HjemForumCasinoerPowbet Casino – generel debat

Powbet Casino – generel debat (side 3)

 af vfranky
22.359 visninger 138 svar |
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You know, I think it would be better to ask the chat operator or casino's support. When we can only guess, a real casino employee should provide certain answers.

See this:

I can't tell you why the casino thinks your account does not need to pass the KYC verification. Sometimes it is not necessary, for example, when your withdrawable amount is below a threshold.

"In addition, they told me that I can make up to 3 withdrawals of 500 euros, is this valid?"

What makes you think it is not? You should consult the casino's terms and conditions in order to find out.

"and if you win more money, do you lose it?" Sure, you can, if you keep playing.

Are you concerned about what happens if you somehow win more than 1500 euros? Most likely, you will submit a withdrawal request for a higher sum, and your account will undergo verification. In my opinion, it would be good to consult the casino's withdrawal limits.

Start right here:


Når jeg ser denne tråd, vil jeg ikke satse på dette casino. Jeg vil hellere undgå end fortryde...

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, I think it's always a good idea to inquire about a casino before you play there and I see that you have done so now. It's definitely the right thing to do and based on what you've seen or read, you might save yourself some worries in the future. I commend your attitude. 🙂 👍

God aften. powbet er nede, det virker ikke, og vi har penge i det. Ved du noget?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, I just tested the casino and it works fine for me, please, give it another try.



it had problems yesterday now its ok. thank you!

My withdrawal was not processed


My withdrawal was not processed on this site, powbet


Hi, how long has it been since your withdrawal has not been processed ? Did you communicate with the casino and did they say any reason ? Do you have a verified casino account ? 

Let me know where you stand. 

Hej, jeg investerede €250 i powbet, nu har jeg €270, og jeg vil hæve det. Jeg forstår ikke, hvorfor de ikke giver mig lov og ikke giver mig nogen detaljer om, hvorfor de annullerede min tilbagetrækning. De annullerer altid min tilbagetrækning.

Jeg er ikke verificeret, jeg prøver at verificere mig selv, og det vil ikke lade mig og fortæller mig, at de ikke behøver at verificere mig. Jeg ved ikke, hvordan jeg skal verificere mig selv, og jeg vil hæve pengene, og det vil jeg ikke.

Automatisk oversættelse:


I replied to you here 👈, but feel free to keep the conversation here, if you don't mind. 🙏

Jeg forstår ikke, ud fra hvilke kriterier, netop dette casino har sådan en "høj rating" , når flertallet af spillere i vid udstrækning er blevet forurettet.

Bortset fra dine penge, som hvis det lykkes dig at få dem på et tidspunkt, er det meget sandsynligt, at du mister din ro i sindet . De lange tider, der kræves for nogen at foretage en udbetaling, er den taktik, virksomheden følger, så spilleren fortsætter til "udbetalingsannullering" , som et resultat af, at der er stor mulighed for at miste sine penge!

Det kræver meget opmærksomhed!

Det er ikke licenseret af Malta Gaming Authority.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Geia sou. I have a question for you, may I 🙋‍♀️? Are you actually talking about some of your experiences at this casino? Would you like to describe it to everyone better, perhaps? 🤔

Also to your wonderment, how come this casino has got such a high rating, I would like to describe a bit how do we work, which criteria we take into the consideration when it comes to "rating" the casinos. Our casino review process takes into account a huge amount of information about each casino, which is collected by members of our review team. This information can be grouped into five main categories, which are:

Size of the casino

Player complaints

Deductions for restrictive or unfair practices

Points added for positive qualities

Related casinos

However, the user reviews are actually not included in the "safety index" of a casino, so if players don't file a complaint where they can prove what the casino is doing wrong, unfortunately the user review they write won't have any impact whatsoever🤷‍♀️. Also the same goes for the forum posts.

If you are interested in some reading, I would recommend this article 👈, just to better understand how do we work. What do you say?


Det, jeg nævner, er min personlige erfaring, behandlingstiderne er virkelig enorme. Forestil dig, at der er kasinoer, der betaler på få minutter !

De har et meget flot og rigt casino, og hvis de holder udbetalingen - indskudsgevinster korte , vil de vinde store!

Automatisk oversættelse:

I would not say "minutes" are standard, but I agree. The most important quality, aside from support responsiveness and pro-client attitude, is, without a doubt, withdrawal speed.

Casinos with huge delays should definitely work on that. 🤷‍♀️

Thank you for the insight.🙏


Har ikke modtaget en udbetaling i 6 dage. Undskyldning efter undskyldning. Hænderne væk. Denne side er en fidus. De vil have mig til at annullere udbetalingen og miste alt

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi there. May I ask, if this is your first withdrawal at this casino, or you've had some others before, so your account is fully verified? The reason I am asking is, that the delay may be caused by the ongoing verification, as Veronika has also explained in your complaint 👈. Before getting in any conclusions about this casino, you should check the verification of your account. What do you reckon? In my opinion, that could help you better understand why the casino is delaying your payment to be processed.



Dette er min første udbetaling, og jeg kan ikke engang verificere mig selv, fordi det nok ikke er "nødvendigt" endnu 🙂

Ingen penge i 7 dage. 100 % fidusstøtte siger det samme lort hver gang

Automatisk oversættelse:

We give casinos 14 days to resolve either the withdrawal process or the account verification process, which is mentioned in your complaint. 

However, from what you wrote in it a moment ago, I see that the casino has started and asked for verification. So you will have to pass it first before you can withdraw money. I don't think that should be a problem and we'll see where you get after that. 

If the issues persist, then you have an open complaint and we will try to help. 

If you are successfully verified or have an update, be sure to let us know. 🙂

I wish you luck ☘️

Ja, jeg sendte bekræftelsen, men det faktum, at det tager 7 dage bare at anmode om det, er latterligt. De vidste præcis, at de ville have kyc. 7 dage bare for at anmode om det hahahah de kunne have gjort det på dagen for udbetalingen!!!

Automatisk oversættelse:
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