HjemForumCasinoerDelOro Casino – generel debat

DelOro Casino – generel debat (side 7)

1 år siden af DiePartei
28.158 visninger 265 svar |
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2 måneder siden

Well show me one casino that has our fair badge and cheats players. This DelOro casino is not an example of such a badge, I just gave an example that in some cases a casino can have something on its website that we know about. 

Not every casino can be checked all the time to see if they have added something and we have so many of them in our database that it is simply not in our power to convince casinos not to have it there. Also when I said that if they ignore us we can't do practically nothing about that. 

Anyway, do you think we have a relationship with every casino we have on the site? We'd probably dig our own grave. 

I don't know about the license yet, but I'll let you know when I find out. You also say you have a problem with the casino but I don't see anywhere that you have tried to resolve it with our team. I've already given you a suggestion and if you don't file a complaint, what do you want us to do? If it's just that the casino has a fake license according to your words, then clearly you're not going to get very far with this. 

So you have to look at it from that point of view as well, rather than just saying general things. 

Thank you also. 

2 måneder siden

Dette casino er svindlere, og kasinoet har ingen licenser, og rtp er indhegnet, det er svindlere….

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 måneder siden

Yes 🙂

2 måneder siden

Jeg har brug for hjælp fra casinoguru. Dette deloro casino skal kontrolleres af nogen, det kan ikke lade sig gøre, de er svindlere, fucking tyve, gør noget, vær venlig at det er ulovligt, de kontrollerer det.

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 måneder siden

Watch your tone, please. Even a disagreement can be expressed decently, don't you think?

Try to calm down and think a bit about your activity here.

On one side, you say you need help from us, yet so far you have submitted 6 complaints, and each of them was closed due to your unresponsiveness. You know it is truly hard to help anyone under such circumstances. A year or so ago, you wrote, " Can someone take action to close this spinbetter casino they are scammers.finally close the casinos too many have been made for the sole purpose of scamming".

Again, concerned about RTP and overal "scamming".

With all due respect, a common player with healthy habbits surely does not communicate this way, and it certainly doesn't boost your creditibility - if you catch my drift.

If you only intend to keep saying that casinos scam players like this, it almost seems like you've lost control of your losings. If there is anything to proove though: address the complaints properly, refrain from empty words. It is truly that simple.

Redigeret af forfatter 2 måneder siden
2 måneder siden

Hello all,

has anyone ever contacted DelOro via email after they had their account closed due to addiction and then gotten a response?

I ask because in July I asked for a full list of my deposits and withdrawals and have not heard back. I sent them two more emails on Sunday (one again about a list of my transactions, the other one requesting all communication I’ve had with them over chat and email) and of course have not heard back yet, but it’s only been two days - fair enough. But when I ask about the email in July, they don’t respond. Is this worth opening a complaint over?

2 måneder siden

Intet casino vil slet ikke svare på mails. Også et ulovligt casino uden nogen licens.

Redigeret af forfatter 2 måneder siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
2 måneder siden

Yeah, I opened a complaint. They’re saying "they (support) don’t ignore players, they just follow the order in which the emails were sent"

literally saying they have a backlog that goes beyond July 4th, when I sent my mail lmao

edit: yesterday they also told me to keep playing cause of their grrrrrreat RTP, even though I’m self-excluded.

Redigeret af forfatter 2 måneder siden
2 måneder siden

Haha jeg har det samme. I flere måneder har jeg stået på den "venteliste". Og så siger de ja send endnu en mail bare for at høre at du ender bagerst i køen igen haha

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 måneder siden

Hello all,

has anyone ever contacted DelOro via email after they had their account closed due to addiction and then gotten a response?

I ask because in July I asked for a full list of my deposits and withdrawals and have not heard back. I sent them two more emails on Sunday (one again about a list of my transactions, the other one requesting all communication I’ve had with them over chat and email) and of course have not heard back yet, but it’s only been two days - fair enough. But when I ask about the email in July, they don’t respond. Is this worth opening a complaint over?

2 måneder siden


May I ask if you experience any other issue with this casino we could be of any help?

Or are you just waiting for the list you have requested?

It is really unfortunate that they offered you to play if you are self-excluded and this should not happen at all at any online casino.

May I just ask you who offered it to you? Was it a live chat agent, perhaps?

I hope that you stay strong and avoid any offers from them.

2 måneder siden

It was a live chat agent, yes, I opened a complaint yesterday but it was rejected because it was about gdpr stuff when really all I wanted was you guys to contact Del Oro to ask why they ignored my email from July :’)

So no, I don’t expect I will ever receive an answer.

2 måneder siden

Hej Radka,

spørgsmål om kasinoets tilgang

Det handler om Deloro Casiono, på din platform er der udbetalingsgrænser

10.000 om dagen og 300.000 om måneden.

Din mening er vigtig for mig i denne sag.

Hvorfor gør disse kasinoer, hvad de vil? De lod mig ødelægge økonomisk under falske forudsætninger!

spørgsmål om kasinoets tilgang

Jeg oplevede for nylig et online casino, hvor mine udbetalingsgrænser var væsentligt lavere end de beløb, jeg havde fået at vide. Mens jeg oprindeligt blev lovet en daglig hævning på €10.000, viste det sig, at jeg faktisk kun kunne hæve €1.000 pr. dag. Det betød, at jeg mistede omkring 70 % af mine gevinster, som jeg ikke kunne hæve med det samme.

Kasinoet ser ud til at være ret fleksibelt med indbetalinger, da disse grænseforhøjelser behandles inden for få minutter. Derimod er en stigning i tilbagetrækningsgrænsen stadig ikke blevet godkendt, selv efter 48 timer. Selv de angiveligt generøse tilbagetrækningsgrænser, der præsenteres som kundevenlige, ser faktisk ud til at være designet til forsinkelser. Platforme som Casino Guru anbefaler en hurtig og gennemsigtig udbetaling, som åbenbart ikke blev implementeret her.

Nu tænker jeg på at dele denne oplevelse offentligt for at informere andre og redde dem fra samme skæbne. Hvad synes du om kasinoets adfærd?

Det handler om Deloro Casino!

Redigeret af forfatter 2 måneder siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
2 måneder siden


This is extremely intriguing because the casino in question made a concerted effort to persuade us that their player service and support are unparalleled, devoted, personal, and one-of-a-kind.

If certain conditions are promised, I believe it is fairly simple to carry out such an agreement and it should be upheld. The same is true for any restrictions mentioned in the terms.

I do not know specifics about your experience, but if you believe the casino broke their word and you have a screenshot to support your claim, filing a complaint might be a way to address it.

Limits are a crucial feature because, as you mentioned, if you win a lot, the amount will have an impact on the events. For example, casinos with lower withdrawal limits receive black points from us because it hinders players' daily withdrawal capabilities.

2 måneder siden

Hej Radka,

Jeg er spændt på, om Dominika ser det på samme måde, som vi gør.

Jeg har altid sat pris på personalet, de var venlige, og det er præcis derfor, jeg har boet på dette casino. Men helt ærligt, kasinoets tilgang er skuffende. Jeg er meget såret over den måde, jeg blev behandlet på, og nu virker den indledende "pænhed" som en ren taktik for mig.

Jeg ville aldrig have indbetalt så mange af mine hårdt tjente penge, hvis jeg ikke havde antaget, at hvis jeg vandt, ville jeg kunne hæve det hele uden problemer. Jeg opgav endda en ferie og investerede det hele her.

Den måde, kasinoet behandler kunder på, er bare forfærdelig.

Venlig hilsen,

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 måneder siden

I hope you're experiencing nice afternoon despite this conversation and its nature.

I think such a complex yet sensitive matter needs to be handled separately, carefully considered in accordance with specific details that occurred on both sides.

For example, where a casual player may be in no trouble with a lower withdrawal limit, surely a compulsive player would be in a very risky position. Not to mention what I already said, of course.

Please make sure to explain the whole matter for Dominika with all details included. This is very important; I can't stress this out enough. If you need me along the way, I'll be here.

Redigeret af forfatter 2 måneder siden
2 måneder siden

Åh kære Radka, det er virkelig pænt af dig.

Det er præcis sådan, jeg ser det: For en, der betaler et lille beløb en gang om måneden, er det måske ikke et stort problem. Men i mit tilfælde er det meget smertefuldt.

Ikke desto mindre bør løfter ikke gives, hvis de ikke kan overholdes. Jeg ser Casino Guru som en platform, der hjælper spillere, fordi det er svært at bekæmpe sådanne indspil på egen hånd. Jeg ville endda støtte det, hvis spillere støttede Casino Guru økonomisk, men så bør kun casinoer, der tilbyder deres tjenester på en ansvarlig måde, anbefales.

Jeg forstår, at gambling involverer tab, og jeg er klar over, at man ikke altid vinder. Men når du vinder, burde der ikke være nogen problemer med at udbetale. Disse penge tilhører spilleren, ikke kasinoet - de blev vundet retfærdigt og er på spillerens konto. Kasinoet skal ikke bare bestemme, hvad det skal gøre med det.

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 måneder siden

Hello 🙂 !

Thank you very much for your support. I believe starting with voluntary donation would not be as beneficial as it may seem at first glance, but I appreciate the sentiment, of course.

I read the complaint, and I think it would be beneficial to pay more attention to the discussion you had with the support staff because the personalized withdrawal limits you were given are what matters almost the most.

I therefore advise sending Dominika screenshots of the conversation along with a thorough explanation of what happened. At this point, it almost seems as though the most crucial information is not in the complaint but rather on this forum.

Would you kindly review that?

Additionally, when you describe the events to Dominika, it would be wise not to address her as a casino staff. I honestly can't tell whether it is just a poor auto-translator used on our website, but it may cause misunderstandings—that would be better to avoid.

Do you know what I mean, please?

2 måneder siden

Dear Blerim,

Our limit is not 1k/day - we have many VIPs that have no limit, we have many VIPs that have 20k/day it all depends on the user. 

We are a very flexible casino with our limits so if a player requests to raise it, it can be done within 24-48 hours. 

When we first started the casino our limits were low (around 1k) but increased overtime as we grew. 

You created your account many months ago so we will have to take a look at your player’s limits but withdrawals are never a problem in this casino.

We see that you had a average deposit of around 50 EUR on your account.

You have withdrawn $5,500 instantly throughout the course of your time.

And for Radka’s point - yes we have many active players and none of them have problems with withdrawals which seems to be the main complaint on casinoguru. 

We do not process withdrawals with hopes that players continue to play with the funds - our withdrawals instant.

There are obviously things we can work to improve which we strive for it everyday but instant withdrawals is a large attraction to our site. 

Here is a testimonial quote from one of our players that won $27,000 in a $1,000 bonus buy on pragmatic play

"Del/Oro casino— Sweet bonanza $1000 bonus buy. Casino PAID ME IN 30 seconds. Via INTERAC!" 

Just wanted to give a piece of our side in this discussion

Kind regards, 

Del Oro Casino

DelOro Casino
2 måneder siden

Hey while you’re here, feel free to check why my emails are being ignored 🙁

DelOro Casino
2 måneder siden

So you do response. So why are emails being ignored for months!?

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