baseret på teksten vil jeg ikke sige, at kasinoet har til hensigt at konfiskere dine penge med det samme. I stedet forventer jeg, at deres compliance-team analyserer din aktivitet for at foreslå de bedste muligheder for at hjælpe dig med at spille inden for de sikre grænser.
Eller har du andre detaljer vedrørende konfiskationen? Jeg forstår, at det lyder skræmmende, men ideen er at hjælpe dig med at undgå mulige problemer, ser det ud til.
based on the text, I would not say the casino intends to confiscate your money straight away. Instead, I would expect their compliance team to analyze your activity in order to suggest the best options to help you play within the safe borders.
Or do you have any other details concerning the confiscation? I understand it sounds scary, but the idea is to help you avoid possible problems, it seems.