HjemForumCasinoerLamabet Casino – generel debat

Lamabet Casino – generel debat

 af Azael
7.613 visninger 102 svar |
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Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Lamabet Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

The withdrawal of funds was rejected several times. My account currency is Ethereum, so I can only make deposits, play and withdraw funds in this currency. There are no other available payment methods credited to my account. After every rejected withdrawal they ask me to change my withdrawal method. This cannot be done because there is no other payment method. I explain it to them every time, but they don't get it. It is possible to select a different account currency, but after doing so, the account balance is zero. You cannot transfer funds between accounts to withdraw money using a different method.


So, have you any money left in your real balance at this casino? I wouldn't say you would continue playing there. What do you say?

Hi there,

I’ve won on Lamabet and am waiting for over 24 hours so far for my withdrawal to be approved. Still says pending.

seems like not too quick to action there requests. I am verified with my 3 documents.

when I ask the VIP manager he says he can’t give a timeframe. Doesn’t instill great confidence not being given a timeframe.

anyone experienced with withdrawals from here?



Hi. I would say that 24 hours is not that long for the withdrawal to be received, and hopefully the casino will be able to proceed with it soon, especially when your account is fully verified.

Have you had any successful withdrawals there before?

Only one user has written about his experience with the withdrawals at this casino by now, and as far as I can see, it was not very positive. Check it out here 👈.

Let us know any news whenever possible, please.

Hey thanks for your reply.

no I haven’t withdrew anything from here yet.

im limited to 5k at the first day, however I can’t submit another request until this one is processed.

concerned I will be waiting too long or not get it at all. Was going to log a complaint however I can’t because need to wait 2 weeks.

there share different tiers of status. I reached Sapphire where it says, "negotiable cash out limit" however when I ask my, "VIP" manager they say they can’t give anything else but what is said off the website, so there is no benefit to reaching that tier at all in regards to that.



Update is that I just received the Crypto withdrawal!

so seems all ok. Let’s see how the rest goes 🙂

Gladly the withdrawals which were cancelled was due to them not having a bank statement to verify against.

the communication with them is excellent, they helped resolve my issue and have let me know it’s ok now.

it was only 2 days for them to action it which is great. I’ll see how long it takes for the requests just submitted to go through.

on this basis I would definitely be recommending this casino to all. They seem new and lots of opportunities to win.


I am really glad that you've received the money and that they were able to solve everything right away.

Hopefully the rest of your withdrawals will arrive soon as well, and then you will be able to write about your whole experience in a user review.

What do you say? If you describe everything there, it will be very helpful to others to understand how this casino works. And also, it could help the casino to know which things need to be improved.

Here is the link if you decide to do so, and surely keep in touch and let us know how everything goes.

Hi Romi,

I will for sure be leaving a review with my experience.

from the fear of not really knowing if I picked a good one or not to being completely happy with the experience and their communication.

got my bank transfer accepted today so all is fine and now I understand the limits that they have


That's great, really!

So, do you believe that they could improve their communication? In what matter exactly, if I may ask?🤔

Was it not understandable to you before the limits they have set for withdrawals? This should be one of the things support should explain to all the players if there is some lack of understanding, I believe.

Did you ask them to explain it to you, perhaps?

So.... Turns out there was a VIP manager who sent me lots of emails which went to my SPAM folder.

If only I had seen them originally I would have known there was someone there guiding me through the cancellation of deposits (which were because of not going through verification fully).

Anyway, they are really good at communicating, so no issues at all!


I am glad for you. It really happens sometimes that emails of this kind will finish in the spam folder. Never mind; now you'll know better. Right?🙂

So, do you think you'll continue playing there?

Yep for sure. It’s a good place to get play the games 🙂


Great, so especially that everything has been resolved and now you will know that even such situations can happen. If you have any experience, please let us know. 🙂

Foretog to indskud på €50.

Han vandt op til €1.700 på spilleautomater.

Jeg fortsætter med at foretage tilbagetrækningen, og mareridtet begynder. Jeg leverer adskillige dokumenter over tre dage, som altid afvises.

Til sidst bekræfter de med en attest fra min bank, at jeg skal betale.

Sikke en overraskelse...de blokerede min konto og foretog en overførsel på €100. Oprørende og skamfuldt.

Jeg er desperat, de har grinet af mig... de har gjort mig svimmel, så meget de ville.

Hjælp mig venligst. Jeg kan bevise det med e-mails og screenshots.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Have they even explained to you why, though?

Was there some violation of their terms they found, and that's why they blocked your account? 🤔

I hope that our team will be able to find out in your complaint, so it is really nice move that you submitted it.

Let's see how it will unfold. I will keep my fingers crossed for the best resolution possible. 🤞


De siger, at jeg har krænket dem... Jeg ved ikke hvorfor, det er løgn, først forvekslede de mig med verifikationen, det er umuligt. Det ser ud til, at der er flere, så det må være en almindelig praksis. Derudover er de, der overtræder love, dem for at operere ulovligt i Spanien, så da det er ulovligt, kan de spanske myndigheder ikke gøre andet end at indlede en sanktionsprocedure.

Det vil sige, de betaler ikke præmierne, og du kan ikke gøre krav på det, fordi det er ulovligt i Spanien, så der sker ikke noget med dem... det er utroligt.

Automatisk oversættelse:

So your account is not verified there. Right?

According to our information, they don't accept players from Spain, actually.

May I just ask you if you by any chance used a VPN to play at this casino? 🤔

Jeg brugte VON fra Spanien. Jeg registrerede mig med alle mine oplysninger fra Spanien. Jeg indbetalte fra min konto i Spanien...så længe du indbetaler og taber, sker der ingenting. Hvis du vinder, bliver du ikke betalt. Er det normalt?

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