HjemForumCasinoerLTC Casino – generel debat

LTC Casino – generel debat (side 5)

 af millyboo
60.914 visninger 215 svar |
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I truly doubt they casino will pay ,afet all this loes it looks like is a proper illegal casino.

The casino rep mentioned the name of the owner and if they dont pay ill start to search for all the people who got scammed to do a class act against the owner.

Ill get the UkGK to make sureall this casino gets proper ip banned as this casino are operating without a uk license.

If they dont pay winnings ill make sure th3ey will lose ten times their future business, and I'll do that in 100% honest way.

The really thought they were going to scammed all this money and be unpunished?

The game provider is starting legal steps .

Silly people, now they will cost you way more than my 1496.

Wadzan is an amzimg provider and their games are super cool and 5his unlicensed Russian casino made defamatory statement publicly!!

I am so happy the truth came out.


Good on you for your persistence. If they don’t cough up your cash the least the game provider can do is threaten to withdraw all the games they have on their site until they do.

on another matter can you tell me what crypto wallet you use. I have tried several but most don’t make it easy to send receive and withdraw. I found one I’m using now Blockchain but when you deposit through my Apple wallet it takes a minimum of 3 days before I can transfer it to my wallet as it is is what they call on hold. Both of the casinos I use now only offer Bitcoin/Litecoin for depositing and withdrawal. I much prefer Visa deposit and bank transfer withdrawals seems so much simpler to me but maybe your using a wallet that is simple and efficient

I truly doubt they casino will pay ,afet all this loes it looks like is a proper illegal casino.

The casino rep mentioned the name of the owner and if they dont pay ill start to search for all the people who got scammed to do a class act against the owner.

Ill get the UkGK to make sureall this casino gets proper ip banned as this casino are operating without a uk license.

If they dont pay winnings ill make sure th3ey will lose ten times their future business, and I'll do that in 100% honest way.

The really thought they were going to scammed all this money and be unpunished?

The game provider is starting legal steps .

Silly people, now they will cost you way more than my 1496.

Wadzan is an amzimg provider and their games are super cool and 5his unlicensed Russian casino made defamatory statement publicly!!

I am so happy the truth came out.

Hello millyboo.

I must say that this is sadly a rare case where the truth comes up in such an amazing way.

So, thumbs up for your persistence and incredible approach! 👍👌

Whether it's not my place to speak on behalf of Casino Guru, I'm sure that there will be quite an interesting meeting where our teams will debate the proper consequences for this casino.


Hey Radka,

till the very end I wished the casino was genuine but deep inside i felt they weren't.

i never won anything in my life and I waz 2 years without playing because gambling is bad for me.

My mum had a stroke in January and that triggered me to play as I used gambling for years as coping mechanism.

Gambled out of pain to numb the massive grieve I was going trhough.

I still I am.

This two few months have been pure hell and what this casinohas done to me is unforgivable as they added salts into my wounds.

I'm not here to ruin anyone reputation, I just want my winnings as i spent over 15k which is not little money for me.

I'm so grateful that the game provider spoke up, but again i think they have done that more to clear their reputation being thorned by this so called casino as the casino started to lie about them too.

We are dealing with an unlicensed casino so i have my reserves on them paying but if they don't since they revealed the owner of the casino in bitcointalk perhaps something legal could be done.

I'm not sure how it all works as I never encountered such a sordid casino with so little morals.

Will they pay? We need a miracle.

If they don't i truly hope casino guru will prevent this casino to scam anyone else ever.

The whole story is guts retching.

Fingets crossed casino guru sides the goodies and not badies.


I truly doubt they will pay to be honest.

This by far seems the rogues casino I ever seen.

We will see. Fingers cossed but they have been lying from day one and at the beginning till I open all this complaints the just ghosted me hoping i was going away.

They were so mistaken, I'm not giving up.

i always use blockchain tbh., i dont mind to wait.


Hi Daniel,

any news about my complaint?

The casino seems to have made a decision and steal my money and accepting the game provider and neither casino guru checks of the gameplay.

The game provider has stepped out in bitcointalk casino and publicly said there was not irregularity and not bugs on my game history.

Why the case is still open if the casino refuses to pay players?

I really hope casino guru will put this casino in the rogue casino list as i found ltc casino in your site and trusted your the score you gave them.

Other players will get scammed by this casino if credible site like yours gives them unreasonable scores.

I feel is your duty of care to warn players about this so called casino.

I don't get why another week was given to the casino since they publicly said they won't pay me and the game provider has not only made public i did not cheat but they will take legal actions aganist ltc casino as they lied about them and try to slander their company, a very well know and respected game provider in the industry.

PLease do not take side the baddies when all the evidence are there to stop them to scam people.


Wazdan has no problems with LTC Casino sharing the complete data they have on your activities.

I can't share it because the casino blocked my ip and my account and that says it all as not casino would do that as they stopped me to access my data in order to not be able to defend myself.

I give permission to Casino guru to share my data given from. ltc casino to casino guru.

Ltc can come clean and share it for the world to see it and see who's the villain in this tragedy.


Here we go!!

Official statemtent from the game provider!

Ltc casino got served.

Are this still gonna call others scammers?

Happy to go try legal ways, the game provider spoken and they are also going to take legal action.

I'm so happy this scammers have been exposed.

I hope now casino guru will distance themselves from this criminal organisation.

They are stealing money so blantaly.

I hope the game provider will make them spend enough money in legal fees that they will cry for not paying me.


Wow! This is getting really interesting.

I'd like to highlight following:

And now, for the end, a few facts:
- probability in slot games doesn't mean that an event is impossible to happen more often than on "average" - it is a basic fact of maths. Do you think, that when during a toss of a coin, it is impossible to get ten "heads" in a row, just because the probability of it is low?
- we answered all your questions, and we ASSURED you, that after the check of the gameplay everything was absolutely ok with it.
- is there any point in our games T&C or in your casino T&C which makes forbidden for the player to play long game sessions on one game? Is it a crime, is it an abuse of T&C or is it just one of your abusive practices to avoid the payout of money which were won?
- your  casino doesn't have any gaming license and is not providing even the name of the owner company or any address of it. Seems a bit scam, isn't it?
TO SUM things for all the players: all stated here by LTC Casino representative accusations, that Wazdan brand is, in any case, a responsible for this situation are not true and most probably an attempt to avoid a payout to the player. We are not responsible for it and we are very sorry to see such practices in our industry.  We are also encouraging all players from this forum to find our games on different brands than LTC Casino and we are happy that this "product which is pretending to be a casino" is not offering our games anymore.

Honestly, I've never read anything similar to this conversation between a player, a casino and a game provider. I found a direct link to the conversation on the other forum and forwarded it to Andrej as well. We'll discuss this case once again on our regular meeting on Wednesday. The casino got a very decent rating from us and it currently seems that it's not well deserved.


I think the casino really thought they were going to scam me and ghost me.

I bet the have done that to so many people maybe for less money and people give up because the web is full of scammers.

But I deposited so much money and won a lot only after 2 months playing.

I doubt this casino cares about their reputation but I hope casino guru drops their score to the ground where they belong.

Worse rogue casino i ever seen, they gaslight everyone!

For sure the guy replyin its him, not rep would be so crazy to make such public accusation aganist a game provider.

Now they have wrote that the game provider profile is fake!

I have written an email to the game provider to let them know as this situation is getting crazy.

This casino not only is scaming people but they fear nothing.

I know they are scammers because I did not cheat.

The ocean affilate in watch dog said I was a suspicious player because I played 16 hour in just one slot.

The funny part when I was losing money they did not find that suspicious and they were all happy as they were making money.

I have asked them to close my account as I couldn't stop and they were exploting vulnerable players refusing to close the account.

They kept my account open and only banned my IP once they had to pay.

If this is not a rogue casino honestly I don't know what it is.

This Andrei is living his best life scaming people.

How much did you win in usd? What is the amount they refuse to pay?


1496 LTC.





He publicly blamed the askgamblers website




He left a complaint on the AskGamblers website about the OSHI casino, but the AskGamblers refused to accept it. This guy asked for cashback. Sorry for my English

With 15,000 GBR you will be able to open the same casino as LTCCasino. It costs nothing

This guy disappeared from Russia, he had debts of 300,000 euros


Askgamblers are not trustful, they are paid by casinos. I have made several complaints with evidence and they still rejected my complaints and then closed my account for being rude. Yes I know truth hurts...

Wow 150k usd, that could have been a life changing, I feel your pain honestly. This is why I don't play jackpot games, I'm always worried if I win too big, I won't get paid. So I prefer to not win them, rather than win and then not be paid, I'll feel even worse.

150k is a big amount to pay indeed, have you tried to ask them to be paid like 5k or 10k monthly. I know it will take time but at least you will have your winnings?


Yes if want steal money like them for sure.

But I'm not a scammer like them.

check what ocean affiliate wrote at guard dog site where this Andrei promotes is scam casino.


Now they are saying I have won 4 jackpots on a row!


First I have won 3 and they were not on a row.

one was beginning of jan anc the last tow end of Feb and they were not ona row as this lies are saying.

Also this slots has a bonus future with 4 jackpots they are not progressive but part of the game.

This casino is really something else.


This casino dosent want to pay anything!!

ask gamblers i agree , they are not fair and they get paid as everyone else so they almost always side the casino.

Ltc casino withdrawn limits is 15ltc and if u win big they will still pay u crumbs, but is now a fact that they dont pay at all.

They keep lying and showing proves or evidence to keep my money.


Han er en svindler, han giver alle skylden, fordi han ingen penge har, han er gået konkurs.

Automatisk oversættelse:

he must be stopped!

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