ForumCasinoerMr Bet Casino – generel debat

Mr Bet Casino – generel debat (side 13)

2 år siden af michifran555
43880 visninger 381 svar |
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2 måneder siden

Jeg er interesseret i, hvordan man kan tage retslige skridt mod dette casino. Er der advokater, der har specialiseret sig i dette?

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 måneder siden

I think you'll find a lawyer, but I can't recommend one. You'll have to do some searching on the internet or maybe ask other players, because I don't have any experience with that and legal stuff is out of our spectrum. 

Would you like to take it that far ? 

2 måneder siden

Hej, jeg har forsøgt at hæve penge i 10 dage, og 4 transaktioner med forskellige betalingsmetoder mislykkes allerede. Jeg har allerede forstået, at det er en fidus, fordi forsinkelsestider ikke er normale, og at de kun fortæller dig, at du skal være tålmodig. men godt jeg ville downloade her, og jeg vil se om der juridisk kan gøres noget, selvom jeg synes det er svært

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 måneder siden

Hello. Did the casino explain anything to you about why it is still failing?🤔 You said in your complaint that your account is fully verified, right? Have you had any successful withdrawals there before?

Hopefully, our team will be able to get to the bottom of things soon, and you'll be able to get your money. Just please keep us updated about any changes.

2 måneder siden

Hej, det er det største problem, at de ikke giver dig nogen forklaring. Den 24. juni anmoder jeg om tilbagetrækningen, den 25. beder de mig om verifikation med dokumenter og den 26. modtager jeg mailen om, at alt er verificeret. Jeg ændrede status på tilbagetrækningen fra "afventer" til "i gang", og efter 2 dage modtog jeg en e-mail om, at tilbagetrækningen mislykkedes. Fra da af laver jeg yderligere 4 hævninger, der er "afventende" i 2 dage, og så siger de, at det mislykkedes uden at give nogen forklaring. Nu forsøgte jeg at indbetale for at se, om det ville fjerne blokeringen af situationen, og det ser ikke ud til, at de forlod kontoen hos mig uden at kunne gøre noget eller hæve eller indbetale. Og i kundeservice fortæller de dig kun, at de giver det videre til den tilsvarende afdeling, men de kontakter dig aldrig fra den pågældende afdeling. Meget dårlig oplevelse og får mig til at tro, at jeg aldrig vil kunne få pengene. filefile

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 måneder siden

Hey there,

Is that uruguayan money 200$ each or how much? One time they delayed me 3 weeks for 100$+ but they pay. Other times it was under 48hrs. I am talking from personal experience that they pay but they have a long list sometimes from the hits. They seem limited. But they always pay. Just give it some time. I found their slots to be the best and fairest of 99% of other casinos. Even crypto casinos which pay on the spot.

I am writing this coz I felt same as you. No explanation, just wait, but they always paid. Hope this helps!

2 måneder siden

Hey there,

Is that uruguayan money 200$ each or how much? One time they delayed me 3 weeks for 100$+ but they pay. Other times it was under 48hrs. I am talking from personal experience that they pay but they have a long list sometimes from the hits. They seem limited. But they always pay. Just give it some time. I found their slots to be the best and fairest of 99% of other casinos. Even crypto casinos which pay on the spot.

I am writing this coz I felt same as you. No explanation, just wait, but they always paid. Hope this helps!

2 måneder siden

Jeg håber det, men det er meget mærkeligt. Jeg har cirka 12.000 dollars at hæve. Men det, der afskrækker mig, er, at det var verificeret, pengene var blevet trukket fra kontoen, og så mislykkedes det igen og igen. Så fortalte de mig, at der manglede en bekræftelse, da den allerede var i orden, og de havde debiteret mig pengene. Nu er jeg som den første dag med tilbagetrækningen afventende og afventende. Jeg har ventet i 2 uger, og de har ikke fortalt mig, hvad der er galt.

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 måneder siden

Ah shit, thats alot of money. Ok let me explain to you as I have investigated this matter online. You prob have done sports betting. W/e it was u bet on, on largw sums, they say it on TOS that they will pay u 5k (i think it is) in one month and rest next month, till the full sum is paid. They keep a waiting list. I stil believe they will pay, but might take a while. Sadly, this is the type of casino they run. They seem to have limited funds or dont want to bankrupt the casino so they put a waiting list.

There is nothing you can do. Just wait. Maybe will take 2 or 3 months but they seem to pay. Again, they delayed my 100$ for 3weeks ao go figure lol. You best learn to play with crypto. I say give it some time and dont touch that money. Most of the problems arise when people cancel and punt all the money. You might need it now but nothing you can do. Just wait! Thats their bussines model lol. But they seem fair. In the end they pay. Hope they do for you too.

Like I have a locally licensed casino in my province, Magic Red, they are the biggest scam. Never play there. We think Curqcao are bed but even this one in Ontario, Canada, is worst. I didnt want to file here for a claim so I have considered the money I had with them gone. No point for 120$. I only play slots. GL and give it some time! 🤗

Redigeret af forfatter 2 måneder siden
2 måneder siden

Ah shit, thats alot of money. Ok let me explain to you as I have investigated this matter online. You prob have done sports betting. W/e it was u bet on, on largw sums, they say it on TOS that they will pay u 5k (i think it is) in one month and rest next month, till the full sum is paid. They keep a waiting list. I stil believe they will pay, but might take a while. Sadly, this is the type of casino they run. They seem to have limited funds or dont want to bankrupt the casino so they put a waiting list.

There is nothing you can do. Just wait. Maybe will take 2 or 3 months but they seem to pay. Again, they delayed my 100$ for 3weeks ao go figure lol. You best learn to play with crypto. I say give it some time and dont touch that money. Most of the problems arise when people cancel and punt all the money. You might need it now but nothing you can do. Just wait! Thats their bussines model lol. But they seem fair. In the end they pay. Hope they do for you too.

Like I have a locally licensed casino in my province, Magic Red, they are the biggest scam. Never play there. We think Curqcao are bed but even this one in Ontario, Canada, is worst. I didnt want to file here for a claim so I have considered the money I had with them gone. No point for 120$. I only play slots. GL and give it some time! 🤗

2 måneder siden

Jeg vandt den faktisk på slots. Jeg var heldig haha, men lad os nu vente. Jeg forventer ikke at de betaler mig alt hurtigt men i det mindste en hævning på 5.000 som er maksimum og så tager de tid med resten men jeg vil have at de giver mig ro i sindet med en hævning til at vente roligt på de andre . Jeg håber at være heldig, da det var meget godt for mig at få dækket udgifterne til en hjerteoperation for min 6 måneder gamle nevø. Jeg troede aldrig, jeg ville vinde de penge, jeg satte kun 75 dollars ind for at have det sjovt, og jeg tjente næsten, hvad operationen kostede, hvilket gav mig en masse glæde, og at jeg nu ikke kan få dem, er nedslående, da operationen bliver i de næste par uger og med de penge bragte vi en bedre hjertespecialist til at hjælpe i operationen

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 måneder siden

Oh yea, mrbet slots are fire lol. I have tried many casinos, crypto and fiat, but mrbet slots are the best. Hey bri, I totally understand you. I still believe they will pay. But you gotta understand, gotta pay for the nephew surgery with other means and give this to him or whoever paid to help when u get it. It seems that the casino pays. Just give it some time. And dont bother going to chat coz I went 3 times and they told me same: sometimes they are many payments to make so just wait. And it was over 100$+ for 3 weeks wait lol. Gratz again and I understand you but just wait and IN NO WAY, DONT TOUCH THAT CANCELLATION BUTTON. I know as a gambler that our mind plays tricks on us but just DONT TOUCH IT. What slot u won btw haha; sick score 🤣

2 måneder siden

Oh yea, mrbet slots are fire lol. I have tried many casinos, crypto and fiat, but mrbet slots are the best. Hey bri, I totally understand you. I still believe they will pay. But you gotta understand, gotta pay for the nephew surgery with other means and give this to him or whoever paid to help when u get it. It seems that the casino pays. Just give it some time. And dont bother going to chat coz I went 3 times and they told me same: sometimes they are many payments to make so just wait. And it was over 100$+ for 3 weeks wait lol. Gratz again and I understand you but just wait and IN NO WAY, DONT TOUCH THAT CANCELLATION BUTTON. I know as a gambler that our mind plays tricks on us but just DONT TOUCH IT. What slot u won btw haha; sick score 🤣

2 måneder siden

Ja, jeg forstår dig og sådan bliver det. Vi kommer til at lave operationen ved at sælge en bil, hvis det er nødvendigt, men det var ligesom noget sendt fra oven, for at de penge skulle komme sådan ud af ingenting.

vind 3000x i Zeus vs Hades, der spiller for 1 dollar, og vind derefter 2200x i ønsket spil for 4 dollars. Alt på 3 timer kunne jeg ikke tro det.

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 måneder siden

Wow, thats sick lol. You big degen to play 1$ spin with 75$ depo lolol. I do 20c. Thats why I dont win that big. But yea, as I said, mrbet slots are maybe, the most fair in the casino world. So its best to keep a good relation. Just wait, they will pay. Gratz again!

2 måneder siden

Hej, det er det største problem, at de ikke giver dig nogen forklaring. Den 24. juni anmoder jeg om tilbagetrækningen, den 25. beder de mig om verifikation med dokumenter og den 26. modtager jeg mailen om, at alt er verificeret. Jeg ændrede status på tilbagetrækningen fra "afventer" til "i gang", og efter 2 dage modtog jeg en e-mail om, at tilbagetrækningen mislykkedes. Fra da af laver jeg yderligere 4 hævninger, der er "afventende" i 2 dage, og så siger de, at det mislykkedes uden at give nogen forklaring. Nu forsøgte jeg at indbetale for at se, om det ville fjerne blokeringen af situationen, og det ser ikke ud til, at de forlod kontoen hos mig uden at kunne gøre noget eller hæve eller indbetale. Og i kundeservice fortæller de dig kun, at de giver det videre til den tilsvarende afdeling, men de kontakter dig aldrig fra den pågældende afdeling. Meget dårlig oplevelse og får mig til at tro, at jeg aldrig vil kunne få pengene. filefile

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 måneder siden

Which payment method did you choose to get the withdrawal with and in what state is it now?

Nick will go through your complaint soon, so hopefully we will learn something new. 🤞

2 måneder siden

Hey there,

Is that uruguayan money 200$ each or how much? One time they delayed me 3 weeks for 100$+ but they pay. Other times it was under 48hrs. I am talking from personal experience that they pay but they have a long list sometimes from the hits. They seem limited. But they always pay. Just give it some time. I found their slots to be the best and fairest of 99% of other casinos. Even crypto casinos which pay on the spot.

I am writing this coz I felt same as you. No explanation, just wait, but they always paid. Hope this helps!

2 måneder siden

Hey. Have you thought about writing a user review about your experience with this casino? It is really helpful and others can learn more about each casino. Here's the link if you decide to express yourself.😉

Do you still play there, btw?

2 måneder siden

no, i wont anymore; i did one and deleted it after they paid me, BTW, you love to delete my reviews Romi 😀 I did one about Magic Red, which is a real scam here in Ontario and you deleted it 😀 so im done. Hope u well!

2 måneder siden

Hey, it was not deleted, actually. We kindly asked you to provide more details about it, as you have received the rejection reason by email. If a player doesn't describe the issue well or doesn't say much about a casino, it doesn't meet our guidelines. We aim to show players clear reviews full of information, so they can understand better what to expect or not from a casino.

Feel free to submit a new one where you include more about your experience, please.

2 måneder siden

I never received that email. Love ya Romi; now going to sleep lol ❤

2 måneder siden

Really? That is weird.🤔

So if you get a chance, you can write another review if you wish.

Great! Have a nice sleep then.

2 måneder siden

Hej, jeg har allerede prøvet binance pay, trc20, lithecoin, og de mislykkes alle. Nu har det været afventende i mere end 3 hverdage.

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 måneder siden

As I read in your complaint, you had to go through some additional verification. Is that right? Did they tell you the reason for it?🤔

Now hopefully it'll be all good, and soon you will receive your money.

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