

DMR2, however, won't respond; his second account has also been banned. I'm sorry, but we won't stand for such an approach.

Chipstars Casino

Enhver, der vil have det lidt sjovt, bør undgå dette casino. Du henviser til latterlige 52 anmeldelser, der angiveligt er positive. 52 anmeldelser er ikke meningsfulde for mig og afspejler ikke et godt casino. Som om du ikke praler af det!

Svar venligst på mit spørgsmål om, hvordan du tror, du kender sandheden? De klassificerede simpelthen det hele som et fupnummer. Jeg udgav mig åbenbart som handicappet første gang og som afdød anden gang. Det du skriver er latterligt og viser hvor tvivlsomt dit arbejde er. Kære Radka, jeg informerede Chipstars om, at mine kreditkortoplysninger blev misbrugt, og at en afdød person var registreret hos dig! Fortæl mig nu, hvad der er svigagtigt ved det. Et af mine stedbørn registrerede sin afdøde far og brugte mine kreditkortoplysninger!!! Chipstars understøttede denne tilgang og refunderede ikke mine penge. Chipstars tolererer derfor betalinger fra tredjepartskonti og understøtter dermed hvidvaskning af penge. Det skal bemærkes.

Chipstars bestemmer selv, hvad der er svindel, og hvad der ikke er. Dette er yderst forkasteligt. Ligesom jwillow84 vil jeg gerne vide, hvordan du ved, at det er et fupnummer. Endelig har jeg givet dig alle relevante dokumenter. Den registrerede er jo faktisk død (se dødsattest) og mine kreditkortoplysninger, som du har modtaget, er anderledes. Jeg har intet at gøre med den første sag, som Chipstars beskriver. Dette viser hvor dårligt Chipstars researcher!!

Det er til grin, at Chipstars tror, at jeg ikke var truet. Der blev lavet en politianmeldelse om trusler. Hvis politiet fastslår, at det er en trussel, er det ikke op til Chipstars at vurdere, at det ikke er en trussel. Chipstars er ikke en politistyrke. Det er truende, når du skriver til nogen via WhatsApp og fremsætter trusler.

Jeg har spillet online casinoer i over 10 år. Jeg har aldrig stødt på noget som Chipstars. Et kasino som dette burde forbydes!! Og sådanne medarbejdere bør ikke arbejde i nogen servicesektor.

Tror du, hvis jeg ikke var blevet truet og ikke uretfærdigt havde fået mine penge tilbage, ville jeg have gjort så meget for at svare på forummet? Ingen! Jeg vil bare ikke tolerere, at sådanne usandheder spredes af et kasino, der tager sådanne forholdsregler for at skræmme folk. Du er på den forkerte adresse for mig med sådanne "foranstaltninger"!

Automatisk oversættelse:

As a once member of a Chipstars.bet player, i can assure you they are scammers, as a once player of this casino, i was not told or declined that this casino is not allowed in Austria to play thus not having the Austrian Licence, and the only licence in Austria that is approved is the site win2day, which i found out later and too late, as of this, once i found it out and i found it out listing through instagram and seeing the ad that says ( take back your casino losts ) from the company of lawyers in Austria that work for the players that have played in any other casinos rather than win2day and take back they’re deposits minus the winnings, as of then i have contacted the VIP Manager od Chipstars casino named Danilo, if that is true and could we arrange something so that i should not take it in that serious matter with this company ( which is not the only company that does this for the players in Austria ) , he immediately blocked my account and didnt answer for days, and when he did answer, he only said its my right to do that, and i asked him one more time, at which he responded ( also after days ) : "my username" we are finished talking, good luck.

And we are talking here about a 5000€ minus the winnings, and this VIP Manager even asked me once, am i from Austria, which i replied yes, he didnt once told me that it isnt allowed, even though they dont block your IP and even though they are admitting that they are allowed in Austria and that they have Austrian licence for the players to be able to play, which i now have chat proof that they admitted that they do have, even though they dont and cant have.


Hey. I'm sorry for the situation you've gotten yourself into. It is not easy to hear when a player has similar problems and is not given the right information. However, when you registered you could also enter your country in the formular without any problems ? Alternatively, didn't you try to check the terms and conditions to see if your country was restricted or not ? 

Anyway, if you think the casino misled you and didn't give you the right information when you asked and you feel that the fault is on their side, I would recommend you to file a complaint here

Are you going to do it ?


I have had a good experience at chipstars.A vast variety of games and i was verified very quickly.

I deposited through a bank transfer on numerous occasions.

I was lucky enough to win £800 which i withdrew on the 5th of April.

I know its been a weekend but when i asked live chat yesterday they said chipstars are waiting for there wallets to be replenished.

Never been told this before,,makes me feel a bit worried.

Can chipstars agent verify that all is good please.

Thanks Carl

Dear player,

We would like to apologize for the somewhat delayed withdrawals of the past few days. The reason is a mandatory change in the provider API, which was communicated via short notice, we are working on this with the highest priority and we should have everything back to business as usual within 2 business days. We thank you for your patience and we have credited a little gift for the inconvenience to your account.

Kind regards

Dear Chipstars

Thank you for your quick response.

Another positive to my experience of playing at your casino.thanks for the unexpected gift.

kind regards



I have had a good experience at chipstars.A vast variety of games and i was verified very quickly.

I deposited through a bank transfer on numerous occasions.

I was lucky enough to win £800 which i withdrew on the 5th of April.

I know its been a weekend but when i asked live chat yesterday they said chipstars are waiting for there wallets to be replenished.

Never been told this before,,makes me feel a bit worried.

Can chipstars agent verify that all is good please.

Thanks Carl

Hm, I think that's a nice gesture from the casino and also thanks for your experience you described. When you get the money, feel free to share and update us. 

You can also write a user review and tell us everything you experienced in the casino and what you think are the advantages or disadvantages. 

If you decide to do so, just click here- user reviews

Keep up the good work and I hope you get your money as soon as possible. ☘️🤗😎

Dear Chipstars Casino

Thank you

I have received my £800 cashout today.

Live chat and yourself have been very helpful.

I have no problems in giving your casino a positive review.

thanks again


Great news. I'm glad you got your withdrawal and all went good in the end. How long did it take ?

Regarding user review, you can also write one here- user review. 🙂

Casino will be delighted I reckon.

Also, do you play here often ?


You are stating that Chipstars accepts players from Cyprus, but my country is not available in the list when I try to register.

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