Kan vi tage det trin for trin her, tak?
Så du spillede med en bonus. Højre? Blev der anvendt en maksimal hævning, og derfor tog kasinoet de penge, der var over grænsen, måske?
Vær opmærksom på, at det er meget vigtigt at læse vilkårene for hver bonus på forhånd, så du er godt informeret om det.
Når du siger, at du også spillede med rigtige penge, kan du så fortælle os præcis, hvordan det var, og hvad du mener, så vi forhåbentlig kan hjælpe?
Could we take it step by step here, please?
So, you played with some bonus. Right? Was there a maximum withdrawal applied, and that is why the casino took the money that was over the limit, perhaps?
Please know that it is very important to read the terms of every bonus beforehand so you are informed about it well.
When you say that you played also with real money, could you tell us exactly how it was and what you mean, please, so we are able to hopefully help?
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