HjemForumCasinoerJoo Casino – generel debat

Joo Casino – generel debat

 af Ella092
9.202 visninger 58 svar |
1 23
Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Joo Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

Hej allesammen. Jeg har et problem med joocasino. Jeg vandt 1000 euro på dette casino. Casinoet trak 800 euro fra mig på grund af den påståede bonus (kan ikke finde noget om det i vilkår og betingelser...). Nå, jeg har affundet mig med, at jeg kun har 200 euro på min konto. Problemet er nu, at kasinoet ikke ønsker at hæve mine penge, fordi det mindste udbetalingsbeløb er 500 euro. Jeg har ikke en bitcoin-konto, og jeg vil ikke oprette en. Jeg bad høfligt kasinoet om at overføre mine 200 euro til min konto, så jeg endelig kan lukke min konto der. Det ønsker kasinoet ikke. Jeg håber nogen kan hjælpe mig

Automatisk oversættelse:


Ella092, well it's a quite complicated matter, I'd say. Let's start from the beginning. Almost every no deposit bonus has several terms you have to keep in mind, one is called the maximum cashout limit and it tells you how much you will be able to win while the bonus is active. I find the maximal withdrawal limit in the bonus terms section, point 1.7.:

file"1.7. The maximum withdrawal limit from a no deposit bonus including free spins is 50 EUR. The maximum withdrawal limit from no deposit-free spins is 50 EUR. The maximum win restriction persists after the completion of the wagering requirement. The maximum you will ever be able to withdraw from play with funds associated with a (no deposit) bonus is 50 EUR. An exception can be made for loyal players, and in the case of winning, the maximum win amount can be increased. To request a withdrawal, you must fully verify your account and make a minimum deposit."

So it seems that your limit has been raised.

Have you checked the payment options available for players from Germany? Is there any other option you would prefer? I would ask the casino if it is available for you.

Kindly let me know if you manage to find a solution.


Kasinoet svarede mig i e-mailen, at pengene eller de 200 euro ville blive overført ved bankoverførsel som en refusion. Jeg venter stadig på bekræftelsen. Hvis det ikke hjalp, giver jeg dig besked! Mange tak ❤️

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, it seems good 🙂.

Kindly let me know when you receive the money.

Jeg lavede en indbetaling, lavede et par runder, vandt, bad om en udbetaling, den blev annulleret.

Jeg klagede og fik at vide, at min konto ikke var blevet bekræftet. Jeg sendte dokumenterne, selvom jeg ikke kunne trække mig tilbage. Jeg spillede jeg tabte

i mit synspunkt er Joo Casino ikke pålidelig. Jeg lavede flere udbetalingsanmodninger, alle afvist, Payfun wallet, pix og bankoverførsel, jeg spiller på Betano, Jvspin og Nine casino

Automatisk oversættelse:


I'm sorry to say that but it's quite usual that first, your account needs to be verified, in order to send you your winnings. The payment option you opted for doesn't make any changes, I'm afraid. Some casinos send lower sums without verification, but there is some threshold, so you'll be asked to complete the verification eventually.

The exception goes for anonymous casinos - usually crypto ones.

Allow me to mention our point of view:


However, please bear in mind that it’s quite usual for withdrawals to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. This delay may be caused by unfinished KYC verification or a high volume of withdrawal requests.

That’s why we advise players to be patient, cooperate fully with casino, and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before submitting a complaint.

If your account has been successfully verified, your game history checked, your withdrawal approved by the casino, and you still haven't received your winnings by 14 days since requesting the withdrawal, we will intervene and do our best to help you.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.


I'm sorry you lost the balance, though. 🙁


kontoen er verificeret alt er ok med min konto. Hver time, der bad om en tilbagetrækning, blev annulleret af en ny historie.

minimumsbeløb $50,00 reais

Automatisk oversættelse:

I guess that there is nothing else we can do at the moment, if you lost the money, we can't do much, I'm afraid.

Normally, I would suggest a complaint.

Can you share what stories the casino uses? 🤔


Der er virkelig ikke andet.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Ok, thank you for sharing your experience with us.

If you ever feel like you could use some help, please visit us. there is always room for another complaint 🙏.

The point is that we will try to hep you out.

Hej, jeg har et problem med betalingen, hvorfor trækkes den?

Automatisk oversættelse:


I guess the casino should explain it to you. This is the forum, sadly we do not have information from the casinos.

Hej allesammen.

Har et problem med JOO Casino. Det drejer sig om en udbetaling på 700 euro. Selvom bekræftelsen er gennemført, og dokumenterne er blevet uploadet, afvises udbetalingen igen og igen. Vil gerne vide hvorfor?

Automatisk oversættelse:

It's good to hear that they have agreed to transfer the money or the 200 euros as a refund through bank transfer. I understand that you are still waiting for confirmation, so I hope that the process goes smoothly and that you receive the refund as soon as possible.


Nej, jeg venter på udbetalingen, som blev afvist igen.

Hvorfor afvises udbetalingen?

Automatisk oversættelse:


This reply was not meant for you 🙂 but for Ella092:



Hej allesammen.

Har et problem med JOO Casino. Det drejer sig om en udbetaling på 700 euro. Selvom bekræftelsen er gennemført, og dokumenterne er blevet uploadet, afvises udbetalingen igen og igen. Vil gerne vide hvorfor?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello there.

I'd love to answer your question, but sadly I can't. In this case, you should ask the casino.

Are you sure you're not receiving any kind of emails concerning the explanation? Sometimes such emails go directly to the spam or trash folder - worth checking.

If you have no clue, the casino should advise what's wrong.

Try asking the chat operator or support and share the reply, please.

So I deposited into this casino. Took their deposit bonus offer. I played through the wagering amount. No I am trying to withdraw, the issue is that my bank provides me with a digital card only, no phyiscal card.

Now they won't verify me because of this and obviously can't withdraw. They have verified my ID and address. but won't verify where I deposited the funds from.

I am able to provide them with every other form of proof that the deposit came from an account under my name, show proof of the digital card(although they don't accept this). Yet they happily take payments from digital cards.

I think the bigger issue is that even if I had a physical card that had the same numbers and expiry date, the CCV on the back will be different as that is how my bank works. So there is no way from what they are telling me that I can verify myself and withdrawl.

If I had known that digital cards were not allowed, I would have used a different deposit method. I have used digital cards with other Casinos such as RoySpin and Viperspin and have had no issues in verifying myself and withdrawing.

Frustrating to say the least.


Hey, if the casino doesn't give you any other alternative in the deposit to verify the method and then withdraw with it and also doesn't accept your card documents, I would recommend you to file a complaint here on this link

Our team will try to help you and I firmly believe that this situation can be resolved. Of course, if you don't know what to expect from the complaint itself, I've also added a guide here where you can read all the relevant information. 

Are you up for it ?

1 23

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