HjemForumCasinoerRooster Bet Casino – generel debat

Rooster Bet Casino – generel debat (side 3)

 af atti38
6.159 visninger 63 svar |
12 3 4

Hello, it might be good to be a little more specific about what happened to you in the casino. From what I've seen, I understand that your casino account was closed. What was the reason for that, did the casino tell you? When you couldn't make a withdrawal and there was a problem with the cards, what requirements did it have to meet? Did you do a payment method verification or not? 

Please try to tell me a little bit more about it.

Hello, it might be good to be a little more specific about what happened to you in the casino. From what I've seen, I understand that your casino account was closed. What was the reason for that, did the casino tell you? When you couldn't make a withdrawal and there was a problem with the cards, what requirements did it have to meet? Did you do a payment method verification or not? 

Please try to tell me a little bit more about it.

Jeg fik selv lukket spillet ned

De er forfærdelige

Det er et fupkasino, og jeg har spillet høje beløb hver måned i mange dage

Personalet manipulerer slots

Der kan ikke være nogen anden forklaring.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Oh, so you closed your account.

Do you have any evidence that you think the staff is manipulating the slots or just that you think so? Did you lose a lot of money there and that's why you feel that way? 

I don't mean to sound offensive, I'm just trying to understand the situation more. 

Jeg havde en fantastisk tid, fremragende kvalitet websted og fremragende færdigheder.

Og altid tilgængelig.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hanebet drevet af VIP-managere

Ikke kun er de bare tyve, der manipulerer slotsalgoritmen

De er bare klovne, der røver folk og intet mere

Roosterbet Casino

Det eneste casino, hvor du altid fylder din spilkonto op og aldrig hæver


For ikke at nævne, at VIP-manageren er en rigtig uhøflig person, der tør prøve det sammen med folk. Han gjorde det med mig og to andre kvinder, og jeg bekræfter, og jeg har bevis for, hvad jeg siger.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Oh, so you closed your account.

Do you have any evidence that you think the staff is manipulating the slots or just that you think so? Did you lose a lot of money there and that's why you feel that way? 

I don't mean to sound offensive, I'm just trying to understand the situation more. 

Jeg, som mange andre, er blevet bestjålet af dette kasino.

Slots, der fryser under spil, lige når slotsen efter flere omgange skulle begynde at udbetale

Med beskeder, der ankommer punktligt under spillet fra dem, skal du klikke på linket for at komme ind i spillet igen

Frygtelig og modbydelig oplevelse

Den eneste dårlige oplevelse i mit liv

Jeg havde aldrig indlæst så mange penge i et kasino i så lang tid og tabte hurtigt, fordi slots under spillet fryser igen og igen.



Redigeret af forfatter
Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg havde en fantastisk tid, fremragende kvalitet websted og fremragende færdigheder.

Og altid tilgængelig.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hey, I see you have a favorite casino.

But may I know what skills are you talking about?😀

Jeg, som mange andre, er blevet bestjålet af dette kasino.

Slots, der fryser under spil, lige når slotsen efter flere omgange skulle begynde at udbetale

Med beskeder, der ankommer punktligt under spillet fra dem, skal du klikke på linket for at komme ind i spillet igen

Frygtelig og modbydelig oplevelse

Den eneste dårlige oplevelse i mit liv

Jeg havde aldrig indlæst så mange penge i et kasino i så lang tid og tabte hurtigt, fordi slots under spillet fryser igen og igen.



Automatisk oversættelse:

Okay, so I assume you contacted the casino and said that this kind of thing happens to you, did they give you a response? If your games are freezing frequently, it's probably not normal. But I know that sometimes it can be on the player's side that it happens. Sometimes it's on the provider's side, so that's why I'm asking. 

Absolut ikke

Først og fremmest er jeg computertekniker, så jeg forstår det

Det er hverken et forbindelses- eller udbyderproblem.

Så meget, at hvis jeg ikke klikkede på henvisningslinket sendt af dem, kunne jeg ikke genstarte spillet

Roosterbet casino drives af svindlere, og det er ikke til debat.

Kontaktet flere gange, konkluderede jeg kun, at de overbeviste mig om at spille igen ved at snyde mig for langt over 10.000 euro

Hvilken spilleautomat betaler ikke efter en sekvens af spins

Ingen, fordi spilleautomaten efter et vist antal spin udbetaler penge


Redigeret af forfatter
Automatisk oversættelse:

I thought about recommending you to complain but I have a feeling that the main issue is that "Slot Does Not Pay After A Sequence of Spins" and you wouldn't get far with that, since the casino always has an advantage over the player. 

How did the casino convince you to play there again and lose more money? 

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One of the best online casinos and has all the specifications of other casinos and advances them in development.



what did you intend to say, please? I honestly can't tell... To be completely straight with you, at first glance I was sure it was a poor link-building attempt, missing the link. 🙂


The most luxurious casino in my opinion

The credibility of the rewards and their high value attract me, and the speed of withdrawing money


Ok. May I ask for your opinion regarding the most effective payment option in this casino?

How long did it take, for instance?

the rooster bet My favorite casino is a casino with high efficiency and speed


When you say it is the fastest, what do you mean? Do you mean any withdrawals? 


Yes, my friend, withdrawing money does not take long


Good to hear. How long was it in your case then?

Super kasino. Jeg bliver rigtig godt belønnet for mine indbetalinger fra VIP-support: tak for det

Automatisk oversættelse:
12 3 4

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